2. Methodology for Measuring Regional Reorganization Effects
2.1 Development of Regional Subgroups
The development of a regional analysis focused on applying the analytical framework developed for the national analysis to geographically grouped sets of corridors. A primary task of the regional analysis has been the development of regional groups to analyze the reorganization effects related to highway freight improvements. The project team developed three proposed regional groupings: A five-region model, a three-region model based on FHWA's Federal Lands Program (FLP) regions, and a distributed three-region model.
These regional models were then applied to the corridors used in the Phase II national analysis and a determination was made of the number of corridors available within each model for each proposed region. Table 3 lists the corridors used in the national analysis conducted under Phase II.
Corridor | Code |
Atlanta-Jacksonville | ATL-JAX |
Atlanta-Knoxville | ATL-KNX |
Atlanta-Mobile | ATL-MOB |
Birmingham-Chattanooga | BIR-CHA |
Birmingham-Nashville | BGH-NSH |
Cleveland-Columbus | CLE-COL |
Columbus-Pittsburgh | PIT-COL |
Dallas-Houston | DAL-HOU |
Dayton-Detroit | DAY-DET |
Harrisburg-Philadelphia | HAR-PHI |
Indianapolis-Chicago | IND-CHI |
Indianapolis-Columbus OH | IND-COL |
Kansas City-St Louis | KNC-STL |
Knoxville-Dayton | KNX-DAY |
Louisville-Columbus | COL-LOU |
Louisville-Indianapolis | IND-LOU |
Mobile-New Orleans | MOB-NOR |
Nashville-Louisville | NSH-LOU |
Nashville-St Louis | NSH-STL |
New Orleans-Birmingham | NOR-BIR |
Richmond-Philadelphia | RIC-PHI |
San Antonio-Houston | SAN-HOU |
St Louis-Indianapolis | STL-IND |
Denver-Kansas City | DEN-KAN |
Denver-Salt Lake City | DEN-SAL |
San Francisco-Salt Lake City | SFO-SAL |
San Francisco-Los Angeles | SFO-LAX |
Portland-Seattle | POR-SEA |
Boston-New York City | NYC-BOS |
Harrisburg-New York City | NYC-HAR |
This original set of corridors represented a selection of freight-significant corridors of varying lengths, traffic volumes, and performance characteristics. However, the corridors are concentrated in the Midwest and lack good representation for some parts of the country. This problem was addressed by adding new corridors to the analysis, as discussed later.
Table 4 describes the division of the corridors originally used in the national analysis into the proposed five regions.
Region | Corridor | Code |
East Coast | Harrisburg-Philadelphia | HAR-PHI |
Richmond-Philadelphia | RIC-PHI | |
Boston-New York City | NYC-BOS | |
Harrisburg-New York City | NYC-HAR | |
Southeast | Atlanta-Jacksonville | ATL-JAX |
Atlanta-Knoxville | ATL-KNX | |
Atlanta-Mobile | ATL-MOB | |
Birmingham-Chattanooga | BIR-CHA | |
Birmingham-Nashville | BGH-NSH | |
Mobile-New Orleans | MOB-NOR | |
New Orleans-Birmingham | NOR-BIR | |
Midwest | Cleveland-Columbus | CLE-COL |
Columbus-Pittsburgh | PIT-COL | |
Dayton-Detroit | DAY-DET | |
Indianapolis-Chicago | IND-CHI | |
Indianapolis-Columbus OH | IND-COL | |
Kansas City-St Louis | KNC-STL | |
Knoxville-Dayton | KNX-DAY | |
Louisville-Columbus | COL-LOU | |
Louisville-Indianapolis | IND-LOU | |
Nashville-Louisville | NSH-LOU | |
Nashville-St Louis | NSH-STL | |
St Louis-Indianapolis | STL-IND | |
Southwest | Dallas-Houston | DAL-HOU |
San Antonio-Houston | SAN-HOU | |
West Coast | Denver-Kansas City | DEN-KAN |
Denver-Salt Lake City | DEN-SAL | |
San Francisco-Salt Lake City | SFO-SAL | |
San Francisco-Los Angeles | SFO-LAX | |
Portland-Seattle | POR-SEA |
The five-region model allows for an easily understandable allocation of corridors to regions with which most practitioners would recognize and identify. However, it creates problems of under-representation, particularly in the Southwest and East. Using a five-region model would require significant investment in collecting data for a sufficient number of corridors to cover each region.
Table 5 describes the division of the corridors originally used in the national analysis into the proposed three FHWA FLP regions.
Region | Corridor | Code |
Eastern Region | Atlanta-Jacksonville | ATL-JAX |
Atlanta-Knoxville | ATL-KNX | |
Atlanta-Mobile | ATL-MOB | |
Birmingham-Chattanooga | BIR-CHA | |
Birmingham-Nashville | BGH-NSH | |
Cleveland-Columbus | CLE-COL | |
Columbus-Pittsburgh | PIT-COL | |
Dayton-Detroit | DAY-DET | |
Harrisburg-Philadelphia | HAR-PHI | |
Indianapolis-Chicago | IND-CHI | |
Indianapolis-Columbus OH | IND-COL | |
Kansas City-St Louis | KNC-STL | |
Knoxville-Dayton | KNX-DAY | |
Louisville-Columbus | COL-LOU | |
Louisville-Indianapolis | IND-LOU | |
Mobile-New Orleans | MOB-NOR | |
Nashville-Louisville | NSH-LOU | |
Nashville-St Louis | NSH-STL | |
New Orleans-Birmingham | NOR-BIR | |
Richmond-Philadelphia | RIC-PHI | |
Boston-New York City | NYC-BOS | |
Harrisburg-New York City | NYC-HAR | |
St Louis-Indianapolis | STL-IND | |
Central Region | Dallas-Houston | DAL-HOU |
Denver-Kansas City | DEN-KAN | |
Denver-Salt Lake City | DEN-SAL | |
San Francisco-Salt Lake City | SFO-SAL | |
San Francisco-Los Angeles | SFO-LAX | |
San Antonio-Houston | SAN-HOU |
Using FHWA's FLP regions as the model for sub-national division creates significant concentration in the East. In addition, the West region becomes extremely small, with only one corridor allocated.
