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Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

CONNECTICUT: Feasibility on Pricing on Interstate 84 (Hartford)

The study evaluates the use of pricing strategies on a short section of Interstate 84 in the City of Hartford. The segment is one of Connecticut's most highly traveled and one of its most congested. It includes a three quarter mile long elevated highway, or viaduct, that is nearly 50 years old and in need of replacement. It was determined that the need to replace the aging structure presents an opportunity to address congestion problems and improve quality of life in adjoining neighborhoods. However, the high cost of replacement poses a financing problem. Congestion pricing offers an opportunity to finance part of the viaduct replacement, as well as an opportunity to further reduce and manage congestion.

Project Status

The study is complete, the Final Report, Executive Summary and all Appendices can be found on the Web site:

For More Information Contact

Gary J. Sojka
Transportation Supervising Planner
Connecticut Department of Transportation

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  Last modified: February 2, 2023  
Office of Operations