Law Enforcement
Title | Description | Format | Length | Provider | Cost | Target Audience |
Contact Information |
Other Applicable Categories |
Emergency Traffic Control for Emergency Responders (ETCER) View course |
This course discusses major, intermediate and minor principles of incident management and considerations for traffic control enforcement in work zones. It covers principles and concepts of temporary traffic control presented in the MUTCD Section 6 I. Also discussed are principles of temporary traffic control and the requirements of the component parts of typical work zones, such as: taper lengths, flagging operations, typical applications, device requirements and others. | Classroom | 4 hours |
ATSSA | $95 - ATSSA member, $115 - Non-member |
Police and fire rescue personnel involved with traffic control, either by responding to an incident or enforcing traffic control in work zones | Donna Clark DonnaC@ (540) 368-1701 |
Traffic Control in Work Zones |
Safe and Effective Use of Law Enforcement Personnel in Work Zones-GRANT Train the Trainer (LEC) View course |
This course provides prospective instructors the guidance needed to teach the FHWA Law Enforcement Course (LEC). Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a complete set of course materials (hard copy and electronic copy) that they can customize and use to train their law enforcement personnel. The LEC course is also a 4-hour course designed to provide awareness and guidance to law enforcement personnel assigned the responsibility to work in active highway work zones, whether on-duty or off-duty. | Classroom | 4 hours |
ATSSA | Free - Federal Employees, $25 - Public Officials, $50 - Other |
Current instructors of law enforcement training programs. Teaching experience is required. | Donna Clark DonnaC@ (540) 368-1701 |
Safe and Effective Use of Connecticut Law Enforcement Personnel in Work Zones View course |
Provides basic knowledge on the safe and effective use of law enforcement personnel in Connecticut work zones. The objectives are to provide law enforcement personnel with a working knowledge of work zone traffic control and to define their roles and responsibilities when working in work zones. | Classroom | 7 hours |
Connecticut DOT | Free | Law enforcement personnel and those responsible for supervising the use of law enforcement personnel in Connecticut work zones. | Mary McCarthy, (860) 486-1384 or mary@ |
Safe and Effective Use of Law Enforcement Personnel in Work Zones – WEB-BASED View course |
Interactive Web-based training course that provides law enforcement agencies with the practices and procedures to improve traffic safety in work zones. Provides basic knowledge to help save lives, avoid work zone crashes, and improve safety when working in a work zone. This course will provide tips for safe practices for law enforcement officers (LEO's) in work zones as well as providing for a safer work zone environment. This Web-based training will educate participants on the standards and guidelines related to temporary traffic control in work zones; the role of LEO's in work zones; the components of a typical work zone; and the proper practices and procedures related to the use of law enforcement officers in work zones. | Online | 2 hours |
NHI | Free | State troopers, state, county, municipal officers, and highway patrol officers who will participate in work zone activities. | 877-558-6873 or nhicustomerservice@ |
Work Zone Safety and Mobility for Law Enforcement Officers | This course is designed to provide awareness and guidance to law enforcement personnel assigned the responsibility to work in active highway work zones, whether on-duty or off-duty. Specific standards and procedures that apply to the use of law enforcement officers may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, depending on the type of work, its duration, and several other factors. | Online | Self Study |
Georgia DOT | Free | Law Enforcement Officers who serve or may serve on work zone details along State-owned, operated, and maintained roadways. | ||
Work Zone Law Enforcement Training Course No link |
Developed by the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) through the Kentucky Virtual University, which allows students to access the location from remote locations that have internet capability. | Online | Self Study |
Kentucky DOT | Law Enforcement Officers who serve or may serve on work zone details along State-owned, operated, and maintained roadways. | Roy Jude, (859) 622-3742 Roy.jude@ |
Work Zone Traffic Control for Law Enforcement Personnel No link |
The course covers the three main roles for an officer in a work zone: presence, enforcement, and traffic control. The course also identifies the roles and responsibilities of the LADOTD project engineer and the contractor, and outlines the relationship these individuals have with law enforcement representatives. | Classroom | 1.5 hours |
