The AASHTO/FHWA Freight Transportation Partnership III Meeting
Building for the Future
September 2010

United States Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Further: This document is a synthesis of the information shared through presentations and discussion. Statements, including the findings, are the opinions of the participants and not necessarily of their employers, and inclusion in the report does not imply endorsement by FHWA or USDOT
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Key Conference Findings and Outcomes
Opening Remarks
Panel Discussions
Work Group Sessions
Implementing Multi-jurisdictional Decision
Key Points from Discussion
Freight Performance Measures
Funding and Financing Freight Transportation
Projects Successfully Funded (and How)
Projects Unsuccessfully Funded
Round Table Discussions
The Regional Setting
Field Trips
Reauthorization Discussion
Recommendations and Requests
Appendix A: Work Group Sessions Summaries
Appendix B: AASHTO-FHWA Freight Partnership III Meeting Participant Feedback
Appendix C: Agenda
List of Tables
Table 1. Recommendations and Requests Identified During the Freight Partnership III Meeting
Table 2: Introduction and Welcome Key Points
Table 3: Multi-Jurisdictional Decision Making: I-70 Corridor Panel Key Points
Table 4: Freight Performance Measures Panel Key Points
Table 5: Funding and Financing Freight Transportation Panel Key Points
Table 6: Barriers to Coordination and Implementation
Table 7: Maximizing Safety by Improving the Safety of the Freight Transportation System
Table 8: Ensuring an Efficient Freight Transportation Network
Table 9: Improving Operations of the Existing Freight Transportation System by Ensuring Travel Time Reliability
Table 10: Improving Operations of Existing System through Maintenance and Preservation
Table 11: Better Management of Environmental Impacts of Freight Transportation
Table 12: Key Points on Reauthorization
Table 13. Recommendations & Requests Identified During the Freight Partnership III Meeting