Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program

VI. Course Material - Module 5: TMP Strategies

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Module 5: TMP Strategies

Photo collage of concrete barriers in a work zone, a Work Zone Ends changeable message sign, a traffic advisory sign with warning beacons, a Seattle Web site page showing construction projects, and a map showing VSL sign locations.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

narrator notes

This module discusses TMP strategies that DOTs can use to minimize or mitigate work zone safety and mobility impacts. The module covers TMP strategies and considerations for selecting strategies based on the results of work zone impacts assessment. Impacts assessment was covered in Module 4.

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About Module 5

  • Overview
  • Identification of TMP Strategies
  • Possible TMP Strategies:
    • Temporary Traffic Control Plan (TTCP)
    • Transportation Operations (TO)
    • Public Information (PI)
  • Tools
  • Exercise

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Module 5 provides an overview, and then discusses identification of TMP strategies; possible TMP strategies; and tools that some Agencies are using to help with selecting appropriate TMP strategies. The module ends with an exercise to help you apply what you have learned.

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  • Strategies deployed to:
    • Improve safety and mobility of work zones
    • Reduce work zone impacts on the community/ businesses
  • Successful Strategies:
    • Enable smooth traffic flow
    • Minimize traffic delays
    • Maintain or improve safety for road users and workers
    • Maintain business and resident access
    • Allow for emergency response
    • Address needs of other stakeholders
    • Support timely completion of the work

narrator notes

TMP strategies are intended to improve the safety and mobility of work zones and reduce the work zone impacts on the community and businesses. Strategies should be selected to enable smooth traffic flow, minimize traffic delays, and maintain or improve safety for road users and workers. Strategies should also maintain access for businesses and residents, allow for emergency response, and address the needs of other stakeholders. TMP strategies should also support the timely completion of the project.

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  • TMP Strategies grouped in 3 categories:
    • Temporary Traffic Control (TTC)
    • Transportation Operations (TO)
    • Public Information (PI)
  • Some Agencies have additional categories

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A combination of strategies is necessary to achieve the goals just mentioned.

The Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule groups TMP strategies into three categories: temporary traffic control, transportation operations, and public information.

Some Agencies have created additional categories of strategies to include in their TMPs. A few States include Incident Management strategies as a separate category in their TMPs for significant projects. A few States have added a new category called Performance Monitoring strategies, that includes any specific observational, logging, and/or recording activities that are required during the project for work zone performance measurement purposes.

slide 5

Overview—Consider Motorist Needs

  • Clear and positive guidance through and around work area:
    • Traffic Control Devices
      • Advanced and Localized signing
      • Temporary traffic signals
      • Pavement markings
    • Flaggers
  • Adequate time for decision making
  • Messages that are easy to understand
  • Clear and concise information

Photo of a Detour warning sign with an upward pointing arrow mounted at the top of a pole on a sidewalk.
Any guidance here?

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In developing a TMP, consider what the needs of motorists are. Motorists must be provided with information in advance to make a safe decision. Road users generally respond to positive guidance. Guidance is often provided using traffic control devices such as advanced and localized signing, temporary traffic signals, and pavement markings; and in some cases by using flaggers. This guidance can also be combined with Intelligent Transportation Systems which provide real-time information about lane closures and travel delays. It is important that the information provided be clear, concise, and accurate. Inaccurate, untimely, or inconsistent messages can lead the public and other stakeholders to lose trust in work zone signage or the Agency's ability to provide reliable information.

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Overview – Consider Non-Motorist Needs

  • Continuous access to bus stops, crosswalks, sidewalks, and other origins and destinations
  • Clear and positive guidance
  • Safety and security when traveling near work zones
  • ADA compliance

Photo of a Sidewalk Closed Ahead warning sign in the middle of a sidewalk.
A visually impaired person may not understand that this is a closed sidewalk.

