Integrating Operations into Planning and Programming

Communicating TSMO

Analysis and Performance Measurement

Regional Collaboration and Coordination

Organizing for Operations

Mainstreaming TSMO

Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Plans

Congestion Management Process (CMP)

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Policy and Regulations

Performance-Based Planning

Designing for Operations

ITS Architecture and Systems Engineering

Livability and Sustainability

Traffic Signal Programs

Corridor Management

Active Transportation and Demand Management

Transportation Demand Management

Traffic Incident Management


Reports and White Papers

Planning for TSMO

  • Planning for TSMO: Practitioner Reference (PDF) - Resource to help planners, operators, and others to plan for TSMO by identifying operations objectives, performance measures, strategies, implementation, and management considerations. The publication also provides an illustrative transportation plan that incorporates TSMO elements.
  • Advancing TSMO Through Scenario Planning (HTMLPDF) - Primer for planners, operators, and other transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) partners that shows the application of scenario planning to advance TSMO.
  • Applying a Regional ITS Architecture to Support Planning for Operations: A Primer (HTMLPDF) - Primer that provides transportation planners and operations managers a menu of opportunities for applying the regional ITS architecture to enhance planning for operations.
  • Congestion Management Process Guidebook (HTMLPDF) - Guidebook describing how to create an objectives-driven, performance-based congestion management process (CMP). It describes a flexible framework of 8 actions that should be included in the development of a CMP.
  • Incorporating Travel-Time Reliability into the Congestion Management Process (CMP): A Primer (HTMLPDF) - Primer that shows how travel time reliability can be incorporated into the CMP as a complement to traditional congestion-related; i.e., recurring congestion, considerations.
  • Applying Archived Operations Data in Transportation Planning: A Primer (HTMLPDF) - Primer to assist transportation planners in effectively using archived operations data for developing, analyzing, and evaluating transportation plans and programs.
  • Integrating Demand Management into the Transportation Planning Process: A Desk Reference (HTMLPDF) - Reference that illustrates how demand management programs and strategies can be more fully considered in the transportation planning process.
  • Making the Connection: Advancing Traffic Incident Management in Transportation Planning (HTMLPDF) - Primer to inform and guide traffic incident management (TIM) professionals and transportation planners to initiate and develop collaborative relationships and advance TIM programs through the metropolitan planning process.
  • Planning for TSMO within Corridors: A Desk Reference (HTMLPDF) - Reference to help operations and planning professionals effectively plan for and implement transportation systems management and operations within a corridor.
  • Planning for TSMO within Subareas: A Desk Reference (HTMLPDF) - Reference to help operations and planning professionals effectively plan for and implement transportation systems management and operations within a subarea.
  • Model Transportation Systems Management and Operations Deployments in Corridors and Subareas Primer (HTMLPDF) - Primer that showcases six illustrative packages of TSMO strategy deployments with varied geographic, social, and institutional contexts.
  • Regional Concept for Transportation Operations: The Blueprint for Action - A Primer (HTMLPDF) - A Regional Concept for Transportation Operations (RCTO) is a management tool to assist in planning and implementing TSMO strategies in a collaborative and sustained manner. Document describes an RCTO and its applicability.
  • Regional Concept for Transportation Operations: A Tool for Strengthening and Guiding Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination (HTML) - Paper focuses on RCTO, its benefits, and its important role in creating an opportunity for regional transportation operations collaboration and coordination to flourish
  • Statewide Opportunities for Integrating Operations, Safety and Multimodal Planning: Reference Manual (HTMLPDF) - Publication serves as a "how to" information source to assist transportation professionals to integrate these activities. It identifies opportunities at various levels - statewide, regional, corridor, and project - and the benefits of these approaches.
  • The Use of Operations Objectives and Performance Measures in Private and Public Organizations (HTMLPDF) - Paper examines lessons and insights from private companies and public organizations that may apply to agencies in the United States working to advance transportation planning for operations using a strategic approach.

