Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection Awards (FY 2022 – FY 2023)

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ((IIJA) Key Programs under the Federal Highway Office of Operations


Applicant States

Applicants by State


Applicant Name
Project Title
Project Description


Southern California Association of Governments

Advancing UB-ARM Interoperability and Equity Through the Connected Vehicle Ecosystem

The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) will demonstrate the viability and interoperability of a per-mile user-based alternative revenue mechanism with existing toll-based revenue collection mechanisms. SCAG will configure a scalable common technology platform to unify various transportation fees into a single user interface to enable different jurisdictions to implement unique policy parameters such as equity-focused rebates.



Delaware Department of Transportation (for The Eastern Transportation Coalition)

Paving the Way to a National Solution: A 10-State MBUF Collaboration

The project brings 10 states from The Eastern Transportation Coalition (Coalition) together to conduct real‐world passenger pilots, motor carrier pilots, simulated pilots, equity analysis, public opinion research, revenue assessments, stakeholder engagement and develop educational material. The Coalition’s vision for this work is to identify solutions and feasible implementation approaches for providing sustainable, equitable funding for the transportation network – linking payment with usage – at the state, regional, and national level.



Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation

Hawaiʻi Road Usage Charge Program (HiRUC)

Hawaiʻi’s per-mile road usage charge (RUC), the first mandatory program in the country, launches on July 1, 2025. This project builds on Hawaiʻi’s policy alignment around RUC as an equitable user-based revenue mechanism by supporting continuous improvement in RUC program communications, implementation, and operations; scalability to include all vehicles statewide by 2033; and expansion to include RUC at the county level.



Vermont Agency of Transportation

Implementing a Mileage-based User Fee for the State of Vermont

In 2023, the Vermont General Assembly approved legislation expressing the intent to implement a cost-effective mileage-based user fee (MBUF) for battery electric vehicles using odometer readings captured during annual vehicle inspections. The program will draw and build upon prior research conducted by the Vermont Agency of Transportation and critical investments in the Department of Motor Vehicles’ core IT modernization, quickly moving towards launching a MBUF.



Washington State Department of Transportation

Sustainable Transportation Revenues: Equitable, Efficient, and Transparent (STREET)

This project will conduct research on user-based revenue mechanisms by bringing together six states: three with operational road usage charge programs and another on the cusp of enactment, five with electric vehicle registration surcharges, and two with electric vehicle charging taxes. Building on foundational policy and outreach from earlier phases, this project will advance critical capabilities and coordination for implementation of multi-state user-based transportation revenues.


Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection Program Applicants (FY 2022 – FY 2023)

Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection Program Applicants (FY 2022  - FY 2023) Map - 10 applications from 10 states

Applicants by State

California (1)

  • Southern California Association of Governments

Delaware (1)

  • Delaware Department of Transportation (for The Eastern Transportation Coalition)

Hawaiʻi (1)

  • Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation

Louisiana (1)

  • Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development

Michigan (1)

  • Michigan Department of Transportation

Ohio (1)

  • Franklin County Engineer

Oregon (1)

  • Oregon Department of Transportation

Vermont (1)

  • Vermont Agency of Transportation

Washington (1)

  • Washington State Department of Transportation

Wisconsin (1)

  • Wisconsin Department of Transportation