Table 6 describes the division of the corridors originally used in the national analysis into the proposed three distributed regions.
Region | Corridor | Code |
East Coast | Atlanta-Jacksonville | ATL-JAX |
Atlanta-Knoxville | ATL-KNX | |
Atlanta-Mobile | ATL-MOB | |
Birmingham-Chattanooga | BIR-CHA | |
Birmingham-Nashville | BGH-NSH | |
Harrisburg-Philadelphia | HAR-PHI | |
Mobile-New Orleans | MOB-NOR | |
New Orleans-Birmingham | NOR-BIR | |
Richmond-Philadelphia | RIC-PHI | |
Boston-New York City | NYC-BOS | |
Harrisburg-New York City | NYC-HAR | |
Midwest | Cleveland-Columbus | CLE-COL |
Columbus-Pittsburgh | PIT-COL | |
Dayton-Detroit | DAY-DET | |
Indianapolis-Chicago | IND-CHI | |
Indianapolis-Columbus OH | IND-COL | |
Kansas City-St Louis | KNC-STL | |
Knoxville-Dayton | KNX-DAY | |
Louisville-Columbus | COL-LOU | |
Louisville-Indianapolis | IND-LOU | |
Nashville-Louisville | NSH-LOU | |
Nashville-St Louis | NSH-STL | |
St Louis-Indianapolis | STL-IND | |
West Coast | Dallas-Houston | DAL-HOU |
San Antonio-Houston | SAN-HOU | |
Denver-Kansas City | DEN-KAN | |
Denver-Salt Lake City | DEN-SAL | |
San Francisco-Salt Lake City | SFO-SAL | |
San Francisco-Los Angeles | SFO-LAX |
The distributed three-region model reduces the potential variability between regions that would be in a five-region model. It creates regional allocations with which practitioners can identify, but the three-region model reduces the burden of additional data collection to achievable proportions.
The three proposed regional division models are:
Regions | Corridors |
Midwest | 12 |
East Coast | 4 |
Southeast | 7 |
Southwest | 2 |
West Coast | 5 |
Regions | Corridors |
Central | 6 |
Eastern | 23 |
Western | 1 |
Regions | Corridors |
Midwest | 12 |
East Coast | 11 |
West Coast | 7 |
The three-region FLP model was determined as untenable due to the heavy weighting of states included in the Eastern region and the lack of good mapping to freight-significant corridors with the southern half of the West Coast included in the Central region and most of the Midwest included in the Eastern region. As can be seen from the table above, the FLP approach allowed only one of the original corridors to be included in the third (Western) region.
2.2 Testing of Regional Subgroups
The project team tested a selection of the subgroups for performance using the three final equations developed under Phase II: The pooled regression equation, the regression with fixed effects, and the general least squares regression with fixed effects. The objectives of the testing were:
- To estimate the likely minimum number of corridors or observations required per region in order to derive significant results;
- To determine the data collection required in order to develop a robust regional dataset; and
- To use this information to determine which regional definition to use in the final analysis.
In order to estimate the likely minimum number of corridors or observations required, each of the three equations developed for the Phase II national analysis were re-run using the midwestern corridors from the five-region model and the East Coast corridors from the three-region model. In addition, the 23-corridor FLP Eastern region was included in order to improve the estimate of the required minimum number of corridors or observations required. However, as discussed earlier, the FLP model was determined unsuitable for use as a final regional grouping.
Equation 1: Pooled Regression
Equation 1 uses a semi-log functional form with data on freight demand, congestion related delays, and economic variables. In the following model, demand for daily truck traffic is specified as a function of per capita income, GDP growth rate, LTL rates, and delay. Table 7 provides the results from the original national analysis.
Estimating Equation:LOG(Trucks/dayr,t) = β0 + β1 * Delayr,t + β2 * GDP Growthr,t + β3 Real per Capita Incomer,t + β4 * LTL Rater,t
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistic | Probability of Non-Significance |
Constant | 8.162777 | 0.061204 | 133.3699 | 0.0000 |
Delay | -0.001834 | 0.000418 | -4.388016 | 0.0000 |
GDP Growth | 0.067249 | 0.010604 | 6.342005 | 0.0000 |
Real per Capita Income | 6.16E-05 | 4.67E-06 | 13.19443 | 0.0000 |
Real LTL Rates | -0.004517 | 0.000296 | -15.26863 | 0.0000 |
R-squared | 0.323195 | Mean dependent variable | 8.805702 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.308871 | S.D. dependent variable | 0.389423 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.323743 | Sum squared residual | 19.80905 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 0.142865 |
Method: GLS (Cross-Section Weights)
Total panel (unbalanced) observations: 194
- Trucks/day = Average number of trucks/day for the corridor
- Delay = Average delay per mile
- GDP Growth = Growth rate for the Gross Domestic Product
- Real Per Capita Income = Average Per Capita income for all counties along the corridors
- LTL Rates/trip = Less-than-truckload rates for 1,000 lb. shipment
For the national analysis, this specification produced coefficients that are of the expected sign. Further estimation also suggested that the coefficient of the delay variable may vary across corridors of various lengths and be higher in absolute terms for long routes (over 400 miles) than for short routes (up to 200 miles) and medium routes (200 to 400 miles). However, the Durbin-Watson (DW) statistic in the above specification was low, at around 0.14. A low DW statistic indicates a potential problem of autocorrelation within and across the individual cross-sections (or other forms of misspecification). This arises from complications with panel data, in particular:
- Errors are not independent between time periods and
- Errors are correlated between corridors.
