Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Text from 'Innovative Practices on SR 68 Design-Build' PowerPoint Presentation

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Innovative Practices on SR 68 Design-Build

State Route 68

Black Mountains

Design - Build

The Driving Force for a Better Highway

Jennifer Livingston, P.E.

ADOT - Senior Project Manager

Slide 2

Location of State Route 68

Diagram: This diagram illustrates State Route 68 running west from Kingman, Arizona to Bullhead City, Arizona and Laughlin, Nevada.

Speaker notes:

The project itself is on SR 68 connecting Kingman, AZ to Bullhead City, AZ and Laughlin, Nevada.

Laughlin is a town that offers gambling and brings numerous tourists to the community.

SR 68 is a detour if and when there is an impact to US 93, Canamex corridor - specifically in the area of the Hoover Dam - Hoover Dam is currently restricting trucks / commercial vehicles from traveling over the Dam. Thus these trucks are utilizing SR 68 as their detour - an additional 23miles.

Slide 3

Introduction to the Corridor

  • No reasonable alternate routes
  • Commercial trucks
  • Variable users
  • Daily commuter traffic

Photos: 3 photos depicting a commuter automobile, a commercial truck, and a tour bus

Speaker notes:

SR 68 as similar to other corridors in SW US - it does not have a feasible detour route - when and if it is totally closed, motorists need to go miles to go avoid the incident or closure.

Because this route connects the communities of Kingman, BHC and Laughlin - it is used as a daily commuter route by hundreds.

There are variable types of vehicles on this corridor, RVs, commercial vehicles, and daily commuters. All of these components of traffic impact the corridor and construction activity.

Slide 4

SR 68 Project

  • $42 Million reconstruction of 13.7 miles
  • New alignment (2-mile section)
  • New bridges/wildlife crossings
  • Truck escape ramps
  • 440 Contract days

Speaker notes:

The SR 68 project was a 42 million dollar job - which included 2 miles of new two lane divided roadway and 11.7 miles of reconstructed existing roadway expanded from 2 lanes of travel to 4 lane divided.

The project included placement of wildlife / bridge crossings and multiple environmental mitigation measures in a sensitive federal land ownership. Mitigation included relocating over 8,000 cacti, staining slopes and creative rock placement to blend into the natural surrounding area.

Prior to the project there was a truck escape ramp in the BHC city limits, due to the impact on the corridor from September 11, this escape ramp remained in place and an additional one was placed up grade from the existing one.

Slide 5

Photo: Aerial shot of the existing roadway - mountainous terrain, normal desert with multiple challenges: vegetation, drainage, and traffic.

Speaker notes:

This is a picture of the existing roadway - mountainous terrain, normal desert with multiple challenges: vegetation, drainage, and traffic!

Today - we have a divided roadway

Slide 6

Design-Build vs. Traditional Contract Method

  • Design-Bid-Build: Design is complete before construction can begin
  • Design-Build: Design and construction occur simultaneously

Speaker notes:

Design-bid-build is the conventional way of performing transportation projects.

In design -build the design is completed while construction is ongoing.

On this project we were at approx. 30% total design complete when construction began.

Slide 7

Why Design-Build for SR 68

  • Importance of the corridor
  • Project in ADOT's 5-year plan
  • Partnerships - local jurisdictions - BLM
  • Design-Build legislation
  • Support

Photo: Aerial shot of existing roadway

Speaker notes:

Why was this project selected for DB? The economics of this area of the state tie to this corridor. In fact, the economics of the SW Arizona tie to the significance of this corridor.

It is important corridor for Mohave County. Mohave County has 3 major communities, BHC and Kingman are 2 of the 3. This route connects these two communities.

To comply with the DB legislation in AZ, both the design and the construction monies had to be allotted within the 5 year transportation improvement plan. This project met that requirement.

Part of getting the project - through the Dept. - was getting the support from the locals. We needed cheer leaders to note the need for the project - earlier than the conventional DBB. We needed voices to say - HEY DO It this way!

We had local political support, and a voice to say we need this done earlier and more quickly.

Slide 8

Selection Process

  • Request For Qualifications (RFQ)/Request For Proposal (RFP)
  • 2 step process
  • 7 firms responded to RFQ
  • 3 firms short listed for RFP

Photo: Group of people (17 total) standing in the desert.

