This document will introduce you to systems engineering and then describe how systems engineering can be applied to your ITS projects.
Here is a breakdown of the 6 remaining chapters and what you will find in each:
Chapter 2: What Is Systems Engineering? sets the stage for the following chapters by defining some key terms and explaining the guiding principles behind systems engineering. Various systems engineering project lifecycle models are introduced. approaches. The chapter also gives some background on the FHWA Regulation and FTA Policy requirements for systems engineering.
Chapter 3: The Systems Engineering Process follows an ITS system from initial operations planning all the way through retirement of the implemented system. The systems engineering approach is described in the context of SE project life cycle models and steps through topics like Concept of Operations, Requirements, Design and Testing. The chapter also includes a discussion of key cross-cutting processes that apply to many of the steps in the life cycle.
Chapter 4: Managing SE Projects provides an agency perspective on managing the systems engineering for an ITS project. It discusses evaluating the risk associated with a project and considers the actions an agency might engage in depending on the level of risk identified for the project. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the FHWA regulation/ FTA policy relating to Architecture and Standards, including a discussion of the requirements for Systems Engineering Analysis.
Chapter 5: Systems Engineering Resources lists many excellent books, reports, training courses, and other systems engineering resources that you can use to learn more about any of the systems engineering topics that are introduced in this document.
Chapter 6: Systems Engineering Documentation provides a series of templates for each of the systems engineering documents that could be developed on a specific project.
Chapter 7: Glossary and Acronyms provides definitions of terms used in the document.