Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer For Program PlanningChapter 6. Programmatic Elements: Organizing, Staffing, and Developing Processes to Advance Transportation Systems Management and OperationsTo understand the programmatic elements of transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) program planning, it is important to start with a general understanding of what a program is. For the purposes of TSMO program planning, one can think of the program as the organizational structure and mechanisms needed to deliver the vision, mission, and strategic goals and objectives for advancing TSMO in an organization. One working definition developed by the Federal Highway Administration is that a program "is a coordinated, inter-related set of strategies, procedures, and activities (such as projects), all intended to meet the goals and objectives articulated in vision statements and policies."6 The programmatic elements of transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) program planning address institutional and organizational changes needed to deliver the TSMO mission for the agency in coordination with its partners.
The programmatic component of TSMO program planning addresses the "how" of delivering a TSMO program, with a focus on identifying institutional and organizational changes needed to deliver the TSMO mission for the agency. It addresses issues such as leadership support, organizational structure, career development plans for TSMO staff, and strategies to promote TSMO culture within the agency and among partners. It may not be appropriate for all types of agencies and organizations to include all elements; however, the process of considering each is important to the program planning and development process. Some of the elements may uncover organizational opportunities or constraints and lead to a more sustainable and robust program. A good starting point for programmatic discussions is to conduct an organizational assessment using the capability maturity model (CMM) framework. Defining an Organizational StructureHaving a clearly defined leadership and organizational structure for TSMO is important for effectively advancing a TSMO culture and executing TSMO strategies within an agency. Organizational structure considers the interactions and linkages between divisions/offices (e.g., planning, operations, maintenance) and between headquarters and subunits (e.g., districts, member agencies). It also addresses the roles and responsibilities of each of these and opportunities for intra- and interagency integration. The organizational structure addresses the roles and responsibilities for the TSMO program, defining the lead for each aspect of program delivery. It is important to address where TSMO is within the organizational hierarchy, particularly for a State department of transportation (DOT): is it a division, department, branch, or other component of the organization? In some organizations, TSMO is a subpart of a maintenance division, or TSMO functions may occur across many different departments (e.g., intelligent transportation system (ITS) technology in design and construction, incident management in traffic operations), which makes it challenging for TSMO to be elevated within a policy and resource allocation discussion. In conducting TSMO program planning, an agency may find that it will be helpful to implement changes in the structure of the agency to consolidate or elevate the TSMO functions; for instance, through a reorganization within a State DOT. In other cases, it may be important to develop a new position, such as a TSMO program manager within a metropolitan planning organization (MPO). In other cases, it may simply suffice to define the existing program structure that is used to deliver the TSMO program. The Arizona Department of Transportation (DOT) Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) DivisionWhen Arizona DOT initially conducted a capability maturity model assessment of TSMO for its organization, it recognized a number of weaknesses in how it was organized to advance TSMO. As a result, the agency developed a new transportation systems management and operations division in 2015 to provide focus within the agency. The division added very little staff, and in fact the agency has reduced its number of full-time employees from more than 4,500 in 2008 to fewer than 3,800 in 2016. The agency shifted several core functions into the TSMO Division, including traffic safety and operational programs, such as roadway-safety improvements, traffic signal systems, intelligent transportation system operations, pavement conditions, traffic operations center, incident management, emergency management, and innovative technologies. For more information, see: Arizona DOT, Organization Chart as of May 2016. Available at: and press release at: Questions for Consideration
Developing Transportation Systems Management and Operations Programmatic ObjectivesObjectives identified in the strategic component of TSMO program planning define high-level outcomes for the transportation system and/or customers to be accomplished through TSMO. In contrast, programmatic objectives are focused on the effectiveness of delivering the program and business processes and procedures; in essence, determining how well the program is managed. Programmatic objectives address what the agency wants to achieve from a business perspective. Typically these objectives address program implementation and business process issues such as:
These objectives are meaningful and measurable to assess how well the TSMO program is working – how well are we doing our job? In this context, they serve as a bridge between the overall strategic goals and objectives of TSMO and the specific strategies and tactics that are implemented. Maryland State Highway Agency (SHA) Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) Program ObjectivesMaryland SHA defined a series of objectives to support its TSMO program goals. The objectives address issues such as developing freeway and arterial monitoring plans and developing integrated corridor management (ICM) plans.