As such, re-estimating Equation 1 with fewer observations was not expected to produce strong results. Table 8 describes the results of Equation 1 for each of the three regional sub-groups tested.
Three-Region FLP Model FHWA Eastern Region 23 corridors with 2 no-data corridors 21 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 21 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 151 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 8.245 | 0.127 | 64.774 | 0.000 |
Delay | 0.001 | 0.002 | 0.243 | 0.809 |
GDP Growth | 0.040 | 0.026 | 1.524 | 0.130 |
Real Per Capita Income | 0.000 | 0.000 | 5.109 | 0.000 |
Real LTL Rates | -0.001 | 0.000 | -2.455 | 0.015 |
R-squared | 0.999 | Mean dependent var | 13.772 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.999 | S.D. dependent var | 7.762 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.234 | Sum squared resid | 7.966 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 0.318 |
Three-Region Model East (combined) 11 corridors with 2 no-data corridors 9 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 9 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 65 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 7.873 | 0.166 | 47.487 | 0.000 |
Delay | -0.006 | 0.001 | -3.874 | 0.000 |
GDP Growth | 0.039 | 0.042 | 0.919 | 0.362 |
Real Per Capita Income | 0.000 | 0.000 | 6.268 | 0.000 |
Real LTL Rates | -0.002 | 0.001 | -2.147 | 0.036 |
R-squared | 0.994 | Mean dependent var | 10.448 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.994 | S.D. dependent var | 2.972 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.232 | Sum squared resid | 3.241 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 0.265 |
Three-Region Model Midwest 12 corridors with 0 no-data corridors 12 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 12 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 86 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 8.604 | 0.149 | 57.930 | 0.000 |
Delay | 0.004 | 0.003 | 1.568 | 0.121 |
GDP Growth | 0.037 | 0.030 | 1.258 | 0.212 |
Real Per Capita Income | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1.920 | 0.058 |
Real LTL Rates | -0.001 | 0.001 | -1.028 | 0.037 |
R-squared | 0.999 | Mean dependent var | 13.183 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.999 | S.D. dependent var | 5.737 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.192 | Sum squared resid | 2.990 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 0.390 |
As expected, each of the regional subgroups performed poorly in terms of the DW statistic, ranging from.0.29 to 0.36. None of the equations achieved significant results for all included variables. The 65-observation Eastern region achieved significant and correctly signed results for the Delay variable, which is the key measure of highway performance included in the equation.
Equation 2: Regression with Fixed Effects
To mitigate the problems associated with Equation 1, the model was re-estimated using the fixed effects method during the Phase II national analysis. The estimating equation was reformulated as
Estimating Equation:LOG(Trucks/dayr,t) = βr + β1 * Delayr,t + β2 * GDP Growthr,t
Whereβr ( r = 1…28) are corridor-specific constant, or fixed effects.
The results of the estimation developed for the national analysis are provided in Table 9.
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistic | Probability of Non-Significance |
Delay | -0.002575 | 0.000496 | -5.186827 | 0.0000 |
GDP Growth | 0.073356 | 0.007632 | 9.611514 | 0.0000 |
Fixed Effects | ||||
Atlanta-Jacksonville | 8.716456 | |||
Atlanta-Knoxville | 8.918446 | |||
Atlanta-Mobile | 8.362351 | |||
Birmingham-Nashville | 8.353916 | |||
Cleveland-Columbus | 8.605421 | |||
Columbus-Pittsburgh | 8.535460 | |||
Dallas-Houston | 8.623438 | |||
Dayton-Detroit | 8.592172 | |||
Harrisburg-Philadelphia | 8.526888 | |||
Indianapolis-Chicago | 8.655297 | |||
Indianapolis-Columbus | 8.821301 | |||
Kansas City-St. Louis | 8.610851 | |||
Knoxville-Dayton | 8.807753 | |||
Louisville-Columbus | 8.708366 | |||
Louisville-Indianapolis | 8.679238 | |||
Mobile-New Orleans | 8.325837 | |||
Nashville-Louisville | 9.049711 | |||
Nashville-St. Louis | 8.086613 | |||
Richmond-Philadelphia | 9.035896 | |||
San Antonio-Houston | 8.423007 | |||
St. Louis-Indianapolis | 8.664829 | |||
Denver-Kansas City | 7.441348 | |||
Denver-Salt Lake City | 8.156259 | |||
San Francisco-Salt Lake City | 7.459972 | |||
San Francisco-Los Angeles | 8.343404 | |||
Portland-Seattle | 8.794208 | |||
Boston-New York City | 8.639654 | |||
Harrisburg-New York City | 8.727643 | |||
R-squared | 0.924207 | Mean dependent variable | 8.805702 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.910804 | S.D. dependent variable | 0.389423 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.116304 | Sum squared residual | 2.218348 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 1.117309 |
Method: GLS (Cross-Section Weights)
Total panel (unbalanced) observations: 194
For the national analysis, the high R-squared value, 0.92 indicated that the variables considered explain changes in freight demand very closely. Delay and GDP growth variables have the correct signs, and they are statistically significant. The DW statistic, 1.11, is significantly higher than that reported in the first model.