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Non-motorist needs are also important, particularly in urban settings where there are pedestrians. Pedestrian accommodations should be at least similar to those existing prior to construction, and may require providing an alternate pedestrian route. Any planned detours must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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Overview – Consider Incident Response

  • Ensure access to all areas for emergency vehicles:
    • Hospitals nearby?
    • Trauma centers?
  • Plan to provide access within work site:
    • Identify alternate routes
    • Pre-sign for use during incidents?
  • Pre-station tow operators or motorist assist during peak hours

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Non-motorist needs are also important, particularly in urban settings where there are pedestrians. Pedestrian accommodations should be at least similar to those existing prior to construction, and may require providing an alternate pedestrian route. Any planned detours must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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Overview – Consider Business Access

  • Temporary entrances:
    • Signing
    • Pavement
  • Advance notification of phase changes
    • Keep owners informed
  • Work Schedules:
    • Shift changes
    • Peak shopping seasons and times

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Businesses need to continue to operate during road work, so employees, customers, and those bringing deliveries need to be able to reach businesses affected by a work zone. Access may require a temporary entrance, or signage clearly marking an obscured entrance. Keeping businesses informed and considering work schedules and peak customer periods in developing your TMP can foster good relationships with business stakeholders.

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Overview – Consider Residential Access

  • Keep residents informed as project begins and progresses:
    • Maintain access if possible
    • Neighborhood association meetings, newsletters, mailings, etc.

Photo of a white sign displaying Road Closed to Thru Traffic mounted on a three-rail barricade and blocking an unpaved roadway lined on both sides with tubular markers.

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When a project significantly affects the access of residents to their neighborhood, the TMP should include strategies aimed at keeping those residents informed and limiting the duration of the impacts.

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Identification of TMP Strategies

Flow chart of an impacts assessment and the resulting TMP strategies.

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The results of the impacts assessment should lead to TMP strategy selection.

  • The TTC component of the TMP implements the chosen project design strategy. This includes lane widths, taper lengths, speed limits, and the layout of traffic control devices in the traffic control plan to guide road users through or around the work zone.
  • The TO component addresses strategies to improve work zone operations, such as communications and detector requirements for a work zone traffic monitoring and incident management system, and estimating traffic diversion patterns and rates to determine potential impacts and appropriately improving operations on alternate routes, such as through signal timing adjustments.
  • The PI component estimates the volume of traffic that the project would affect to determine the PI needs, addresses strategies that would be effective in communicating with affected stakeholders, and coordinates with stakeholders to carry out the PI program.

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Identification of TMP Strategies

  • Should be based on:
    • Type of work zone
    • Traffic conditions
    • Anticipated WZ impacts
    • Project constraints
    • Construction phasing/staging plan
    • Conditions in surrounding area (e.g., alternate routes and modes, access)

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Selection of TMP strategies is based on various factors, including the type of work zone, such as an urban Interstate paving project; traffic conditions, such as traffic demand and truck volumes; and anticipated work zone impacts, such as delays and queues. Project constraints such as increased right-of-way or construction costs and construction phasing, as well as the conditions in the surrounding area such as available alternate routes and transportation modes should also guide the selection of TMP strategies.

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Identification of TMP Strategies – Example

Level of TMP Types of Conditions Types of Strategies
"Blanket" TMP
  • No expected delays
  • Off-peak work
  • Low volume roads
  • Moving lane closures
  • Portable changeable message sign (CMS)
  • Freeway service patrol (FSP)
  • Traffic management team (TMT)
  • Only working in off-peak hours
"Minor" TMP (Majority of TMPs fall into this category)
  • Minimal impacts expected
  • Lane closure required for project
  • Some mitigation measures required for project
  • Only working at night
  • Portable and fixed CMS
  • Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP) or MAZEEP for maintenance activities
  • TMT
  • Highway advisory radio
"Major" TMP (~5% of TMPs are major)
  • Significant impacts expected
  • Multi-jurisdictional in scope
  • Longer duration
  • Multiple contracts involved

Same as for Minor TMPs plus:

  • Public awareness campaigns
  • Extended closures to expedite work
  • Moveable barriers to reverse lanes during peak periods
  • Detours
  • Reduced lane widths
  • Website

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California Department of Transportation TMPs are categorized into three levels based on project characteristics and projected delay. For each TMP level, Caltrans provides examples of the types of conditions that would be present for a project to be in that category and possible strategies to use. This table serves as a guide for Caltrans TMP developers.

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Identification of TMP Strategies

  • Analysis to strategy selection:
    • Preliminary assessments resulted in 4 options
      • Continuous (24/7) Closure
      • 72-Hour Weekday Closures
      • 55-Hour Weekend Closures
      • 10-Hour Night time Closures
    • Alternatives assessment (schedule, delay, and Agency costs) resulted in one option
      • Continuous (24/7) Closure

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In most cases, a preliminary assessment of impacts may result in more than one option. As design progresses, more information may become available on the feasibility of each approach, leading to detailed assessment and selection of the most viable option. In the example shown here, the preliminary assessment resulted in four options. Various measures of effectiveness such as schedule, delay, and Agency costs were considered to arrive at the best option, which was a continuous closure.

