Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Operations Program Directory

1 - A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Program Directory
Program Office Code Extension Program Manager
511 Traveler Information HOTM   Operations Feedback
Access Management HOTM (202) 366-2188 Neil Spiller
Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) HOTM (202) 680-2679
(404) 895-6220
(360) 753-9408
Jim Hunt
Greg Jones
James Colyar
Active Traffic Management HOTM (202) 680-2679
(360) 753-9408
Jim Hunt
James Colyar
Adaptive Signal Control Technology HOTM (404) 780-0927 Eddie Curtis
Adopt-a-Highway/Acknowledgement Signs HOTO (603) 410-4864 Marty Calawa
Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) HOTM (202) 366-2155
(202) 923-0974

Jim Garling
Sharon Cuevas

Advanced Transportation Technologies and Innovative Mobility Deployment (ATTIMD)/Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) Program HOTM (202) 366-2155
(202) 923-0974

Jim Garling
Sharon Cuevas

Amber Alert HOTM   Operations Feedback
Architecture Consistency HOTM (202) 853-0003 Kingsley Azubike
Arterial Management HOTM (404) 780-0927 Eddie Curtis
Arterial Signal Control HOTM (404) 780-0927 Eddie Curtis
Adaptive Signal Control Technology HOTM (404) 780-0927 Eddie Curtis
Asset Management HOTM (202) 366-0610 Joe Gregory
Automated Vehicles HOTM   Operations Feedback
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Benefit-Cost Analysis for Operations HOTM (202) 680-2679 Jim Hunt
Border Crossing Issues & Technology HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
Bottleneck Reduction HOTM (202) 366-2188 Neil Spiller
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Capacity Analysis
HOTM (360) 753-9408 James Colyar
Changeable Message Signs HOTO (603) 410-4864 Marty Calawa
Color Specifications (signs and pavement markings)
HOTO (603) 410-4864 Marty Calawa
Condition & Performance Report - Freight
HOFM (202) 366-2317 Jaesup Lee
Condition & Performance Report - Operations
HOTM (202) 366-0610 Joe Gregory
Congestion Analysis
HOTM (360) 753-9408 James Colyar
Congestion Management (Technical)
HOTM (202) 680-2679 Jim Hunt
Congestion Mitigation HOTM (202) 680-2679 Jim Hunt
Congestion Pricing HOTM (202) 366-0076
(202) 366-2425
Angela Fogle (Jacobs)
Allen Greenberg
Congestion Relief Grant Program HOTM (689) 262-0211 Frank Corrado
Control Correspondence
HOP (202) 366-0408 Ambryn Radovich
Corridor Management
HOTM (202) 366-2188
(360) 753-9408
Neil Spiller
James Colyar
Critical Rural Urban Freight Corridor HOFM (202) 366-2842 Birat Pandey
Curriculum, Freight
HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
Cybersecurity of Transportation Assets HOTM (202) 366-0610
(202) 366-5866
Joe Gregory
Usman Ali
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Demand Management
HOTM (202) 366-2425 Allen Greenberg
Demonstration Projects (Congressionally Mandated)
empty cell empty cell empty cell
Dynamic Message Signs HOTO (603) 410-4864 Marty Calawa
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Emergency Operations HOTO (202) 366-5280 Jason Carnes
Emergency Preparedness HOTO (202) 366-5280 Jason Carnes
Emergency Recovery HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Emergency Response
- Technical Assist to States and Locals
HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Emergency Transportation Operations HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Traffic Incident & Events Management (TI&EM) Publications Management System HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Evacuation Liaison Team RC (404) 895-6220 Greg Jones
Evacuation Planning for Operations HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
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Freeway Management HOTM (202) 366-2188
(404) 895-6200
Neil Spiller
Greg Jones
Freeway Traffic Operations HOTM (202) 366-2188
(404) 895-6200
Neil Spiller
Greg Jones
Freight Management & Operations empty cell empty cell empty cell
- Critical Rural Urban Freight Corridor HOFM (202) 366-2842 Birat Pandey
- FHWA Freight Council HOFM
(202) 366-9241
(360) 619-7835
Tiffany Julien
Chris DiPalma
- Freight Analysis Framework HOFM (202) 366-2842 Birat Pandey
- Freight Analysis Tools HOFM (202) 366-2842 Birat Pandey
- Freight Corridors HOFM (202) 366-6993
(202) 366-9241
Jeff Purdy
Tiffany Julien
- Freight Data HOFM (202) 366-2842 Birat Pandey
- Freight Environment HOFM (202) 366-6993 Jeff Purdy
- Freight Economics HOFM (202) 493-0457 Caitlin Hughes
- Freight Financing HOFM (202) 366-9083 Brian Cahill
- Freight Gateways & Borders HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
- Freight Industry/Analysis HOFM (202) 493-0457 Caitlin Hughes
- Freight Infrastructure HOFM (202) 366-6993 Jeff Purdy
- Freight Model Improvement Program HOFM (202) 366-6993 Jeff Purdy
- Freight Operations & Technology HOFM (202) 366-6993 Jeff Purdy
- Freight Performance Measurement HOFM (202) 366-2317 Jaesup Lee
- Freight Planning HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
- Freight Policy/Legislative Development            HOFM (202) 493-0457 Caitlin Hughes
- Freight Professional Capacity Building HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
- Freight Professional Development HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
- Freight Programs: Truck Parking HOFM (202) 366-6993 Jeff Purdy
- Freight Research HOFM (202) 493-0457 Caitlin Hughes
- Freight Training HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
- Intermodal Freight Technology HOFM (202) 366-3379 Paul Truban
- National Highway Freight Network HOFM (202) 366-2842
(202) 366-6993
Birat Pandey
Jeff Purdy
- National Highway Freight Program HOFM (202) 366-6786 Brian Cahill
- National Performance Measurement Research Data Set HOTM
(202) 366-0855
(202) 366-2317
Tracy Scriba
Jaesup Lee
- SHRP2 C20 - Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement HOFM (202) 366-2842 Birat Pandey
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HAZMAT (Operations Issues) HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes HOTM (202) 366-2188 Neil Spiller
High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV Lanes) HOTM (202) 366-2188 Neil Spiller
High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV Lanes) Pooled-Fund Study HOTM (404) 895-6220 Greg Jones
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Incident Detection & Verification HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Incident Management Programs HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Information Infrastructure HOTM (202) 366-7979 Walter During
INFRA Discretionary Grant Program HOFM (406) 594-4518 Alan Woodmansey


