FHWA Freight Publications
FHWA Freight Videos
Freight Transportation Bookshelf
The following list is not meant to be a comprehensive library of freight resources, but rather a listing of selected documents that should be on every freight practitioner's bookshelf. The National Transportation Library provides access to a larger collection of freight transportation documents.
- Findings on Connector Designation, Data to Support Planning, and Incorporation into State Freight Plans - This study describes issues related to the designation of freight intermodal connectors, examined data needs and options for a long-term data program, including the potential for the development of a stand-alone intermodal connector database; reviewed options for improving data quality and amount of data available for planning on intermodal connectors, and developed guidance on how to incorporate freight intermodal connectors into State Freight Plans.
- Financing Freight Improvements - This Guidebook describes funding and financing tools available for freight investments. The Guidebook has been designed to provide information to the FHWA, states, MPOs, and other parties interested in investing in freight infrastructure.
- Freight Facts and Figures - A snapshot of the volume and value of freight flows in the United States, the physical network over which freight moves, the economic conditions that generate freight movements, the industry that carries freight, and the safety, energy, and environmental consequences of freight transportation.
- Freight Glossary and Acronyms - Provides definitions for key freight terms and a list of commonly used freight-related acronyms.
- Freight Intermodal Connectors Study - Freight intermodal connectors are roads that provide the "last mile" connection between major intermodal freight facilities (e.g., ports, airports, intermodal rail yards) and the National Highway System (NHS). Although the officially designated network of NHS intermodal connectors accounts for less than one percent of total NHS mileage, these roads are critical for the timely and reliable movement of freight. It is therefore important to understand the use, condition, and performance of the nation’s intermodal connectors since they have a direct impact on efficient goods movement and economic health. FHWA began a study to provide a comprehensive understanding of the condition and performance of a representative sample of the NHS freight intermodal connectors. The study is designed to be a resource to State and local partners. Information in the study can be used to inform the freight planning process and freight investment decisions.
- Freight Technology Story - Provides information about the state of the art and the adoption of effective technologies by the freight industry and its customers.
- Quick Response Freight Methods Third Edition - This third edition of the QRFM (Quick Response Freight Methods) is an informational and descriptive document that provides insight into the methods, data, and practices that are useful in conducting freight planning, analysis, and modeling. This document addresses the needs of transportation practitioners by helping them understand freight transportation system and factors affecting freight demand, locating available data and freight-related forecasts and options for analysis methods to prepare freight demand and performance forecasts. While the acronym of this document remains QRFM to better reflect the intent of this document the title itself has changed. In previous editions, the "M" stood for "Manual," but the "M" now stands for "Methods".
- Research, Development, and Application of Methods to Update Freight Analysis Framework Out-of-Scope Commodity Flow Data and Truck Payload Factors - This report provides information regarding freight flow patterns to better support FHWA's current and future freight analysis needs through the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF). Report describes alternative methods to integrate commodity flow data excluded from Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) within Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) and outlines methods to calculate truck pay load factor to convert origin-destination commodity flow weight into flows of trucks.