Organizing for TSMO and Mainstreaming TSMO

  • Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer for Program Planning (HTMLPDF) - Primer that discusses the rationale for and key elements of successful transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) program planning.
  • Creating an Effective Program to Advance Transportation System Management and Operations: Primer (Capability Maturity Model) (HTMLPDF) - Primer to raise awareness of the opportunities for improving the effectiveness of State and local Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) activities.
  • Advancing TSMO: Making the Business Case for Institutional, Organizational, and Procedural Changes (HTML) - Document explores how a transportation agency's established Institutional, Organizational, and Procedural (IOP) "way of doing business" can be changed to reduce barriers and increase capabilities for effective TSMO through the development of a business case for TSMO IOP.
  • Improving Business Processes for More Effective Transportation Systems Management and Operations (HTMLPDF) - Primer presents business processes across several TSMO areas, including traffic incident management, planned special event traffic management, road weather management, work zones, and freeway traffic management.
  • TSMO Mainstreaming White Papers - Four white papers describe aspects of mainstreaming TSMO in detail and how they can help agencies develop and strengthen their TSMO programs:
      • Policies and Processes that Support Mainstreaming TSMO (HTMLPDF)
      • Role of Agency Culture in MainstreamingTSMO (HTML, PDF)
      • Use of Decisionmaking and Information Management Systems in Mainstreaming TSMO (HTML, PDF)
      • The Value of a Business Case in Mainstreaming TSMO (HTML, PDF)
  • Organizing for TSMO - 2020 Peer Exchange Report (HTMLPDF) - Report describes experiences from 15 organizations who participated in a peer exchange on TSMO focusing on: organizational improvements, collaboration and partnerships, making the business case and branding for TSMO, and priority issues for further exploration.
  • Advancing Organizational Capabilities for TSMO: February 2018 Peer Exchange Report (HTML) - Report summarizes the findings of a peer exchange that brought together transportation agencies to discuss challenges, best practices, and lessons learned related to advancing organizational capabilities for TSMO.
  • Advancing TSMO through Organizational Structures (PDF) - Report applies concepts of organizational theory to explore ways in which organizational models and structural mechanisms can be used to advance transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) within departments of transportation (DOTs).
  • Improving TSMO - Capability Maturity Model Workshop White Papers - White papers focus on the six critical dimensions of capability identified in the SHRP2 research as necessary to support effective TSMO
    • Business Processes (HTML)
    • Systems and Technology (HTML)
    • Performance Measurement (HTML)
    • Culture (HTML)
    • Organization and Staffing (HTML)
    • Collaboration (HTML)
  • Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Assessment and Implementation Plans Executive Summary (HTML) - Report summarizes research and findings examining agency characteristics behind effective TSMO programs. CMM Implementation priorities from 23 CMM workshops are included.
  • Using Capability Maturity Frameworks for Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Program Advancement: Case Studies and Lessons Learned (HTMLPDF) - Report presents six case studies of agencies that have used TSMO capability maturity frameworks to advance their programs.
  • AASHTO TSMO Guidance (HTML) - American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials website the provides the background and assessment tools on the Capability Maturity Model
  • Guidelines for Applying the Capability Maturity Model Analysis to Connected and Automated Vehicle Deployment (HTML) - Guidelines that adapt the TSMO Capability Maturity Model (CMM) to describe the operational maturity of Infrastructure Owner - Operator (IOO) agencies across a range of important dimensions related to connected and automated vehicles.

