Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program

Work Zone Performance Measurement Using Probe Data


1. Travel Time Data Collection Handbook. (1998). FHWA report.

2. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program, Traffic Analysis Tools Volume IX: Work Zone Modeling and Simulation: A Guide for Analysts, July 2009.

3. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Private Sector Data for Performance Management: Final Report, July 2011.

4. Work Zone Performance Measure Definitions, Formulas, Recommendations, and Sample Calculations (draft), produced by the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) Lab at the University of Maryland, April 2013.

5. Jacobs, Tom. WZ Probe Data – MD SHA. Presentation at the Work Zone Performance Measurement Peer Exchange, May 8, 2013.

6. Ullman, Gerald, Timothy Lomax, and Tracy Scriba. A Primer on Work Zone Safety and Mobility Performance Measurement. FHWA Report Number FHWA-HOP-11-033.

7. Haseman, Ross, and Darcy Bulluck. Real Time Measurement of Work Zone Travel Time Delay and Evaluation Metrics Using Bluetooth Probe Tracking, TRB Paper 10-1442, November 2009.

8. Edwards, M.B. and M.D. Fontaine. Investigation of Work Zone Travel Time Reliability Using Private Sector Data, Proceedings of the 91th TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2012.

9. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Work Zone Performance Measures Pilot Test, April, 2011

10. Arterial Real-Time Traveler Information (Commercial Probe Data), MnDOT No. 97544, September 2012.

11. Stargell, Reynaldo. Ohio DOT Mobility Charts, Presentation at the Work Zone Performance Management Peer Exchange, May 8, 2013.

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  Last modified: February 1, 2017  
Office of Operations