Text from 'MD Quick Zone -- A Work Zone Traffic Analysis Tool' PowerPoint Presentation
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MD-QuickZone, A Work Zone Traffic Analysis Tool
By Jawad Paracha, P.E.
for the Maryland State Highway Administration
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MD-QuickZone (part 1 of 2)
- Modified version of FHWA's QuickZone
- Work zone traffic analysis
- Microsoft Excel-based application
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MD-QuickZone (part 2 of 2)
Graphic: Screen capture of the QuickZone Software, showing the tabs of Input Modules, Program Controls, Output Modules, Economic Analysis. The Input Modules tab also has sub-buttons displayed.
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Background (part 1 of 2)
SHA / University of Maryland:
- Estimate capacity in work zones
- Develop a work zone analysis tool
- Delays
- Queues
- Simple economic analysis
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Background (part 2 of 2)
- FHWA's SWAT Project
- QuickZone
- SHA entered into partnership with FHWA
- Develop MD-QuickZone with additional features
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Standard Features
- Queues and delays
- Alternative construction phasing plans
- Delay mitigation strategies
- Work completion incentives
- Construction costs and delay costs
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Additional Features (1 of 5)
Improved queue estimation model
Based on work by Lawson, Lovell, and Dogenzo
Graphic: A chart comparing Distance on the x-axis versus Cumulative Number of Vehicles on the y-axis.
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Additional Features (2 of 5)
Capacity estimation module
- UMCP model
- HCM value
- User-defined value
Graphic: A screenshot of a sample QuickZone screen titled work zone Capacity Estimation (2 of 2). There are several fields that can be filled in, which are parameters of affected by work zones, such as the number of closed lanes and the work zone length.
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Additional Features (3 of 5)
Lane closure schedules
- Max. allowable queue length
- Max. allowable delay
Graphic: A screenshot showing parameters related to Lane closures.
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Additional Features (4 of 5)
Simple economic analysis framework
- traffic impact costs
- construction costs
- cost ratio analysis
Graphic: Showing a sample screenshot of how various preferred parameters can be selected and ordered.
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Additional Features (5 of 5)
Optimize work zone lengths
- Two lane-two way rural roads
- Four lane undivided rural roads
Graphic: A sample screenshot showing parameters related to optimizing work zones, such as traffic speed and lane widths.
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Getting it out!
- Training
- SHA engineers
- Consultants
- Future training (UM's T2 Center)
- Free software
- May require work zone analysis for all SHA projects
- Promotion at conferences, seminars, etc.
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- Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project
- Delay and queue length estimation
- determine best strategies and stages
- provide traffic information to public
- data intensive and time consuming
- MD-QuickZone
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Application (2 of 3)
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(3 of 3)
- Easy-to-learn and use
- Quick analysis
- Analysis results not available form other products
- Not easy to code large networks
- Less flexibility in design of work zones
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Graphic of a man scratching his head.