Integrated Corridor Management HOTM (202) 366-2183
(360) 753-9408
Neil Spiller
James Colyar
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) empty cell empty cell empty cell
- Architecture Consistency HOTM (202) 853-0003 Kingsley Azubike
- Commercial Vehicle Operations / Intermodal Freight HOFM (202) 366-3379 Paul Truban
- Data Capture & Management HOTM (202) 366-7979 Walter During
- Freight Operational Tests HOFM (202) 493-0457 Caitlin Hughes
- Standards Implementation HOTM (202) 853-0003 Kingsley Azubike
- Systems Engineering HOTM (202) 853-0003 Kingsley Azubike
Intermodal Freight Technology HOFM (202) 366-3379 Paul Truban
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Legislative Agenda (Operations) HOP (202) 366-1243 Lydia Conrad
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Managed Lanes HOTM (202) 366-2188 Neil Spiller
Management Systems - Congestion HOTM (360) 753-9408 James Colyar
Marketing Specialist HOP (202) 366-6021 Lydia Conrad
Measures (Operations Success) HOTM (202) 366-0855 Tracy Scriba
Media Relations HOP (202) 366-6021 Lydia Conrad
Mega Discretionary Grant Program HOFM (502) 395-0397
(407) 867-6406
Michael Loyselle
Jorge Rivera
Modeling (Traffic) HOTM (360) 753-9408 James Colyar
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) empty cell empty cell empty cell
- MUTCD Team HOTO (202) 366-2161 Kevin Sylvester
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Naming of Highways and Bridges HOTO (202) 366-2161 Kevin Sylvester
National Dialogue on Highway Automation HOTM (202) 366-5665 John Harding
National Highway Freight Network HOFM (202) 366-2842
(202) 366-6993
Birat Pandey
Jeff Purdy
National Highway Freight Program HOFM (202) 366-6786 Brian Cahill
National Incident Management System HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
National Motor Vehicle Per Mile User Fee Pilot   (202) 366-0076 Angela Fogle
National Performance Measurement Research Data Set HOTM
(202) 366-0855
(202) 366-2317
Tracy Scriba
Jaesup Lee
NCFRP Coordination HOFM
(202) 493-0457
(202) 366-4082
Caitlin Hughes
Barry Zimmer
National Work Zone Awareness Week HOTO (202) 695-0736 Martha Kapitanov
NHS Intermodal Freight Connectors HOFM (202) 366-3379 Paul Truban
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Operational Improvements (Traffic) HOTM (202) 366-2188 Neil Spiller
Operations Academy HOTM (202) 366-0610 Joe Gregory
Operations Asset Management HOTM (202) 366-2183
(202) 366-0610
Joe Gregory
Operations Discipline Support RC (360) 619-7835 Chris Dipalma
Operations Outreach HOP (202) 366-6021 Lydia Conrad
Operation Support Program HOTM (202) 680-2679 Jim Hunt
Operations Web Site HOP (202) 366-9849 Harry Crump
Organizing for Operations HOTM (202) 366-0610 Joe Gregory
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Parking Management HOTM (202) 366-2425 Allen Greenberg
Parking Pricing HOTM (202) 366-2425 Allen Greenberg
Pay-As-You-Drive Insurance HOTM (202) 366-2425 Allen Greenberg
Peer-to-Peer Work Zone Management HOTO (202) 366-1988 Todd Peterson
Performance Measures & Management HOTM (202) 366-0855 Tracy Scriba
Performance Measures - Freight HOFM (202) 366-2317 Jaesup Lee
Performance Measures - Road Weather Management HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Performance Measures - Traffic Incident Management HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Planned Special Events HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Planning for Operations HOTM (202) 680-2679 Jim Hunt
Policy Analysis and Measurement HOP (202) 366-4082 Barry Zimmer
Policy, Legislation, and Regulations HOFM (202) 366-9083 Brian Cahill
Publications HOP (202) 366-9849 Harry Crump
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BUILD-RAISE-TIGER Discretionary Grant Program HOFM (850) 778-7941
(515) 626-0132
Stacie Blizzard
Michael Cain
Ramp Metering HOTM (360) 753-9408 James Colyar
Real-Time System Management Information Program HOTM (202) 366-5665 John Harding
Real-Time System Management Information Program - Data Exchange Formats HOTM (202) 853-0003 Kingsley Azubike
Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities (RTEPF) Grant Program HOTM (202) 366-4415
Chip Millard
Jeremy Brown
Regional Operations Forum HOTM (202) 366-0855 Tracy Scriba
Research Agenda HOP (202) 366-4082 Barry Zimmer
Road Weather Information Systems HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Road Winter Maintenance Decision Support System HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Road Weather Management HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Route Numbering HOTO (202) 366-2161 Kevin Sylvester
RURAL Discretionary Grant Program HOFM (445) 867-0311 Keith Skilton