Slide 9

Selection Criteria

  • Oral Interview
  • Proposal Elements
    • Responsiveness: Design management, quality, public relations, mitigation
    • Innovation: Schedule, constructibility, elimination of design exceptions
    • Construction: Construction management, MOT, safety

Slide 10

SR 68 Travel Time System

  • Measures actual travel time
  • $400,000 incentive

Photo: Camera used for Travel Time System

Diagram: SR 68 is shown with an arrow on the left that points to the camera location at Milepost 2 and an arrow on the right that points to the camera location at Milepost 15.

Slide 11

SR 68 Travel Time System

Diagram: The diagram depicts the SR 68 Travel Time System. SR 68 is shown with one set of CCTVs at Milepost 2 and one set of CCTVs at Milepost 12. Video Images are collected and sent, via Microwave, from the CCTVs at Milepost 2 to a computer at the Bullhead City Construction Office nearby. Video images are also sent from a set of CCTVs at Milepost 12 to the computer in Bullhead City via telephone line. Travel time is then computed for the 10-minute interval.

Slide 12

Lane Rental

  • $1M incentive

Photos: Two images depicting construction activity on roadway.

Slide 13

Motorist Assist Patrol (MAP)

  • Partnership with FHWA
  • Security company
  • Surveys
  • Contract requirements
    • Experience, tools, safety...

Photo: Scene depicting a Motorist Assist Patrol aiding a motorist on the highway.

Slide 14

Quality Workmanship Program

  • $500,000 incentive
  • Based on checklist and criteria

Photo: Close up of Construction employees working on road project.

Slide 15

Photo: Construction Inspection Checklist for the Arizona Department of Transportation Intermodal Division. The form has 16 total questions, 4 of which are shown in their entirety: 1,2,3 and 16. At the bottom of the checklist is Percent Conformance Calculation in which the Goal is stated as 97.5%

Slide 16

Conformance Criteria

Checklist Performance Goals

Workmanship Inspection Checklist - Measurement by Examination

Workmanship Inspection Checklist - Dimensional Measurement

A) Safety:

Goal=97.5 Percent Conformance


MOT 701


Guardrail 905

GET 905

(Develop as required)

B) Operability:

Goal=95.0 Percent Conformance

Pipes 501

Fencing 903

Signs 608

Concrete Barrier 910

Catch Basins

Concrete Structures 601

Drilled Shaft 609

Electrical 732

Concrete Curb, Gutter

Sidewalk 908

Rip Rap 913

Reinforcing steel tolerances

Reinforcing steel cover

Concrete member dimensions

(Others as required)

C) Durability and Appearance:

Goal=90.0 Percent Conformance

Grading 203

AB 303

Tack 404

Misc Structural 409

Superpave 417

Concrete Materials 1006

Concrete Curing 1006

ACFC 414

(Develop as required)

D) Management:

Goal=90.0 Percent Conformance

Bulletin Boards

Survey 925

Contractor QC

(Develop as required)

Slide 17

Public Information Campaign

  • Brochure
  • Project Update Newsletters
  • Hotline
  • Web page
  • Construction alerts
  • Speakers bureau

Over 25 presentations given to Kingman, Bullhead City and Laughlin civic organizations

Photos: State Route 68 update Newsletter

Slide 18

Public Information Campaign

  • Media coordination
    • TV, radio, newspaper
  • Elected officials
  • TSM committee
  • Site visits by local elementary students

Photo: Workmen in front of construction equipment at work site

Slide 19

BLM Coordinator

  • BLM employee on project full time
  • Primary responsibilities include permits and environmental concerns

Photo: Mitigation Measures Notebook for State Route 68

Slide 20

Benefits of Design - Build

  • Helps to develop, start and finish projects early
  • Encourages the contractor and ADOT to build relationships and teams
  • Through the lane rental and travel time incentive, the contractor had a stake in keeping the traffic moving through the project

Slide 21

Innovative Practices on SR 68 Design-Build

State Route 68

Black Mountains

Design - Build

The Driving Force for a Better Highway

Jennifer Livingston, P.E.

ADOT - Senior Project Manager

Office of Operations