4Ts | Tolling, Transit, Telecommuting, and Technology |
APC | Automatic passenger counter |
ASTM | American Society for Testing Materials |
ATM | Active traffic management |
AVL | Automatic vehicle location |
AVO | Average vehicle occupancy |
BFI | Boeing Field/King County International Airport |
CAD | Computer aided dispatch |
CBA | Cost and benefit analysis |
CRD | Congestion Reduction Demonstration |
CSC | Customer Service Center |
CTR | Commute Trip Reduction |
CTS | Center for Transportation Studies |
CUTR | Center for Urban Transportation Research |
CVISN | Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks |
CVO | Commercial vehicle operator |
DOE | U.S. Department of Energy |
DVAS | Digital Video Audit System |
EJ | Environmental justice |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration |
FMAS | Facility Management and Administration System |
FTA | Federal Transit Administration |
GTEC | Growth and Transportation Efficiency Center |
HOT | High-occupancy tolling |
HOV | High-occupancy vehicle |
HOV 2+ | High-occupancy vehicle containing two or more travelers |
HOV 3+ | High-occupancy vehicle containing three or more travelers |
IRT | Incident Response Teams |
ITS | Intelligent transportation systems |
ITS JPO | Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office |
LWC | Lake Washington Corridor |
MOE | Measure of effectiveness |
MOVES | Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator |
NEF | National Evaluation Framework |
P&R | Park-and-ride |
PMT | Person-miles traveled |
PSRC | Puget Sound Regional Council |
PT | Person throughput |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RITA | Research and Innovative Technology Administration |
RTCS | Roadside Toll Collection System |
SOV | Single-occupant vehicle |
SPT | Service Planning Tool |
TCI | Transit Competitiveness Index |
TCS | Toll Collection System |
TDM | Travel demand management |
TMC | Traffic Management Center |
TRIPS | Transportation Information Planning Support |
TSMC | Traffic Systems Management Center |
TTI | Texas Transportation Institute |
UPA | Urban Partnership Agreement |
U.S. DOT | U.S. Department of Transportation |
VMT | Vehicle miles traveled |
VT | Vehicle trips |
WITS | WSDOT Incident Response Tracking System |
WSDOT | Washington State Department of Transportation |