Pricing on Entire Roadway Facilities Quarterly Reports
Pricing on entire roadway facilities introduces variable tolls on highway facilities (e.g., roads, bridges, tunnels) that are currently free, or already have fixed tolls. If flat tolls are already in place, the introduction of variable tolling is the key element of interest. As with other congestion pricing categories, the goal of the differential pricing is to reduce congestion, but toll authorities have also used the availability of off-peak toll discounts to encourage the use of electronic tolling. Projects on existing toll roads generally do not need tolling authority under the Value Pricing Pilot Program, since they are toll facilities and already have tolling authority.
- CONNECTICUT: Feasibility on Pricing on Interstate 84 (Hartford)
- CONNECTICUT: Variable Pricing in I-95 Corridor from New York to New Haven
- ILLINOIS: Integrating and Financing Transit with Managed Lanes
- TEXAS: Influencing Travel Behavior, Sensitivity to Environmental Justice, and Use of Innovative Technology
- WASHINGTON: Variable Priced Tolls on SR 520 in Seattle