Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Staff Phone Directory

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Operations Staff
Last Name First Name Extension
Ali Usman (202) 366-5866
Austrich James (202) 366-0731
Azubike Kingsley (202) 853-0003
Blizzard Stacie (850) 778-7941
Briggs Valerie (202) 366-6726
Brown Jeremy (202) 366-8043
Cahill Brian (202) 366-9083
Cain Michael (515) 626-0132
Calawa Martin (202) 579-2549
Carnes Jason (202) 366-5280
Colyar James (360) 753-9408
Conrad Lydia (202) 366-1243
Corbin John (708) 325-6256
Corrado Frank (689) 262-0211
Crump Harry (202) 366-9849
Cuevas Sharon (202) 923-0974
Curtis Eddie (404) 562-3576
Dean Patricia (202) 366-0857
During Walter (202) 366-7979
Essenmacher Cynthia (202) 780-6178
Flom Ewa (202) 366-1559
Fogle (Jacobs) Angela (202) 366-0076
Franco Franbi (202) 385-2628
Garling Jim (202) 366-2155
Gordon Sharon (601) 715-3500
Greenberg Allen (202) 366-2425
Gregory Joseph (202) 366-0610
Harris David (202) 366-2825
Hughes Caitlin (202) 493-0457
Hunt Jim (202) 680-2679
Jodoin Paul (202) 366-5465
Johnson David (202) 366-1301
Jones Greg (404) 895-6220
Julien Tiffany (202) 366-9241
Kapitanov Martha (202) 695-0736
Knopp Martin (202) 366-1559
Latuszek Michael (573) 638-2619
Lee Jaesup (202) 366-2317
Loyselle Michael (502) 395-0597
Mackey Jamie (385) 831-4262
Makuley Adam (317) 226-7482
McClelland Michael (202) 366-6738
McCloud Carlos (225) 757-7623
McGuffey Jeremy (202) 366-2183
Mentjes Dean (217) 492-4631
Millard Chip (202) 366-4415
Mullins Sonya (202) 366-1713
Opiola Jack (202) 366-2425
Pandey Birat (202) 366-2842
Paracha Jawad (202) 366-4628
Peterson Todd (202) 366-1988
Prillerman Nanette (202) 366-1808
Purdy Jeff (202) 366-6993
Radovich Ambryn (202) 366-0408
Randall Lisa (415) 748-8399
Rivera Jorge (407) 867-6406
Satterfield Walt (202) 941-8954
Scriba Tracy (202) 366-0855
Skilton Keith (445) 867-0311
Spiller Neil (202) 366-2188
Sylvester Kevin (202) 366-2161
Tebo Joseph (202) 366-9242
Timm Ashley (703) 404-6376
Truban Paul (202) 366-3379
Whitfield Toni (602) 382-8960
Won Jongsun (202) 366-1327
Woodmansey Alan (406) 594-4518
Zeller Matthew (609) 637-4204
Zimmer Barry (202) 366-4082
Zoretic Adison (202) 366-6054


Operations Staff by Program Office

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations (HOP)
Mail Stop: E86-205
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590


Office of the Associate Administrator
Staff Member Title Extension
Martin Knopp Associate Administrator (202) 366-1559
Ewa Flom Senior Advisor (202) 366-1559


Operations Support Team
Staff Member Title Extension
Barry Zimmer Manager (202) 366-4082
Jeremy Brown   (202) 366-8043
Lydia Conrad empty cell (202) 366-1243
Harry Crump empty cell (202) 366-9849
Patricia Dean empty cell (202) 366-0857
Adam Makuley empty cell (317) 226-7482
Sonya Mullins empty cell (202) 366-1713
Nanette Prillerman empty cell (202) 366-1808
Ambryn Radovich empty cell (202) 366-0408


Office of Transportation Management
Staff Member Title Extension
Valerie Briggs Director (202) 366-6726
David Harris Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovative Mobility Development (ATTIMD)/Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovation (ATTAIN) Program Manager (202) 366-2825
Jim Garling Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovative Mobility Development (ATTIMD)/Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovation (ATTAIN) Program Manager (202) 366-2155
Usman Ali empty cell (202) 366-5866
Kingsley Azubike empty cell (202) 853-0003
James Colyar empty cell (360) 753-9408
John Corbin Empty Cell (708) 325-6256
Frank Corrado Grant Program Manager, Congestion Relief Grant Program (689) 262-0211
Sharon Cuevas Empty Cell (202) 923-0974
Eddie Curtis empty cell (404) 562-3576
Walter During empty cell (202) 366-7979
Cynthia Essenmacher empty cell (202) 780-6178
Angela Fogle (Jacobs) empty cell (202) 366-0076
Allen Greenberg empty cell (202) 366-2425
Joseph (Joe) Gregory empty cell (202) 366-0610
Jim Hunt empty cell (202) 680-2679
Greg Jones empty cell (404) 895-6220
Jamie Mackey empty cell (385) 831-4262
Carlos McCloud empty cell (225) 757-7623
Chip Millard empty cell (202) 366-4415
Jack Opiola   (202) 366-2425
Neil Spiller empty cell (202) 366-2188
Tracy Scriba Empty Cell (202) 366-0855
Govind Vadakpat Empty Cell (202) 366-5004
Jongsun Won   (202) 366-1327


Office of Freight Management & Operations
Staff Member Title Extension
Caitlin Hughes Director (202) 493-0457
Stacie Blizzard empty cell (850) 778-7941
Michael Cain empty cell (515) 626-0132
Sharon Gordon empty cell (601) 715-3500
Tiffany Julien empty cell (202) 366-9241
Michael Latuszek   (573) 638-2619
Jaesup Lee   (202) 366-2317
Michael Loyselle   (502) 223-6748
Birat Pandey empty cell (202) 366-2842
Jeff Purdy empty cell (202) 366-6993
Lisa Randall empty cell (415) 748-8399
Jorge Rivera   (407) 867-6406
Walt Satterfield empty cell (202) 941-8954
Keith Skilton empty cell (445) 867-0311
Paul Truban   (202) 366-3379
Alan Woodmansey empty cell (406) 594-4518



Office of Transportation Operations
Staff Member Title Extension
Kevin Sylvester Acting Director (202) 366-6726
Usman Ali empty cell (202) 366-5866
James Austrich empty cell (202) 366-0731
Martin Calawa empty cell (202) 579-2549
Jason Carnes empty cell (202) 366-5280
Franbi Franco empty cell (202) 385-2628
Paul Jodoin empty cell (202) 366-5465
David Johnson empty cell (202) 366-1301
Martha Kapitanov empty cell (202) 695-0736
Michael McClelland empty cell (202) 366-6738
Jeremy McGuffey   (202) 366-2183
Dean Mentjes empty cell (217) 492-4631
Jawad Paracha empty cell (202) 366-4628
Todd Peterson empty cell (202) 366-1988
Kevin Sylvester empty cell (202) 366-2161
Joseph Tebo empty cell (202) 366-9242
Ashley Timm empty cell (703) 404-6376
Toni Whitfield empty cell (602) 382-8960
Matthew Zeller empty cell (609) 637-4204
Adison Zoretic empty cell (202) 366-6054