Equation 2 was also re-run using the three regional subgroups. Table 10 describes the results for each.
Three-Region FLP Model FHWA Eastern Region 23 corridors with 2 no-data corridors 21 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 21 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 151 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 8.682 | 0.045 | 192.020 | 0.000 |
Delay | -0.005 | 0.001 | -6.088 | 0.000 |
GDP Growth | 0.065 | 0.011 | 5.685 | 0.000 |
Fixed Effects: | ||||
ATL-JAX | 0.071 | |||
ATL-KNX | 0.270 | |||
ATL-MOB | -0.289 | |||
BGH-NSH | -0.297 | |||
CLE-COL | -0.037 | |||
PIT-COL | -0.115 | |||
DAY-DET | -0.055 | |||
HAR-PHI | -0.104 | |||
IND-CHI | 0.007 | |||
IND-COL | 0.175 | |||
KNC-STL | -0.013 | |||
KNX-DAY | 0.195 | |||
COL-LOU | 0.063 | |||
IND-LOU | 0.030 | |||
MOB-NOR | -0.320 | |||
NSH-LOU | 0.425 | |||
NSH-STL | -0.564 | |||
RIC-PHI | 0.397 | |||
STL-IND | 0.015 | |||
NYC-BOS | 0.026 | |||
NYC-HAR | 0.080 | |||
R-squared | 0.999 | Mean dependent var | 12.179 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.999 | S.D. dependent var | 4.820 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.110 | Sum squared resid | 1.539 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 1.179 |
Three-Region Model East (combined) 11 corridors with 2 no-data corridors 9 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 9 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 65 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 8.626 | 0.058 | 148.596 | 0.000 |
Delay | -0.005 | 0.001 | -5.887 | 0.000 |
GDP Growth | 0.076 | 0.015 | 4.958 | 0.000 |
Fixed Effects: | ||||
ATL-JAX | 0.086 | |||
ATL-KNX | 0.285 | |||
ATL-MOB | -0.274 | |||
BGH-NSH | -0.282 | |||
HAR-PHI | -0.093 | |||
MOB-NOR | -0.305 | |||
RIC-PHI | 0.412 | |||
NYC-BOS | 0.041 | |||
NYC-HAR | 0.091 | |||
R-squared | 0.999 | Mean dependent var | 13.535 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.999 | S.D. dependent var | 6.478 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.137 | Sum squared resid | 1.009 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 1.176 |
Three-Region FLP Model Midwest 12 corridors with 0 no-data corridors 12 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 12 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 86 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 8.727 | 0.063 | 137.923 | 0.000 |
Delay | -0.005 | 0.002 | -2.357 | 0.021 |
GDP Growth | 0.056 | 0.016 | 3.534 | 0.001 |
Fixed Effects: | ||||
CLE-COL | -0.047 | |||
PIT-COL | -0.125 | |||
DAY-DET | -0.064 | |||
IND-CHI | -0.002 | |||
IND-COL | 0.166 | |||
KNC-STL | -0.023 | |||
KNX-DAY | 0.177 | |||
COL-LOU | 0.052 | |||
IND-LOU | 0.022 | |||
NSH-LOU | 0.410 | |||
NSH-STL | -0.574 | |||
STL-IND | 0.007 | |||
R-squared | 0.999 | Mean dependent var | 10.104 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.999 | S.D. dependent var | 3.201 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.085 | Sum squared resid | 0.518 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 1.149 |
As with the national analysis, Equation 2 performed well for each of the regional groupings, all with R-squared statistics above 0.99.
Equation 3: GLS Regression with Fixed Effects
The model was also estimated with V/C ratio and "fixed effects." The estimating equation was reformulated as:
Estimating Equation:LOG(Trucks/dayr,t) = βr + β1 * VC Ratior,t + β2 * GDP Growthr,t β3 * Real per Capita Incomer,t + β4 * Real LTL Rater,t
Whereβr ( r = 1…28) are corridor-specific constant, or fixed effects.
Table 11 describes the results of the original national analysis using Equation 3.
In the original national analysis, this model had a high R-squared value (0.954), indicating that the selected variables are highly correlated with changes in demand for transportation. The VC Ratio, GDP Growth, and Real Per Capita Income variables have the correct signs. The VC Ratio and Real LTL Rate variables are statistically significant. The DW statistic is higher than earlier estimations.
Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistic | Probability of Non-Significance |
VC Ratio | -0.145737 | 0.024236 | -6.013214 | 0.0000 |
GDP Growth | 0.005716 | 0.004550 | 1.256128 | 0.2109 |
Real Per Capita Income | 8.11E-06 | 4.04E-06 | 2.006642 | 0.0465 |
Real LTL Rates | 0.003148 | 0.000230 | 13.65898 | 0.0000 |
Fixed Effects | ||||
Atlanta-Jacksonville | -0.145737 | |||
Atlanta-Knoxville | 0.005716 | |||
Atlanta-Mobile | 8.11E-06 | |||
Birmingham-Nashville | 0.003148 | |||
Cleveland-Columbus | ||||
Columbus-Pittsburgh | 8.343270 | |||
Dallas-Houston | 8.671927 | |||
Dayton-Detroit | 7.985723 | |||
Harrisburg-Philadelphia | 7.827820 | |||
Indianapolis-Chicago | 8.331450 | |||
Indianapolis-Columbus | 8.187617 | |||
Kansas City-St. Louis | 8.232353 | |||
Knoxville-Dayton | 8.249458 | |||
Louisville-Columbus | 8.055459 | |||
Louisville-Indianapolis | 8.262573 | |||
Mobile-New Orleans | 8.492228 | |||
Nashville-Louisville | 8.111981 | |||
Nashville-St. Louis | 8.373134 | |||
Richmond-Philadelphia | 8.328012 | |||
San Antonio-Houston | 8.378806 | |||
St. Louis-Indianapolis | 8.150193 | |||
Denver-Kansas City | 8.808472 | |||
Denver-Salt Lake City | 7.632464 | |||
San Francisco-Salt Lake City | 8.470470 | |||
San Francisco-Los Angeles | 8.100525 | |||
Portland-Seattle | 8.268212 | |||
Boston-New York City | 6.563344 | |||
Harrisburg-New York City | 7.438120 | |||
R-squared | 0.954116 | Mean dependent var | 8.805702 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.945336 | S.D. dependent variable | 0.389423 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.091048 | Sum squared residual | 1.342952 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 1.315943 |
This model performed well using the entire set of corridors, but sub-division into smaller groupings with fewer observations indicated that the nine- and 12-corridor groupings did not have a sufficient number of observations to generate statistically significant results.
The results of the three regional analyses are described in Table 12.
Three-Region FLP Model FHWA Eastern Region 23 corridors with 2 no-data corridors 21 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 21 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 151 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 8.223 | 0.104 | 78.752 | 0.000 |
VC_Ratio | -0.162 | 0.037 | -4.361 | 0.000 |
GDP_Growth | 0.003 | 0.009 | 0.383 | 0.703 |
Real Per Capita Income | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.867 | 0.388 |
Real LTL Rates | 0.003 | 0.001 | 4.392 | 0.000 |
Fixed Effects: | ||||
ATL-JAX | 0.095 | |||
ATL-KNX | 0.426 | |||
ATL-MOB | -0.264 | |||
BGH-NSH | -0.424 | |||
CLE-COL | 0.088 | |||
PIT-COL | -0.060 | |||
DAY-DET | 0.001 | |||
HAR-PHI | -0.193 | |||
IND-CHI | 0.008 | |||
IND-COL | 0.246 | |||
KNC-STL | -0.137 | |||
KNX-DAY | 0.129 | |||
COL-LOU | 0.081 | |||
IND-LOU | 0.131 | |||
MOB-NOR | -0.088 | |||
NSH-LOU | 0.567 | |||
NSH-STL | -0.620 | |||
RIC-PHI | 0.217 | |||
STL-IND | 0.018 | |||
NYC-BOS | -0.184 | |||
NYC-HAR | -0.201 | |||
R-squared | 0.999 | Mean dependent var | 15.836 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.999 | S.D. dependent var | 18.020 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.090 | Sum squared resid | 1.020 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 1.1896 |
Three-Region Model East (combined) 11 corridors with 2 no-data corridors 9 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 9 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 65 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 7.796 | 0.210 | 37.165 | 0.000 |
VC_Ratio | -0.088 | 0.072 | -1.223 | 0.227 |
GDP_Growth | 0.000 | 0.016 | -0.027 | 0.979 |
Real Per Capita Income | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1.391 | 0.170 |
Real LTL Rates | 0.002 | 0.002 | 1.219 | 0.228 |
Fixed Effects: | ||||
ATL-JAX | 0.179 | |||
ATL-KNX | 0.464 | |||
ATL-MOB | -0.184 | |||
BGH-NSH | -0.251 | |||
HAR-PHI | -0.180 | |||
MOB-NOR | -0.001 | |||
RIC-PHI | 0.248 | |||
NYC-BOS | -0.214 | |||
NYC-HAR | -0.206 | |||
R-squared | 0.999 | Mean dependent var | 15.440 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.999 | S.D. dependent var | 8.714 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.112 | Sum squared resid | 0.650 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 1.221 |
Five-Region Model Midwest 12 corridors with 0 no-data corridors 12 corridors for analysis |
Dependent Variable: LOG(AADT-Trucks) | ||||
Method: Pooled EGLS (Cross-section weights) | ||||
Included observations: 8 | ||||
Cross-sections included: 12 | ||||
Total pool (unbalanced) observations: 86 | ||||
Variable | Coef | Std. Error | t-Stat | Prob. |
Constant | 8.487 | 0.132 | 64.309 | 0.000 |
VC_Ratio | 0.071 | 0.122 | 0.581 | 0.563 |
GDP_Growth | 0.014 | 0.016 | 0.841 | 0.403 |
Real Per Capita Income | 0.000 | 0.000 | -1.430 | 0.157 |
Real LTL Rates | 0.005 | 0.001 | 4.389 | 0.000 |
Fixed Effects: | ||||
CLE-COL | 0.039 | |||
PIT-COL | -0.093 | |||
DAY-DET | -0.003 | |||
IND-CHI | 0.118 | |||
IND-COL | 0.203 | |||
KNC-STL | -0.289 | |||
KNX-DAY | -0.062 | |||
COL-LOU | -0.005 | |||
IND-LOU | 0.156 | |||
NSH-LOU | 0.522 | |||
NSH-STL | -0.660 | |||
STL-IND | -0.006 | |||
R-squared | 0.999 | Mean dependent var | 14.241 | |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.999 | S.D. dependent var | 19.442 | |
S.E. of regression | 0.070 | Sum squared resid | 0.341 | |
Durbin-Watson stat | 1.311 |
2.3 Selection of the Regional Groupings
The results of the analysis of the proposed regional groupings indicate that results generating reliability similar to that in the Phase II national analysis require groupings with an estimated minimum of 15–20 corridors. It can not be determined in advance of data collection and re-analysis whether any particular grouping will generate usable results. However, the performance of the test groupings against the three Phase II equations did not demonstrate any particular regional weakness.
