Figure 2 Long Description
Figure 2 is a Sample Survey Questionnaire, the text is below. The sign that is the subject of the questionnaire is diamond-shaped, with an orange background and black foreground. The figure is of a person holding a sign in the right hand with the left arm raised.
Sample Survey Questionnaire text:
The Virginia Department of Transportation is investigating how well the public understands some of its roadway signs. By answering the questions below, you are playing an important role in helping VDOT make Virginia’s roads safer for everyone. Please take a minute and look at the roadway sign shown below; then answer the questions and return the survey. A self-addressed, stamped envelope has been provided for your convenience. Alternatively, feel free to complete the survey online at our website address, Please return the completed survey by Friday, November 13th. Thank you for your participation and your concern for safer roads in Virginia.
1) Have you ever seen this sign in Virginia? (check one)
- Yes
- No
2) What do you think the sign means? (check one)
- Children present
- stop ahead
- Workers ahead
- Slow down
- Flagger ahead
3) Where would you expect to see this sign? (check one)
- Near a school crossing
- Near road work
- Near a pedestrian crosswalk
- Near an accident
- Near a hospital
4) What would you do if you saw the sign while driving? (check one)
- Stop
- Slow down
- Proceed with caution
- Be prepared to stop
The information below is optional. By completing this information, you are helping VDOT ensure that we have surveyed a broad range of Virginia motorists. Please help us make sure that people like yourself are adequately represented in our study. Thank you.
Personal Information: (check one)
- Male
- Female
Age: (enter data)
Years driving: (enter data)
Highest Level of Education: (check one)
- did not complete high school
- completed high school
- completed college
- post-graduate education