Travel Time Reliability, Data, and Performance Measures

  • Travel Time Reliability Reference Guide (PDF) - Guide describing key elements for including travel time reliability evaluation within traffic analysis approaches.
  • Approaches to Forecasting the Third Performance Management Rulemaking (PM3) Measures for Target Setting (HTML) - Report providing example approaches to forecasting for setting targets for the third performance management rulemaking, or PM3, travel time-based measures.
  • Approaches to Target Setting for PM3 Measures (HTML) - Report providing example approaches to setting targets for the third performance management rulemaking, or PM3, measures. The approaches include technical options for developing the information to support target setting.
  • Urban Congestion Trends Report (HTML) - Annual report showing congestion and reliability measure trends in the 52 largest urban areas in the United States, along information on data tools and an operational strategy evaluation.
  • Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling Tools (PDF) - Report detailing pilot projects applying two tools developed under the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2), called Scenario Manager and Vehicle Trajectory Processor, to evaluate reliability performance measures at the planning level.
  • The Use of Data in Planning for Operations: State-of-the-Practice Review (HTML) - Review that identifies use of data by metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to perform planning for operations activities. Case studies highlight the use of data in the three key data-driven components of planning for operations: monitoring, analysis for planning, and post-implementation evaluation.
  • Integrating Travel Time Reliability into Transportation System Management: Final Technical Memorandum (HTML, PDF) - Guide to help State agencies and MPOs link travel time reliability into planning and operations processes.
  • National Cooperative Research Program

TSMO in the Context of Other Programs and Initiatives

  • Introduction to the Role of Operations in Complete Streets (PDF) - Primer that provides an introduction on the role of transportation operations in Complete Streets and assists agencies with incorporating operations considerations during the planning, design, and implementation phases of Complete Streets projects. The primer also describes operations performance measures and operations strategies that complement or relate to Complete Streets initiatives
  • Applying TSMO to Rural Areas (HTML) - Document provides overview of how TSMO can be utilized in rural areas. Document also showcases examples in 5 key areas: Road Weather Management, Traffic Incident Management, Work Zone Management, Planned Special Events, and Seasonal Demand.
  • TSMO in Smart Connected Communities (HTML, PDF) - Primer that describes the key characteristics of smart, connected communities and how they can benefit from closer collaboration with Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO). Primer provides several examples of what TSMO might look like in a smart, connected community.
  • The Role of TSMO in Supporting Livability and Sustainability: A Primer (HTML, PDF) - Primer that describes the role of transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) in advancing livability and sustainability.
  • Applying Transportation Asset Management to Traffic Signals: A Primer (HTML, PDF, Webinar) - Primer to assist state and local agencies in applying asset management principles to traffic signals that are consistent with the requirements for Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMPs).
  • Applying Transportation Asset Management to Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Primer (HTML, PDF, Webinar) - Primer to assist state and local agencies in applying asset management principles to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that are consistent with the requirements for Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMPs).
  • Designing for Transportation Management and Operations: A Primer (HTML, PDF) - Primer that focuses on the collaborative and systematic consideration of transportation system management and operations during project design and project development.
  • Expanding Traveler Choices through the Use of Incentives: A Compendium of Examples (HTML, PDF) - Primer that examines programs across the world to see how organizations have tackled congestion using incentives and behavioral economics principles.
  • Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination: A Primer for Working Together to Improve Transportation Safety, Reliability, and Security (HTML, PDF) - Publication providing guidance on the five key elements that are associated with successful regional operations collaboration and coordination activity - structure, process, products, resources, and performance measures to gauge success.
  • Benefit - Cost Analysis Desk Reference (HTML, PDF) - Reference that provides guidelines for the application of benefit-cost analysis (BCA) to transportation systems management and operations (TSMO), BCA terminology and concepts, and some of the more complex analytical concepts of BCA for TSMO
  • Coordination of Information Technology and TSMO (HTML, PDF) - Reference document provides the transportation operations community with example practices for coordinating and collaborating on their programs with information technology staff.
  • Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2) Reliability - SHRP2 looked for solutions to national transportation challenges, including congestion and the reliability of travel times. The resulting SHRP2 Reliability Products enable transportation agencies to build knowledge and capacity of TSMO strategies and programs. (HTML)