Given the need for a regional grouping where every defined region needs at least 15-20 corridors, the project group and FHWA selected the distributed three-region grouping and began the task of collecting data for additional corridors to generate sufficient observations for each region. Having experienced issues related to incomplete data during the Phase II analysis, the project team selected sufficient additional corridors for each region in case a few corridors could not be used. In addition, an attempt was made to include corridors that covered a range of route types, from heavily urban to more rural and from a variety of areas within each region.
The following corridors were selected for addition to the dataset:
- Omaha-Chicago
- Barstow-Bakersfield
- San Francisco-Portland
- Billings-Sioux Falls
- Chicago-Cleveland
- Amarillo-Oklahoma City
- Detroit-Pittsburgh
- Galveston-Dallas
- San Diego-Los Angeles
- Miami-Atlanta
- Seattle-Billings
- Miami-Richmond
- Seattle-Sioux Falls
- New York City-Cleveland
- Portland-Salt Lake City
- Philadelphia-New York City
- Los Angeles-Tucson
- Dallas-El Paso
- Tucson-San Antonio
- Memphis-Dallas
- Barstow-Salt Lake City
- Memphis-Oklahoma City
- Barstow-Amarillo
- Stouts-Oklahoma City
- Nogales-Tucson
- Seattle-Blaine
- San Antonio-Dallas
- Knoxville-Harrisburg
- Laredo-San Antonio
Having added these corridors, a final regional division was made. Table 13 describes the corridors selected for inclusion in each region.
East Region – 18 corridors | Central Region – 18 corridors | West Region – 23 corridors | |||
Atlanta-Jacksonville | ATL-JAX | Amarillo-Oklahoma City | AMA-OKL | Barstow-Amarillo | BAR-AMA |
Atlanta-Knoxville | ATL-KNX | Billings-Sioux Falls | BIL-SIO | Barstow-Bakersfield | BAR-BAK |
Atlanta-Mobile | ATL-MOB | Chicago-Cleveland | CHI-CLE | Barstow-Salt Lake City | BAR-SAL |
Birmingham-Nashville | BGH-NSH | Cleveland-Columbus | CLE-COL | Dallas-El Paso | DAL-ELP |
Birmingham-Chattanooga | BIR-CHA | Dayton-Detroit | DAY-DET | Dallas-Houston | DAL-HOU |
Detroit-Pittsburgh | DET-PIT | Indianapolis-Chicago | IND-CHI | Denver-Kansas City | DEN-KAN |
Harrisburg-Philadelphia | HAR-PHI | Indianapolis-Columbus OH | IND-COL | Denver-Salt Lake City | DEN-SAL |
Knoxville-Harrisburg | KNX-HAR | Kansas City-St Louis | KNC-STL | Galveston-Dallas | GAL-DAL |
Miami-Atlanta | MIA-ATL | Knoxville-Dayton | KNX-DAY | Laredo-San Antonio | LAR-SAN |
Miami-Richmond | MIA-RIC | Louisville-Columbus | COL-LOU | Los Angeles-Tucson | LAX-TUC |
Mobile-New Orleans | MOB-NOR | Louisville-Indianapolis | IND-LOU | Nogales-Tucson | NOG-TUC |
New Orleans-Birmingham | NOR-BIR | Memphis-Dallas | MEM-DAL | Portland-Salt Lake City | POR-SAL |
Boston-New York City | NYC-BOS | Memphis-Oklahoma City | MEM-OKL | Portland-Seattle | POR-SEA |
New York City-Cleveland | NYC-CLE | Nashville-Louisville | NSH-LOU | San Antonio-Dallas | SAN-DAL |
Harrisburg-New York City | NYC-HAR | Nashville-St Louis | NSH-STL | San Diego-Los Angeles | SDG-LAX |
Philadelphia-New York City | PHI-NYC | Omaha-Chicago | OMA-CHI | San Francisco-Los Angeles | SFO-LAX |
Columbus-Pittsburgh | PIT-COL | St Louis-Oklahoma City | STL-OKL | San Francisco-Portland | SFO-POR |
Richmond-Philadelphia | RIC-PHI | St Louis-Indianapolis | STL-IND | San Francisco-Salt Lake City | SFO-SAL |
San Antonio-Houston | SAN-HOU | ||||
Seattle-Billings | SEA-BIL | ||||
Seattle-Blaine | SEA-BLA | ||||
Seattle-Sioux Falls | SEA-SIO | ||||
Tucson-San Antonio | TUC-SAN |
The final regional categorization utilizes a three-region approach. Data availability and quality are the main reasons that a more detailed regional disaggregation has not been pursued.
However, the additive benefit estimation calculator will achieve significantly more specificity to local conditions then the example illustrated herein. This will be achieved though the use of corridor-specific AADTT in the additive benefit calculation and corridor-specific delay characteristics in the transformation of the elasticity estimate.
Additive benefit estimates are provided in this report as an illustration of what the additional reorganization benefit would be for the average corridor in each region. This is not the additional benefit proposed as the addition to every corridor's total benefit estimation. The tool to be developed in a subsequent task will utilize the regional elasticities calculated for this report and corridor-specific data, such as daily truck traffic, current delay, delay reduction, localized cost data, and other locally specific data to develop a corridor-specific additive freight reorganization benefit factor to be applied to calculated freight related benefits.
