Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment Program
time lapse photo of traffic traveling down and exiting from a freeway at night
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Systems Engineering

Now Available

A systems engineering analysis is required for all Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects using Federal funds according to the Final Rule on Architecture and Standards Conformity. The ITS Architecture Implementation Program identifies minimum systems engineering practices that must be included in the project implementation phase. Additional resources are provided below for the planning, implementation, and operations of ITS projects.

Intelligent Transportation Systems Projects: Flexibilities with Systems Engineering Analysis Memorandum

This memorandum implements Section 11304 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58), which directs the Secretary of Transportation to develop guidance for using existing flexibilities with respect to Systems Engineering Analyses described in 23 CFR part 940.  The goal is to avoid unnecessary burden on State and local governments, prevent unintentionally imposing requirements exceeding those outlined in law and regulation, and enhance the necessary engagement and collaboration between division staff and their counterparts in State and local agencies with respect to ITS projects. This memorandum may be found here: Information Memo - Systems Engineering for ITS Projects.


  • Model Systems Engineering Documents for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) (HTML, PDF 2.0MB) - The Model Systems Engineering Documents for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) report is intended to provide guidance for professionals involved in developing systems engineering documents covering the evaluation, selection and implementation of DMS. The document provides a framework for agencies to clearly articulate their needs, and specify succinct and comprehensive system requirements to guide the procurement and implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
  • Model Systems Engineering Documents for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems (HTML, PDF 2.0MB) - The Model Systems Engineering Documents for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems report is intended to provide guidance for professionals involved in developing systems engineering documents covering the evaluation, selection and implementation of CCTV systems.
  • Systems Engineering for Intelligent Transportation Systems (HTML, PDF 2.7MB) - A handbook that provides an introduction for transportation professionals to systems engineering and a basic understanding of how it can be applied to planning, designing, and implementing intelligent transportation systems (ITS) projects.
  • Building Quality Intelligent Transportation Systems Through Systems Engineering introduces systems engineering for advanced transportation systems projects. "Building Quality Intelligent Transportation Systems Through Systems Engineering" introduces systems engineering for advanced transportation systems projects.
  • Developing Functional Requirements for ITS Projects presents guidelines for developing good functional requirements as part of a systems engineering process.
  • A Guide to Configuration Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems introduces configuration management - a formal and consistent process of making changes to an ITS system under development.

Other Resources

  • Systems Engineering for ITS will directly assist the project manager (both government and industry) with extensive process tailoring advice, metrics, deliverable templates, suggested roles, responsibilities, and capabilities of agencies and contractors, and comprehensive checklists for each process task to assure that all bases are covered.
  • Training for Systems Engineering and technical assistance on project development are available. Current training options are found here: https://www.arc-it.net/html/resources/training.html, and include:
    • Systems Engineering On-Site Training
    • Systems Engineering for ITS Workshop
  • Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program Systems Engineering Documents – Access systems engineering documents from the three connected Vehicle Pilots Deployment sites including the New York City DOT, Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority (THEA), and Wyoming DOT. Systems Engineering deliverables were developed for the Concept Development Phase, Design/Build/Test Phase, and a final Operate and Maintain Phase.
  • ITS4US Systems Engineering Documents – Access systems engineering documents developed by the ITS4US Program sites as they deploy strategies to provide more efficient, affordable, and accessible transportation options for underserved communities. Systems engineering deliverables are being developed for each phase of the program – Concept Development Phase, Design & Test Phase, and Operate and Evaluate Phase.

Contact Us

For more information or questions about systems engineering technical assistance contact:

Kingsley Azubike
(202) 853-0003

Office of Operations