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Identification of TMP Strategies

  • Analysis to strategy selection

Impact Strategy
Description Mobility Safety Description TTC TO PI
Increased queue length beyond threshold Increased queue length beyond threshold affects mobility.   Retime signals   Retiming signals is a strategy for TO.  
Minimize phasing requirements Minimizing phasing requirements is a strategy for TTC.    
Implement press advisories to inform the public of expected delays and that they should select alternate routes or other transportation modes     Informing the public with press advisories is a strategy for PI.

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In this example, queue length extends beyond the allowable threshold. The DOT chose to implement relatively simple strategies such as signal re-timing, phasing adjustments, and public information to mitigate the particular problem. A matrix as used here can be a useful tool in comparing and selecting the various strategies available.

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Possible TMP Strategies

Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Strategies Transportation Operations (TO) Strategies Public Information (PI) Strategies
  • Traffic control/design approaches
  • Traffic control devices
  • Project coordination, contracting, and innovative construction
  • Demand management
  • Corridor/network management
  • WZ safety management
  • Traffic/incident management and enforcement
  • Public awareness
  • Motorist information

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As noted earlier, TMP strategies fall mainly into three categories. FHWA's TMP Guide subdivides those three categories into several sections based on the purpose of the strategy. These categories and subsections will be discussed on the following slides.

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Temporary Traffic Control Plan

  • Used to facilitate traffic flow safely through and around work zones
  • MUTCD is primary source – Part 6 Temporary Traffic Control
    • Typical Applications
  • 2011 AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, Chapter 9 – Traffic Barriers, Traffic Control Devices, and Other Safety Features for Work Zones

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Transportation Agencies use temporary traffic control strategies and traffic control devices to facilitate traffic flow safely through and around work zones. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or MUTCD, and the AASHTO Design Guide, provide national standards, guidance, and other information defining the proper use of traffic control strategies and devices. The MUTCD contains typical applications of traffic control layouts to assist designers.

As shown on the previous slide, there are other types of traffic control and design strategies that can be used to reduce work zone impacts. These other types of strategies include contracting, innovative construction, and project coordination techniques that can accelerate projects or minimize the occurrence of several nearby projects going on at the same time.

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Temporary Traffic Control Strategies – Examples

  • Control strategies:
    • Phasing/Staging
    • Lane closure
    • Narrowed lanes, shoulder use to maintain number of lanes
    • Night work, weekend work
  • Traffic control devices
    • Signing, striping, temporary signals, etc
  • Project coordination, contracting, and innovative construction methods
    • Incentives/disincentives

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The intent of any temporary traffic control strategy is to maximize traffic throughput, especially during peak hours, without compromising safety. A range of traffic control and innovative construction methods are being used to achieve this. Some examples are shown here.

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Temporary Traffic Control Strategies – Examples

  • Temporary Traffic Barrier

Photo of concrete barriers between traffic in a travel lane and equipment and workers in a work zone lane.

  • Advance Work Zone Warning Signs

Graphic of an orange warning plaque displaying Road Work Next 5 Miles. Graphic of an orange warning sign displaying Right Lane Closed 1/2 Mile.

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Some additional examples of temporary traffic control strategies are temporary traffic barrier and advance work zone warning signs.

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Transportation Operation Strategies

  • Demand Management
    • Transit improvements, carpool incentives, congestion pricing
  • Corridor Network Management
    • Signal re-timing, reversible lanes, parking restrictions
  • Work Zone Safety Management
    • Speed management, moveable barrier systems, crash-cushions
  • Traffic/Incident Management and Enforcement Strategies
    • ITS for traffic monitoring/management, transportation management center (TMC), travel time updates on project delays, Tow/freeway service patrol, increased penalties for work zones, dedicated police enforcement

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Transportation operations strategies can mitigate work zone impacts by using improved transportation operations and management of the transportation system in and around the work zones. Strategies include demand management, where the strategies try to influence motorists to consider traveling another way, such as by transit or carpool, to reduce the volume of cars flowing through the work zone. This is particularly useful when the Agency is unable to provide the necessary capacity in a work zone.