2.4 Rate, Flow, Commodity, and Performance Data
In addition to adding corridors, the existing dataset was also expanded by adding years of observations. Additional HPMS data collection has occurred since the development of the Phase II dataset. The project team was able to add three years of observations for most corridors, significantly expanding the total number of observations.
Data on heavy-duty vehicle traffic volumes, freight rates, and commodity flows were collected from several different sources. The data used are described below. Note that data on 30 corridors were available from Phase II of this study. Additional years of data were collected for these corridors. Data for 29 new corridors were also collected to enhance the size and regional coverage of our database. Of those 29 corridors, 25 were added to the final sample.
2.4.1 Rate Data
Freight rates for each corridor were obtained from SMC3's Czarlite[5] database. This database serves as the benchmark for thousands of LTL contracts. Rates were obtained for each corridor using an origin and destination zip code. The rates were defined by using a 1,000 pound, class 70 shipment type to estimate an average rate for each corridor for the years 1993-2004.
2.4.2 Commodity Flow Data
The commodity flows in each corridor were characterized using FAF data from FHWA. Both the original FAF and a newly released version (FAF2) were used since the geographic detail and years available were somewhat different between these databases. The FAF2 database has information on commodity flows between major geographic regions, including some metropolitan area city pairs for the year 2002. Data on the tonnage, value, and commodity types being moved in both directions in the study corridors were developed. Since the geographic regions available in FAF2 did not map exactly to the corridor origin and destination cities used in the analysis, the regions most closely matching this study's corridors were utilized to obtain an approximate picture of existing commodity flows. Commodity flows were developed for 58 distinct corridors and captured information on freight moving in both directions along the corridor.
The original FAF database contains county-to-county movements of freight by commodity type for 1998 and forecast years. Commodity flows for each corridor were developed from this database as well. The purpose of the commodity flow analysis was to understand the differences that exist between the corridors and to develop an understanding of how these differences might affect the results of the modeling.
2.4.3 HPMS
The HPMS Sample database was used to develop information on the average V/C ratios for the corridors being studied. The HPMS Sample database was obtained for the years 1993-2003. Each year of sample data contains approximately 110,000 records. Each record represents one segment and includes data on segment ID, state, county, route number, average annual daily truck traffic, peak and off-peak commercial vehicle percentages, V/C ratio, as well as many other items.
FHWA's list of "freight significant corridors" was used to identify many of the corridors used in this study. Additional corridors were added based on expert judgment or the need to increase regional coverage or include corridor types that were not represented. For instance, a number of major international trade lanes were added to increase the coverage of international commodity flows. A number of rural low-volume freight corridors were added to enhance coverage of this corridor type.
For each corridor identified, the relevant highway routes that would be used between a given city pair were identified. The set of HPMS segments representing these highway routes were then determined. One problem encountered was that, in some cases, routes designated in HPMS would change across years or between states. For instance, in one year a route would be identified as 40, and in another year a route would be identified as I40. There were also variations in how routes were designated between states.
In order to work around this, the data for each state were manually inspected to determine the route designations used for each corridor. Based on this analysis, a list of segments that characterized each corridor was developed.
HPMS data for each study corridor defined were aggregated to develop summary information describing average truck volumes and V/C ratios for each corridor. Truck volumes were obtained by multiplying the off-peak truck percentage by the AADTT for each segment. Corridor averages for truck volumes and V/C ratios were obtained averaging all the segments for each corridor, weighted by the segment length.
A number of problems were encountered. Many segments did not have data for all the years in the analysis. In addition, some segments had zero values in the off-peak truck percentage field. In order to compare data across years for each corridor, it was necessary to eliminate segments from the analysis that did not have data across all years or were missing data. For some corridors, data were unavailable for particular years. In order to address this, the years of data used in each corridor was adjusted to include the most segments, while at the same time making available the largest number of years of data available for analysis.
For example, if most segments were missing for a particular year of data, then that year would be omitted. In some cases, there were duplicate records for some segment IDs. These were dropped from the analysis. A number of corridors that were initially examined did not have enough data available for them. An additional 29 corridors to those used in the national analysis had enough information to develop corridor averages. Table 14 shows the total number of segments available and the number of segments used to develop the data for each of the 29 corridors. Also shown are the years of data that were available for each corridor.
Post data cleaning resulted in 55 corridors, representing both the corridors in the Phase II national analysis and newly added corridors, being usable for our sample.