Louisiana DOTD | Free | Law enforcement personnel and those responsible for supervising the use of law enforcement personnel in Louisiana work zones. | Barry Lacy, Barry.Lacy@ LA.GOV, (225) 379-1584 |
Work Zone Law Enforcement Training Course View course |
This course is based on the Work Zone Law Enforcement Training Course developed by the Federal Highway Administration. Material from that course has been modified to reflect the specific policies, practices, and requirements used in the State of Maryland, and it has been adapted for delivery in a computer-based format appropriate for use as a self-study course or for delivery in small groups. | Online | Self Study |
Maryland State Highway Administration | Free | Law Enforcement Officers who serve or may serve on work zone details along State-owned, operated, and maintained roadways; other stakeholders who want to become familiar with the practices and expectations of LEOs on work zone details | Clarence Haskett, chaskett@ sha.state., (410) 787-5876 |
The Safe and Effective Use of Law Enforcement Personnel in Work Zones View course |
This course is based on the Work Zone Law Enforcement Training Course developed by the Federal Highway Administration. Material from that course has been modified to reflect the specific policies, practices, and requirements used in the State of New Hampshire. | Online or Classroom (Train the Trainer only) | Online: Self-Study |
New Hampshire DOT | Online - free for Subscribers to TRN, $24.95 per officer for non-subscribers |
Uniformed officers working on any NHDOT funded projects, including municipally managed projects | Nickie Hunter, nhunter@ dot.state., (603) 271-2571 |
Police Work Zone Safety Train-the-Trainer View course |
This program is designed for experienced police personnel who seek to become trainers in work zone traffic control. The New Jersey DOT and other agencies require enforcement personnel to be trained when working on roadway construction projects. Those participants who successfully complete this series will be eligible to serve as Police Work Zone Safety instructors for their agency. This course is developed around typical long-term and short-term road work activities that occur on any state roadway, from two-lanes to interstates. The training covers the standards of work zone protection as specified in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). | Classroom | 4 days |
Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation | Free for current New Jersey law enforcement personnel | Law enforcement personnel only | Bethany Allinder, 848-445-3325 or bethall@ |
Traffic Control in Work Zones |
Title | Description | Format | Length | Provider | Cost | Target Audience |
Guidelines on Use of Law Enforcement in Work Zones View document |
Describes good practices for use of law enforcement to improve work zone safety and mobility. The document is intended to assist highway agencies and contractors in determining when enforcement should be used, how it should be used, and how a work zone enforcement program can be funded and managed. The document addresses regulatory language regarding law enforcement use in work zones, differences in enforcement philosophies, types of work zone enforcement strategies, determination of when and where to use enforcement in work zones, officer deployment within the work zone, enforcement considerations during work zone planning and design, and administration considerations of work zone enforcement. | Online | 49 pages | Roadway Safety Consortium | Free | Agency/Owner, Engineers, Contractors |
Guidelines on Use of Law Enforcement in Work Zones View document |
Describes good practices for use of law enforcement to improve work zone safety and mobility. The document is intended to assist highway agencies and contractors in determining when enforcement should be used, how it should be used, and how a work zone enforcement program can be funded and managed. The document addresses regulatory language regarding law enforcement use in work zones, differences in enforcement philosophies, types of work zone enforcement strategies, determination of when and where to use enforcement in work zones, officer deployment within the work zone, enforcement considerations during work zone planning and design, and administration considerations of work zone enforcement. | Online | 16 pages | Roadway Safety Consortium | Free | Agency/Owner, Engineers, Contractors |
Safe and Effective Use of Law Enforcement Personnel in Work Zones FHWA Office of Operations |
Course materials for the FHWA Law Enforcement Course, including an acronym list, instructor's guide, participants workbook, pocket guide, and promotional flyer. | Online Resource | Online | FHWA | Free | Instructors who have completed the Safe and Effective Use of Law Enforcement Personnel in Work Zones-GRANT Train the Trainer course |
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