Infrastructure or corridor management strategies are where the responsible Agency makes decisions that can affect the road user such as, signal re-timing, parking restrictions, and lane control.

Strategies specifically focused on safety include speed management, barrier installations, and temporary rumble strips.

The last category includes strategies that involve monitoring traffic conditions and making adjustments to traffic operations based on changing conditions. These strategies include more improved detection, verification, response, and clearance of crashes; adequate enforcement of traffic regulations in work zones; and the use of ITS and traffic management centers to monitor and manage traffic.

slide 20

Transportation Operations – Examples

  • Ride Sharing Incentive Programs:
    • $50/month fare-sharing options offered to commuters to change travel
    • One-on-one advice about options
    • First 1,000 eligible commuters will be enrolled
  • Signal timing improvements
    • To keep traffic flowing during construction

narrator notes

The first example is on ride sharing incentive programs. This strategy was successfully implemented on the New York Avenue reconstruction project in Washington, D.C. The District Department of Transportation provided the first 2,000 New York Avenue commuters a $50 per month incentive to use ride-sharing alternatives such as buses, rail transit or organized vanpools. The program also provided one-on-one advice to help commuters determine which alternatives were best for their individual needs.

The second example on signal timing improvement is critical when traffic is still maintained on the main line with a reduced number of lanes compared to normal operating conditions. In such cases more green time on the main line will help keep traffic flowing during construction with less congestion. Signal timing improvements may be needed on detour routes as well, depending on the amount of expected detoured traffic and the current capacity of the detour routes.

slide 21

Transportation Operations – Example

  • Dynamic Lane Merge

Photo of two lanes of traffic with a Merge Here changeable message sign to the right of the roadway.

Overhead photo of one lane of traffic between an empty work zone lane and an empty traffic lane. vs.  Overhead photo of two lanes of traffic next to an empty work zone lane.

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A dynamic lane merge system directs traffic to use both lanes (open and closed lanes) until the designated "merge point" (close to the taper) where traffic from each lane is instructed to take turns merging into the open lane. In congested conditions, this helps reduce queue lengths approaching a lane closure. Shorter queues can improve both safety and mobility.

slide 22

Transportation Operations – Examples

  • Real-Time ITS Messages

Graphic of an orange message sign displaying Travel Time to Exit 35, 25 Minutes.

Graphic of an orange message sign displaying Stopped Traffic 2 Miles Ahead.

Graphic of an orange message sign displaying Watch for Slow Traffic Ahead, 25 MPH.

Use simple words and recognizable places.

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Informative real time messages help drivers to react positively to changes occurring in traffic ahead and to make informed route choices. Clear and accurate information is the key to maintain road user trust.

slide 23

Transportation Operations – Example

  • Variable Speed Limit (VSL) Technology
    • Modern systems that change the speed limits in real time

Go with the flow: variable speed limit (VSL). Map of Northern Virginia and Maryland showing locations of changeable message signs in inner and outer loop VSL zones of the Capital Beltway and I-95 for lane closures associated with the Telegraph Road Interchange reconstruction.

Implemented to assist drivers approaching Beltway/I-95 lane closures associated with Telegraph Road Interchange reconstruction, the final element of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project in VA.

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Variable speed limit, or VSL, technology is not often used, but on large projects with significant duration, this may be a good tool to control traffic merging. In this example, the system was used successfully on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project in the Washington, D.C., area. VSL systems help to maximize traffic flow and improve safety by slowing vehicles down gradually before they reach a lane reduction when there is congestion. This reduces the need for abrupt changes in speed and sudden braking, improving both safety and mobility.

slide 24

Transportation Operations – Examples

  • Law Enforcement and Service Patrols

Photo of an operator standing next to a Highway Incident Response Unit with warning signs, traffic cones, and other equipment displayed behind the truck.

Photo of a sheriff's response vehicle.

Photo of officers standing in front of a service patrol truck.
Operator and patrol vehicles displaying standard equipment available for incident response

narrator notes

In many work zone activities, capacity is reduced due to lane closures or even lane shifts or distractions from work activities. It can be helpful to have a service patrol to help remove disabled vehicles and restore capacity quickly. Law enforcement presence can increase the awareness of motorists and help manage traffic speeds.

slide 25

Transportation Operations – Example

Flow chart of the Incidence Response Plan for the 11th Street Bridges reconstruction project.