Corridor Name | Total Segments | Segments Available for Analysis | Years Covered |
Dallas-El Paso | 147 | 141 | 1997-2000 |
Memphis-Dallas | 148 | 77 | 1993-1994 & 1996-2004 |
Memphis-Oklahoma City | 230 | 70 | 1993-1994 & 1996-2004 |
Amarillo-Oklahoma City | 155 | 121 | 1999-2001 |
Barstow-Amarillo | 371 | 324 | 1997-2000 |
Barstow-Bakersfield | 55 | 48 | 1994-2000 |
Barstow-Salt Lake City | 234 | 180 | 1997-2004 |
Billings-Sioux Falls | 186 | 140 | 1993-2004 |
Denver-Kansas City | 111 | 54 | 1993-2003 |
Galveston-Dallas | 53 | 50 | 1997-2000 |
Knoxville-Harrisburg | 272 | 224 | 1996-2004 |
Laredo-San Antonio | 36 | 34 | 1997-2000 |
Los Angeles-Tucson | 259 | 244 | 1997-2000 |
Miami-Atlanta | 205 | 163 | 1998-2002 |
Miami-Richmond | 183 | 63 | 1994-2004 |
Nogales-Tucson | 117 | 92 | 1996-2000 |
Philadelphia-NYC | 55 | 16 | 1997-2002 |
Pittsburg-Detroit | 51 | 30 | 1998-2003 |
Portland-Salt Lake City | 365 | 270 | 1993-2004 |
San Antonio-Dallas | 111 | 106 | 1997-2000 |
San Diego-Los Angeles | 49 | 39 | 1994 -2000 |
Seattle-Billings | 212 | 202 | 1993-2004 |
Seattle-Blaine | 38 | 38 | 1993-2004 |
Seattle-Sioux Falls | 375 | 321 | 1993-2004 |
St. Louis-Oklahoma City | 205 | 194 | 1999-2002 |
Tucson-San Antonio | 316 | 248 | 1996-2000 |
Chicago-Cleveland | 44 | 16 | 1996-2004 |
New York City-Cleveland | 683 | 651 | 1996-2004 |
Omaha-Chicago | 188 | 108 | 1996-2004 |
2.5 Variables for Regional Discrimination
Having settled on a three-region approach, the project team developed improved variables with greater power for regional discrimination for inclusion in the original equations. These included replacement of GDP as the variable used to describe economic growth with Gross State Product (GSP), which was developed by selecting from the states in which the corridors begin and end. Use of GSP allowed for improved discrimination between regions by better tying performance improvements to local economic growth. National Producer Price Index (PPI) inputs, used for discounting income and truck rate variables, were replaced with localized Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers developed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Rate-data specific to each corridor, traffic flows, and capacity information provide the key corridor-level discrimination. The addition of regional economic variables enhances the ability of the model to distinguish between regions.
Table 15 describes some of the key characteristics of each region given the improved dataset.
Region | Average | Minimum | Maximum | |
Daily Truck Flows | All Corridors | 6,133 | 642 | 12,731 |
East Coast Corridors | 7,113 | 642 | 12,433 | |
Midwest Corridors | 6,835 | 789 | 12,731 | |
West Coast Corridors | 4,666 | 1,726 | 8,338 | |
Population | All Corridors | 4,445,071 | 392,572 | 16,971,055 |
East Coast Corridors | 4,554,063 | 448,948 | 10,035,145 | |
Midwest Corridors | 2,836,174 | 392,572 | 9,154,470 | |
West Coast Corridors | 5,869,570 | 2,184,897 | 16,971,055 | |
Per capita income '000 (real) |
All Corridors | 18.122 | 12.403 | 26.079 |
East Coast Corridors | 19.284 | 14.571 | 26.079 | |
Midwest Corridors | 17.617 | 14.228 | 20.842 | |
West Coast Corridors | 17.642 | 12.403 | 21.056 | |
LTL Rates per mile (real) |
All Corridors | 0.615 | 0.165 | 1.902 |
East Coast Corridors | 0.749 | 0.217 | 1.902 | |
Midwest Corridors | 0.654 | 0.256 | 1.368 | |
West Coast Corridors | 0.472 | 0.165 | 1.684 |
2.6 Measuring Highway Performance
A primary requirement of the analysis methodology used to estimate the reorganization effect is to relate the demand for trucking and the rates that carriers charge shippers to a measure of highway performance. Although there are numerous measures that could be employed for this purpose (such as level-of-service indices), prior study suggests that the V/C ratio can serve as a reliable proxy to facility performance.[6]
Consequently, in this study, highway performance variables include V/C ratios and measures of delay along the corridors that are included in this analysis. In HPMS, V/C ratios represent the 30th busiest hour during a given year for a particular segment. V/C ratios for the corridors were estimated by taking the weighted average of the V/C ratios measured along individual segments (the length of the segments was used as the weight). Per-mile delay for a given corridor is the weighted average of all the delays on segments along the corridor.
Delay data were estimated by using the V/C ratios for selected segments and by estimating free flow and congested flow travel times. First, travel time on each segment was estimated assuming free flow of the traffic. Next, travel time with congestion was estimated as follows.
The model applies a standard equation to derive actual (congested) speed from information on the V/C ratio and free flow speed. Two equations were considered and tested:
- The Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) equation:
Congested Speed = (Free-Flow Speed) / (1 + 0.15 * [volume/capacity] ^ 4)
- The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) equation:
Congested Speed = (Free-Flow Speed) / (1 + 0.20 * [volume/capacity] ^ 10)
Finally, the difference between free-flow travel time and congested travel time is assumed to be the delay on this segment. The total delay figures were divided by the total length of the segments to estimate delay per mile as a highway performance measure for these corridors.
One approach considered, and then rejected, was not using a weighted average for delay per mile. A non-weighted approach would have the advantage of emphasizing the degree of delay in the highly congested segments of the corridor.
The weighted average approach is used in an attempt to describe the characteristics of an entire corridor. AADTT is the aggregate of the corridor segments. Therefore a delay factor that is also descriptive of the entire corridor is needed. By not weighting the delay by segment length, one would be vulnerable to accusations of over-valuing the portion of the corridor that is highly delayed and thereby over-valuing the relationship between performance improvements or reductions and demand.
Figure 3. Assumed Speed-Flow Relationships
Note: Assumes a free-flow speed of 60 mph.
- CzarLite is a nationwide (48 contiguous states) database of baseline class rates established on a territorial basis.
- Cohen, Harry. 1999. "On the Measurement and Valuation of Travel Time Variability Due to Incidents on Freeways." Journal of Transportation Statistics. December. http://www.gcu.pdx.edu/download/2cohen.pdf.
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