ITS Warrants and IWZ Research Project
slide 1: ITS Warrants and IWZ Research Project
Tina Roelofs
Enterprise Pooled Fund
May 21, 2013
Bettendorf, Iowa
slide 2: Agenda
- ITS Warrants Project
- IWZ Research Project
slide 3: ENTERPRISE Program
slide 4: ENTERPRISE Program
- Goals
- Facilitate rapid progress in the development and deployment of ITS technologies
- Accelerate the systematic advancement of selected ITS projects
- Members carry out ITS projects and activities including fundamental research, technology development, demonstration, standardization and deployment
slide notes:
slide 5: ENTERPRISE Program
* Michigan DOT administers program and is a founding member
slide 6: ITS Warrants Project
- Project began in 2009
- Need for an efficient and effective methodology to determine if ITS deployments are appropriate
- Goals
- Assist agencies with decisions about where to deploy ITS devices
- Is a device warranted at a specific location?
- Should further considerations be performed?
- Eliminate locations where a device is not warranted
- Validate locations of existing ITS device deployments
- Assist agencies with decisions about where to deploy ITS devices
slide 7: ITS Warrants Project
- Warrants have been developed for 10 devices
- Curve Warning System
- Dynamic Speed Display Sign
- Ramp Meter
- Variable Speed Limit
- ITS Devices in Work Zones
- Gathered input from
- Interactive Website
- ENTERPRISE Member States and Non-Member States
- ITE Mid-Year Meeting
- ITS Canada Workshop
- TRB, ITS World Congress, ITS America Sessions
slide 8: ITS Warrants Project
- Warrants Use
- This is one tool to use in the decision making process
- Series of 'yes' or 'no' questions that can be answered quickly, avoiding the complexity of collecting a lot of data before using the warrants
- Warrants have been used for real world decision for ITS deployments by: ND, KS, MN, VA
- VDOT has used the warrants as an initial screening tool for selecting RWIS deployments
slide 9: ITS Warrants Project
slide 10: ITS Warrants Project
Dynamic Speed Display Sign
- Purpose 1: Transition Zones
- Purpose 2: Posted Speed Adherence
- Purpose 3: Intelligent Work Zones
Variable Speed Limits
- Purpose 1: Maximize Capacity
- Purpose 2: Safe Stopping Distances
- Purpose 3: Safe Travel Speeds for Conditions
- Purpose 4: Work Zones
slide 11: DSDS Warrant 3: IWZ
Purpose: To promote speed limit adherence in locations where posted speed have temporarily been reduced for construction, maintenance or other traffic control.
Device is warranted if:
- The work zone is currently in operation and observations suggest that the 85th percentile speed at a location within the work zone exceeds the posted speed limit by at least 5 mph.
OR - Workers will be located adjacent to the open traffic lane.
OR - Hazardous roadway conditions, such as a temporary unusually tight curve, or a rough road surface, requiring extra driving precaution.
Note: Signs tend to be most effective where there are two lanes or less in one direction of travel.
slide 12: ITS Warrants Project
Intelligent Work Zone Warrants
Collection of devices that warn travelers of various hazards associated with work zones.
slide 13: ITS Warrants Project
slide 14: IWZ Research Project
- Project Purpose
- Document the best practices and lessons learned regarding IWZ technologies from various sources to draw conclusions about what approaches work best in what situations.
- Project Focus:
- Dynamic Merge
- End of queue warning systems
- Alternate Routes
- Variable Speed Limits
slide 15: IWZ Research Project
- 2013 Work Zone Test Bed to track
- Locations of signs and sensors
- Messages used on signs
- Thresholds used to active sign messages
- Adjustments made to configurations
- Public outreach approach
slide 16: Minnesota Dynamic Late Merge System
- Speeds < 20 mph (guide)
- Vol. < 1500 v/hr. (guide)
- Trend (reduced speeds & increased vol.)
- DLM Messages
- Late Merge Approach
slide 17: Minnesota Dynamic Late Merge System
- Speeds < 45 MPH (35)
- DLM Messages
- Late Merge Approach
slide 18: IWZ Research Project 2013 Projects to Track
- Dynamic Merge
- EB I-96 near MM 9 in Ottawa County (Michigan)
- MnDOT SP 2772–96 – Hwy 169 (Minnesota)
- Queue Warning System
- End of Queue Warning System on I-35 (Texas)
- Congestion Warning Milwaukee Area (Wisconsin)
- Queue Warning in Jefferson County (Missouri)
- Alternate Routes
- Travel Time System (Wisconsin)
- I-94 Travel Time System (Minnesota)
- Metro Wide Detection System (Minnesota)
- Travel Time and Alternate Route System – Effingham County (Illinois)
- Variable Speed Limits
slide 19: Contact
Bill Legg, WSDOT
ENTERPRISE Chair and ITS Warrants Project Champion
Tina Roelofs
Athey Creek Consultants
Mark Johnson, TXDOT
ENTERPRISE IWZ Project Champion