Incidence Response Plan for 11th Street Bridges Reconstruction

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In developing a TMP, incident response needs to considered. One example is this chart from a bridge project that shows a simplified incident management process from the initial 911 call through to hospital intake. This is important to make the TMP implementation team aware of the process and various roles and responsibilities in case of an accident.

slide 26

Public Information Strategies

  • Facilitate public/community awareness and decision making about the work zone and travel options
  • Public awareness strategies
    • Provide more general information and travel options associated with a work zone
  • Motorist information strategies
    • Provide the public with specific current and/or real-time information about a work zone

narrator notes

The Public Information component in the TMP has the potential to reduce work zone impacts by providing both general and specific information concerning road projects. These strategies include public awareness strategies and motorist information strategies.

Public awareness strategies educate and reach out to the public, businesses, and the community and provide general information about a road project, the work zone, and travel options.

Motorist information strategies provide more specific information that is current and possibly real-time to road users regarding traffic conditions to expect. Motorist information is generally provided during a trip, after the road user is already in the vehicle.

The key is to engage the public early in the TMP development process, particularly affected communities and businesses, and keep them informed throughout the project.

slide 27

Public Information Strategies

  • Public awareness strategies include:
    • Newsletters, brochures
    • Press releases
    • Mass media (earned and/or paid)
    • Project Web site
    • Public meetings, workshops, community events
    • Social Media

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Numerous approaches exist to provide the public with general information about a project. These approaches include newsletters and brochures, press releases, the use of mass media advertising, project Web sites, meetings and community events, and social media. Regardless of medium, the key is accurate, timely, and consistent information. Coordination with your Agency's public information office will help to ensure success, particularly for significant projects.

slide 28

Public Information – Example

  • Project Web Site

Screenshot of a Seattle Web site page showing city-wide planned construction projects.
A Construction Coordination Map

The City of Seattle introduced a Web site that consolidates information on planned projects in the City.

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This is an example of the project Web site developed for the City of Seattle. The site includes a Construction Coordination Map with details on affected streets and sidewalks, detours, information on the construction projects, bicycle and freight routes, and a link to real-time congestion information.

slide 29

Public Information – Example

Social Media Outlets

Screenshot of an Arizona DOT Facebook page for the Arizona US 93 Corridor.

Arizona DOT uses Twitter and Facebook to provide real-time information on work zones.

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Social media is emerging as a real time information medium. Many road users of all ages log on to Facebook and Twitter to get regular updates. This can be an effective way to share information for medium to long term projects.

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Public Information Strategies

  • Motorist information strategies include:
    • Radio traffic news
    • Changeable message signs
    • Email alerts
    • Highway Advisory Radio (HAR)
    • Trucking associations

Photo of a blue sign with a warning beacon on each side stating Thruway Info, Tune Radio to 530 AM, Traffic Advisory When Flashing.

narrator notes

Some motorist information strategies are shown here. Working with traffic reporters to provide near real-time information about lane closures and delays on radio traffic reports can be a good way to reach motorists already enroute in their cars. Changeable message signs and highway advisory radio allow the DOT to provide timely information about traffic conditions such as lane closures, queues, and delays, and can generally be updated by the DOT whenever needed. In areas with significant commercial vehicle traffic, the Agency should consider targeting some information to truckers, such as through a trucking association.

slide 31

Public Information—Examples

  • Changeable Message Signs

Graphic of a Road Work Ahead changeable message sign.

Graphic of a Reduce Speed Now changeable message sign.


narrator notes

Informative real time messages help drivers be prepared for changes occurring in traffic ahead. Accurate, clear information is the key to maintain road user trust.

slide 32

Public Information Strategies

  • Public information should be:
    • Accurate – to maintain credibility
    • Timely – to be useful
    • Delivered in most suitable ways
    • Consistent – to avoid confusion

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Public information should be delivered in a way that is most likely to be effective. Often the use of several formats or mediums in combination is most effective for reaching all the relevant audiences. For example, a project Web site might be used for general awareness and pre-trip planning, while changeable message signs near and within the project and radio traffic reports could be used to provide en-route information to drivers. Regardless of the types of mediums used, the information provided needs to be accurate, timely, and consistent.

