Design for Work Zones
Title | Description | Format | Length | Provider | Cost | Target Audience |
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Other Applicable Categories |
Traffic Control Design Specialist-Grant Course View course |
Topics covered in this course include work zone safety, applicable standards and guidelines, fundamental principles of temporary traffic control, human factors, the component parts of a traffic control zone, traffic control devices, constructability, and development of a transportation management plan (TMP). Students will breakout into small groups for hands-on exercises. A certification program is available for this course. | Classroom | 1 day |
ATSSA | Free - Federal Employees, $25 - Public Officials, $50 - Other |
Engineers and others responsible for designing, evaluating, and implementing a traffic control plan. Previous work zone experience not required | Donna Clark DonnaC@ (540) 368-1701 |
Traffic Control in Work Zones |
Urban Work Zone Design-Grant Course View course |
This course covers the considerations necessary to address work zones in urban environments, which may involve restricted spaces, lack of buffer space, parking issues, limited sight distance, business access, and pedestrians and bicyclist considerations. The course covers instances when standards cannot be met and how to address these situations. Freeways are not covered. | Classroom | 1 day |
ATSSA | Free - Federal Employees, $25.00 - Public Officials, $50.00 - Other |
Work zone designers and traffic control supervisors who may work in urban environments | Donna Clark DonnaC@ (540) 368-1701 |
Traffic Control in Work Zones |
Work Zone Strategies-Grant Course View course |
This course will discuss non-typical strategies available to work zone designers. It will focus on strategies specifically designed to improve work zone safety and mobility, such as full closures, variable speed limits, impact analysis, and enforcement. The FHWA Work Zone Safety and Mobility Final Rule will be discussed. | Classroom | 2 days |
ATSSA | Free - Federal Employees, $25.00 - Public Officials, $50.00 - Other |
Engineers and/or anyone responsible for planning and designing a traffic control plan (TCP) | Donna Clark DonnaC@ (540) 368-1701 |
Advanced Work Zone Management and Design View course |
This course provides participants with advanced levels of knowledge and competencies on technical and non-technical work zone traffic management practices including work zone planning and design, project management, traffic management, and contracting issues. The course has core, recommended, and optional lessons. Each participant receives a copy of the Advanced Work Zone Management and Design reference manual and a participant workbook that contains all lesson materials. | Classroom | 3 days |
NHI | $450 | State, and Local Design Engineers, Traffic and Safety Engineers, Senior Work Zone Traffic Engineers, Transportation Planners, Employees of Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Planners, Regional Construction Engineers, and Senior Engineering Technicians | 877-558-6873 or nhicustomerservice@ |
Management of Work Zones Traffic Control in Work Zones |
Strategies for Developing Work Zone Traffic Analyses View course |
Provides an overview of how traffic analysis tools can be applied specifically to work zone analysis problems. The purpose of this course is three-fold. First, it will educate the participants regarding the constraints and opportunities of work zone analysis associated with available transportation modeling approaches. Second, it will build familiarity with the various work zone factors influencing the selection of a transportation modeling approach. Third, it will provide the participants with practical experience in developing a transportation modeling approach in a collaborative process that considers issues ranging from work zone characteristics, performance measurement, technical risk assessment, and resource constraints. Participants will be able to characterize a work zone and select and justify a transportation modeling approach based upon the work zone characterization. | Online | 6 hours |
NHI | free | Professionals employed by State DOTs (district engineers, corridor planners, project engineers, traffic engineers, and work zone planners), FHWA Division Offices Staff, transportation engineers, traffic staff, planners, MPOs, and consultants | 877-558-6873 or nhicustomerservice@ |
Design and Operation of Work Zone Traffic Control (1 day) View course |
This course provides participants with information on safe and efficient work zone traffic control, including the application of effective design and installation concepts, and using signs and markings for detours, construction zones, and maintenance sites. The legal, administrative, and operational aspects also will be discussed. Classroom presentations include lectures, case histories, and workshops. | Classroom | 1 day |
NHI | $300 | Design, construction, and maintenance personnel responsible for designing, installing, and monitoring work zone traffic control | 877-558-6873 or nhicustomerservice@ |
Traffic Control in Work Zones |
Design and Operation of Work Zone Traffic Control (3 day) View course |
This course provides participants with information on safe and efficient work zone traffic control, including the application of effective design and installation concepts; and using signs and markings for detours, construction zones, and maintenance sites. The legal, administrative, and operational aspects also will be discussed. Classroom presentations include lectures, case histories, and workshops. | Classroom | 3 days |
NHI | $500 | Design, construction, and maintenance personnel responsible for designing, installing, and monitoring work zone traffic control | 877-558-6873 or nhicustomerservice@ |
Traffic Control in Work Zones |
Title | Description | Format | Length | Provider | Cost | Target Audience |
Guidelines on Work Zone Access and Egress View document |
Describes concerns associated with work zone access and egress. The document offers recommended practices and describes effective strategies and techniques that can be employed during the planning, design and construction phases to help mitigate concerns. The document addresses work zone access and egress problems, when to consider access and egress, acceleration and deceleration of construction vehicles, maintaining access and egress points, controlling traffic inside the work zone, and innovative ideas and best practices. | Online | 13 pages | Roadway Safety Consortium | free | Agency/Owners, Engineers, Contractors |
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