Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Organizing and Planning for Operations: Current Program Activities
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Complete Trips Data Analysis, Acquisition, and Multimodal Measure Testing—This project is the third in a series of studies to define a multimodal system performance measure; identify and specify the data needed to calculate; and, in this third part, acquire a sample Complete Trip Dataset and test the multimodal system productivity measure.
Expected Completion: December 2025
For more information, contact Joe Gregory (joseph.gregory@dot.gov, 202–366–0610).
Urban Congestion Report (UCR) Program and Operations Dashboard—This project will produce UCR products (including quarterly measures and reports and annual Urban Congestion Trends reports) using the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS), provide research into and options for a monthly national dashboard and supporting information, and offer related technical assistance.
Expected completion: June 2025
For more information, contact Tracy Scriba (tracy.scriba@dot.gov, 202–366–0855).
TSMO Strategy Toolkit—This project is creating a Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Strategy Toolkit to help practitioners understand the range of available TSMO strategies, identify strategies that might be most useful for their situation, and easily connect with existing resources to help them apply the strategies. The toolkit will include a strategy matrix, fact sheets, and tips for using the toolkit.
Expected completion: July 2025
For more information, contact Tracy Scriba (tracy.scriba@dot.gov, 202–366–0855).
Travel Time Reliability Product Completion—This project will complete development of several travel time reliability data and analysis tools that were begun under the second Strategic Highway Research Program. The products are aimed at assisting transportation practitioners with incorporating effective travel time reliability analyses into their roadway management and operations practices.
Expected completion: September 2025
For more information, contact Tracy Scriba (tracy.scriba@dot.gov, 202–366–0855).
Use of Real-Time Operations Strategies and Data for Proactive Safety Intervention—This project will synthesize the availability of real-time operational strategies and data to support dynamic safety countermeasures. Recognizing that safety analysis often relies on historical data and implementing countermeasures retroactively, this project will advance the use of short-term safety interventions based on real-time and forecasted conditions.
Expected completion: May 2025
For more information, contact Jim Hunt (jim.hunt@dot.gov, 202–680–2679).
Develop a Framework for Integrating Emerging Trends and Technologies to Advance TSMO Programs in Local Agencies—This project will develop a flexible framework to help agencies assess and integrate emerging trends and technologies used in TSMO activities, with an emphasis on local agencies. The end product will include examples showcasing the framework and ways it could be applied.
Expected completion: May 2025
For more information, contact Joe Gregory (joseph.gregory@dot.gov, 202–366–0610).
TSMO Evaluation Methodologies and Case Studies—This project will review the state of the practice in TSMO evaluation and develop frameworks to assist agencies in conducting their own pre- and post-deployment evaluations. The project will also prepare case studies as well as assess tools for conducting TSMO benefit-cost analysis (BCA) to consider options to refine or replace existing BCA tools.
Expected completion: September 2026
For more information, contact Jim Hunt (jim.hunt@dot.gov, 202–680–2679).
Operations Project Planning and Design—This project will advance the integration of operations into agency project development, design, and overall project lifecycle processes. The project will also highlight elements of operations project planning (infrastructure, personnel, equipment, etc.) needed to ensure successful and sustained outcomes from operations deployments.
Expected completion: December 2026
For more information, contact Jim Hunt (jim.hunt@dot.gov, 202–680–2679).
Multimodal Integration for TSMO—This project will assess the current state of the practice in integrating various surface transportation modes (e.g., auto, bike, pedestrian, scooters, transit, and freight) to improve the operational performance of the transportation system and support TSMO program goals and objectives and operational resilience. The project will develop tips and a checklist of actionable steps to assist TSMO practitioners in collaborating across modes and integrating them in State and local department of transportation (DOT) TSMO programs.
Expected completion: March 2027
For more information, contact Joe Gregory (joseph.gregory@dot.gov, 202–366–0610).
TSMO Applications and Stakeholder Engagement—This project will implement stakeholder engagement strategies to increase FHWA’s understanding of stakeholder needs related to TSMO programs, strategies, and implementation; deliver communication products; share noteworthy TSMO practices; and support peer exchange through FHWA’s Operations Peer-to-Peer program.
Expected completion: September 2027
For more information, contact Tracy Scriba (tracy.scriba@dot.gov, 202–366–0855).
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Except for the statutes and regulations cited, the contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the States or the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide information regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.