Appendix C. Arkansas – Description of Survey Administration
The surveys administered as part of this project were performed as "intercept surveys." Four personnel were utilized to administer the surveys. These personnel intercepted both private and commercial drivers at four different service stations in and around the I-30 work zone. The service stations used as part of this study are described in detail here.
- Pilot Travel Center – I-30 Exit 121 – (Alcoa Exit) – This location served as an interview site for westbound commuters and CVDs. It has low prices, 8 pumps, a Subway franchise, and a lot of business. It is located at an exit used by nearby subdivision dwellers.
- JJ's Truck Stop and Restaurant – I-30 Exit 106 (Military Road Exit) – This location was used to interview westbound commercial drivers. It is a moderately large truck stop with a busy adjacent restaurant that caters to truck drivers. The restaurant has a lot of truck driver business and was used to conduct the interviews.
- Conoco – I-30 Exit 123 (Hwy 183 Exit) – This location was used to interview eastbound commuters in both the a.m. and p.m. peak periods. It was not particularly busy, but was the best location for eastbound traffic.
- Petro Truck Stop – I-40 East of Little Rock – Exit 161 (Galloway) – This truck stop served as a great location to interview eastbound commercial drivers who had gone through the I-30 work zone. Given the location of this truck stop on I-40, some preliminary questions were asked to screen eastbound I-30 drivers from those whose routes that did not include the subject work zone.
At each location the survey personnel were instructed to follow the script presented here.
"Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,
I am working for the United States Department of Transportation to assist them in understanding the benefits of using technology during roadway construction projects. One such project is on I-30 between Little Rock and Benton. Have you ever traveled in any portion of that work zone?
[If "no," say thank you and end the conversation; if "yes," continue.]
Would you be willing to participate in a short survey (~5 minutes) regarding the technologies installed in the I-30 work zone?
[If "no," say thank you and end the conversation; if "yes," continue.]
For your reference, during this survey, whenever I say, "this section of I-30" I am referring to the section of I-30 that is under construction running from Little Rock to Benton.
Let's begin the survey."
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