slide 33

WZ Management Strategies – Example

Temporary Traffic Control Transportation Operations Public Information
Strategies Cost ($) Selected Strategies Cost ($) Selected Strategies Cost ($) Selected
Temporary Signs 300-400 Selected PCMS with Speed Display 20,000/ each Selected Brochures and mailers 2,000-5,000/ each Selected
Arrow panels 5,000-10,000 Selected Traffic Cameras linked to TMC 5,000-7,000/ each Selected Mass Media 3,000-5,000/ 30 seconds Selected

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A spreadsheet or table is good for logging your selection of strategies by type and cost. This allows a designer to review the set of strategies and determine which are the most appropriate ones for that project.

slide 34

Identify Work Zone Management Strategies – Tools used by Various States

  • Red Flag Summary (MdSHA)
    • Assists in determining any problem areas or issues
  • TMP Data Sheets (CALTRANS)
    • Used to gather and summarize TMP-related information, including preliminary TMP strategies and costs
  • TMP Workbook (TDOT)
    • Helps guide and document TMP development

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A number of States have developed tools to assist their planners and designers in identifying impacts and selecting strategies to address those impacts.

Maryland's red flag summary assists in determining issues that are present and should be considered during project development.

California uses TMP data sheets to gather and summarize TMP-related information, including preliminary TMP strategies and costs. Caltrans prepares a data sheet for every project and includes a work description and available information about traffic patterns.

Tennessee DOT developed a TMP workbook to aid its staff in developing TMPs. The first part of the Workbook on Project Significance Determination is completed by the planning staff, and then the workbook is passed forward to designers to complete the sections on TMP strategies during project design.

slide 35

Identify Work Zone Management Strategies – Tools used by Various States

  • Work Zone Impact Assessment Decision Tree (MnDOT)
    • Helps staff make decisions about appropriate level of TMP to develop based on the impacts assessment results
    • Developed work zone impact considerations worksheet to use with the decision tree
  • Intelligent Work Zone (IWZ) Toolbox (MnDOT)
    • Toolbox contains illustrations of IWZ systems that can be deployed
    • Provides guidelines for selecting an appropriate system

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Minnesota DOT helps staff make decisions regarding the appropriate level of TMP to be developed depending on the work zone impacts through a series of steps. Each district or local road authority is encouraged to develop and implement a general traffic delay-restriction policy for its jurisdiction. Minnesota DOT also developed a work zone impact considerations worksheet to help identify project impacts and potential mitigation strategies.

Minnesota DOT's toolbox provides guidance for selecting an appropriate intelligent work zone system to address work zone traffic issues. The toolbox contains illustrations of systems typically deployed.

slide 36

Identify Work Zone Management Strategies – Tools used by Various States

  • TMP Strategy Database (MoDOT)
    • Database program that suggests possible TMP strategies based on user inputs about the project
    • Helps planners and designers select strategies and develop TMPs in a more systematic way
  • Work Zone Design Checklist (MdSHA)
    • Helps designers identify traffic control options, work zone impacts, and TMP strategies

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Missouri DOT developed a TMP Strategy Database that helps planners and designers select work zone management strategies and develop TMPs in a more systematic way. The database returns possible appropriate work zone management strategies based on user inputs about project-related characteristics. Construction personnel can use the program to find a solution should a concern arise while the work zone is in operation.

Maryland's work zone design checklist helps designers identify traffic control options, work zone impacts, and TMP strategies. It also helps ensure that all appropriate work zone options, impacts, and strategies have been considered.

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For More Information

FHWA Guides:

Additional State-developed resources:

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FHWA-developed guides and additional State-developed resources are available on the websites listed on this slide.

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Now that you have completed Module 5, this exercise will provide you with an opportunity to apply what you have learned.

slide 39

Exercise Questions

Turn to page 196 in the Participant Workbook for the exercise

  1. Identify some of the public relations issues that the D/B contractor will need to address during design and construction. What are some TMP strategies that could be used for public outreach?
  2. Cite some of the operational issues the Contractor will need to address during lane closures. What strategies may be useful to address these operational issues?

To access the Participant Workbook, visit:

narrator notes

Please turn to page 196 in Appendix C in the Participant Workbook. After reading the exercise, please answer the questions on this slide.

slide 40

Exercise Discussion

Turn to page 208 in the Participant Workbook for a discussion of the answers

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Once you have completed answering the questions, turn to page 208 in the Participant Workbook for a discussion of the exercise answers.

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