This document, written to serve as a guideline for a partnership between respective media and the Missouri Department of Transportation, is a consensual statewide effort. This guideline document is meant to be a dynamic document to expand with the ever changing technology driving Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
In order to best serve the public with the features and information provided by ITS, the traveling public should be provided with as much real-time traveler information as possible. Currently, the media (i.e., television, cable, print, web sites and radio) have been an excellent source for public information on current traffic conditions. By allowing the media access to traffic and traveler information generated by ITS, these partners will play an integral part in informing the public of current traffic conditions.
To best serve the public, the following guidelines should be included in individual contracts, agreements or memoranda of understanding with the media:
Information generated from MoDOT's ITS program will be non-exclusive.
Any users of the information who, directly or indirectly, are providing information for a fee or reusing the information in anyway must register with MoDOT.
Individual media may have direct access to video feeds from roadside and dynamic traffic maps within centers.
It will be the responsibility of each media to purchase and maintain its own equipment needed to access the center and the traffic information.
All sponsored additions to an individual system, such as additional camera locations, will become MoDOT property through our standard Transfer of Ownership Agreement and will be available to all media being served.
All reproduction of video and traffic information, media contacts with the center and access to the center will be cleared by a designated contact at MoDOT.
MoDOT will not videotape traffic camera feeds for non-Department use. Media may tape video feeds if they so desire with proper credit being given.
Each video feed (live or otherwise) used by individual media will include the designated ITS program's logo (i.e., Gateway Guide, Kansas City Scout, Branson Trip, MoDOT, etc.) in a manner approved by MoDOT.
MoDOT will have control of all camera views that are available from the center. MoDOT does not guarantee all available camera views.
Each ITS program may negotiate with the media to make specific mention of MoDOT and/or ITS programs on individual traffic radio broadcasts, TV and web.
The media's physical presence in the center will be negotiated and decided upon on a case by case basis.
Each individual program may negotiate a "good faith" agreement with the media for the provision of additional public service announcements and programming.
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