Rural ITS HOTM (202) 853-0003 Kingsley Azubike
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Safety Service Patrols HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Salt - Alternatives HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Salt for Ice Control HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Security - Freight HOFM (202) 366-3379 Paul Truban
Shared-use Mobility HOTM (202) 366-2425 Allen Greenberg
SHRP2 C20 - -Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement HOFM (202) 366-2842 Birat Pandey
SHRP2 Reliability Products HOP (202) 366-0855 Tracy Scriba
SHRP2 Traffic Incident Management Responder Training Program HOTO (202) 366-0731 James Austrich
Signal Control Systems HOTM (404) 780-0927 Eddie Curtis
Snow and Ice Control HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Snow Plowing HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Special Events Management HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Special Permits During Periods of National Emergency HOFM (202) 366-3379 Paul Truban
State Freight Plans HOFM (202) 366-9083 Brian Cahill
Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection HOTM (225) 757-7623 Carlos McCloud
Systems Engineering HOTM (202) 853-0003 Kingsley Azubike
Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives Program HOTM (202) 366-0076 Angela Fogle (Jacobs)
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Talking Freight Seminars HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
Toll Credits HOTM (317) 226-7482 Adam Makuley
Tolling HOTM (202) 780-6178 Cynthia Essenmacher
Towing & Recovery Practices HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Traffic Analysis Tools HOTM (360) 753-9408 Jongsun Won
Traffic Control Strategies at Toll Plazas HOTO (603) 410-4864 Marty Calawa
Traffic Incident & Events Management Operations HOTO (202) 366-5465
(202) 366-0731
Paul Jodoin
James Austrich
Traffic Incident Management Full-function Service Patrol National Guidance HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Traffic Incident Management Law Enforcement Coordination HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Traffic Incident Management Program HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Traffic Incident Management Public Safety Program HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Traffic Incident Management Teams & Plans - Local, Regional, Tribal & State HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Traffic Signal Systems HOTM (404) 780-0927 Eddie Curtis
Training - Employee HOP (202) 366-1808 Nan Prillerman
Training - SHRP2 Traffic Incident Responder Course, including Train-the-Trainers and eLearning Tool HOTO (202) 366-0731 James Austrich
Training - Freight HOFM (202) 366-9241 Tiffany Julien
Training - Road Weather Management HOTO (202) 366-9242 David Johnson
Training - Traffic Incident Management HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
- SHRP2 Traffic Incident Management Responder Training Program HOTO (202) 366-0731 James Austrich
Transportation/Law Enforcement Coordination HOTO (202) 366-5465 Paul Jodoin
Transportation Management Centers HOTM (202) 493-3265 Jon Obenberger
Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) HOTM (202) 366-0855 Tracy Scriba
Travel (Operations Staff) HOP (202) 366-1808 Nan Prillerman
Travel Demand Management HOTM (202) 366-2425 Allen Greenberg
Travel Time in Freight Significant Corridors HOFM (202) 366-2842 Birat Pandey
Traveler Information HOTM (202) 366-5665 John Harding
Truck Parking HOFM (202) 366-6993 Jeff Purdy
Truck Size & Weight Program Policy & Regulatory Issues HOFM (202) 366-3379 Paul Truban
Truck Size & Weight State Certifications HOFM (573) 638-2619 Mike Latuszek
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Unit Plan HOP (202) 366-4082 Barry Zimmer
Urban Partnership Agreements HOTM (202) 366-0076 Angela Fogle (Jacobs)
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Value Pricing - Operations HOTM (202) 366-0076 Angela Fogle (Jacobs)
Vanpooling & Carpooling HOTM (202) 366-2425 Allen Greenberg
Variable Message Signs HOTO (603) 410-4864 Marty Calawa
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Web Site Operations HOP (202) 366-9849 Harry Crump
Weather Information for Surface Transportation HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Weather-Reponsive Traffic Management HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Winter Maintenance HOTO (202) 366-1301 David Johnson
Work Zone (WZ) Operations HOTO (202) 366-1918
(202) 366-4628
(202) 695-0736
Todd Peterson
Jawad Paracha
Martha C. Kapitanov
- Traffic Incident Management/Work Zone Issues HOTO (202) 366-4628 Jawad Paracha
- Work Zone Analysis HOTO (202 366-4628 Jawad Paracha
- Work Zone Best Practices HOTO (202) 366-1988 Todd Peterson
- Work Zone Clearinghouse HOTO (202) 366-1988 Todd Peterson
- Work Zone ITS Applications HOTO (202) 366-1988 Todd Peterson
- Work Zone Process Review Toolbox HOTO (202) 695-0736 Martha C. Kapitanov
- Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (23 CFR 630 Subpart J) HOTO (202) 695-0736 Martha C. Kapitanov
- Temporary Traffic Control Devices Rule (23 CFR 630 Subpart K) HOTO (202) 366-4628 Jawad Paracha
- Work Zone Safety Grants HOTO (202) 366-4628
(202) 695-0736
(202) 366-1988
Jawad Paracha
Martha C. Kapitanov
Todd Peterson
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