Other programmatic objectives include:
Source: Maryland SHA, Maryland Transportation Systems Management & Operations Strategic Implementation Plan, August 2016. Questions for Consideration
Identifying Staffing and Workforce Development NeedsWhile TSMO relies upon technology investments, delivering a robust TSMO program is heavily dependent on having a workforce with the right background and capabilities. As noted in NCHRP Report 693: Attracting, Recruiting, and Retaining Skilled Staff for Transportation System Operations and Management, State DOTs, MPOs, corridor coalitions, and other transportation agencies are being called on to expand their activities beyond the more traditional design and construction functions most closely associated with civil engineering to the broader and more diverse tasks of TSMO. While a large portion of transportation agency staff have traditionally had backgrounds in civil engineering, and MPOs have traditionally employed transportation planners, TSMO has a primary focus on providing services—e.g., performing incident management, work zone management, and freeway management, all of which are very dependent on staff skills—as well as multi-agency communication and collaboration. While many transportation agencies view TSMO as a priority, they are encountering a shortage of management, professional, and technical staff with appropriate skills and knowledge in their agencies. Specific skills and capabilities within TSMO are evolving to include emerging technologies, data management, data and statistical analysis, and emergency management. Consequently, staff position descriptions may need to be updated and new roles defined within the organization. Staffing and workforce development may require close coordination with human resources to identify and develop these new capabilities. As many transportation agencies have limited ability to hire new employees, TSMO program development should identify the core TSMO program staff roles, responsibilities, and requirements. This may include a staffing plan for the TSMO program that identifies current and needed skills and a strategy for recruiting, training, developing, and retaining qualified TSMO personnel. In addition, the staffing plan may include using contractors or outsourcing staff responsibilities to other organizations in gap areas. In particular, as technology advances, there are opportunities to outsource some functions (e.g., monitoring traffic congestion and providing traveler information) to private sector data providers. Questions for Consideration
Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Resource Management: Financial Resources, Planning, and Budgeting ProcessesFinancial resource management, maintenance of systems, and budgeting is a critical part of an effective TSMO program. TSMO program planning should include an evaluation of needed and available resources and identify resource gaps and areas for investment. In most transportation agencies, there is not a single, dedicated funding stream for TSMO activities and projects. Traditional budgeting and accounting practices in departments of transportation and regional organizations also are generally project focused. TSMO changes the focus to include ongoing services, deployment of systems of devices, and maintenance of software and hardware. Consequently, financial resource considerations within a TSMO program involve several considerations:
Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Procedures for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Project PrioritizationSince 1998, MAG has had a dedicated funding stream for ITS projects. Although most of the ITS projects are funded with Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program funds received by the region, several other regional transportation funding sources are applied as well. MAG's ITS project selection process includes extensive involvement from various policy and technical committees as well as the public. First, MAG solicits project applications, which are reviewed by the ITS committee and the transportation review committee. The ITS committee, comprised entirely of ITS professionals representing member agencies, is responsible for regional ITS planning and is supported by metropolitan planning organization (MPO) technical staff. All proposed ITS projects are reviewed by the ITS committee against established criteria, ranked, and recommended for funding and inclusion in the transportation improvement program. This recommendation is reviewed by the transportation review committee, which is comprised of high–level transportation staff from member agencies and is the primary committee responsible for assembling and recommending the transportation improvement program. MAG is currently in the process of developing a transportation systems management and operations plan that will establish updated procedures for prioritizing investments in future ITS infrastructure and funding support for operations. Source: FHWA, Programming for Operations: MPO Examples of Prioritizing and Funding Transportation Systems Management & Operations Strategies, FHWA-HOP-13- 050 (Washington, DC: September 2013). Available at: Questions for Consideration
Developing Business Processes and Management StrategiesBusiness processes include specific, structured activities or tasks and related decision points that are needed to deliver a TSMO program successfully. The Second Strategic Highway Research Program CMM framework recognized the important role of business processes for advancing TSMO. Business processes include formal planning, programming, scoping, budgeting, and project development. Existing and new processes should be reviewed, revised or developed to meet the unique challenges and opportunities associated with TSMO. These include standard business practices as well as emerging and evolving practices needed to deliver new services. Some of the unique and emerging opportunities are highlighted in the discussion of each business area below. Organizational and Administrative ProcessesOrganizational and administrative processes include day-to-day workflow activities that support the TSMO program. These functions may require review and revision to meet the changing timeframes and nature of TSMO activities. A number of TSMO functions occur in real time and require timely action. Interaction with internal and external partners may require new or enhanced decision processes. It is important to consider how the changing nature of doing business in TSMO may impact daily workflow and functions to provide an effective program. Questions for Consideration
Procurement and Contract ManagementITS and emerging technologies are integral parts of a comprehensive TSMO program. Many data-sharing services involve new models of procurement and contracting. Emerging technologies require contracting with non-traditional businesses that may involve public-private partnerships, information sharing, and new legal relationships. Agency personnel involved in contracting and procurement related to TSMO program planning and development can identify challenges and opportunities to enhance current business practices resulting in timely and effective procurement and contract management. Questions for Consideration
Performance Management, Quality Management, and Continuous ImprovementAcross transportation agencies, there is increasing emphasis on monitoring and measuring performance in relation to goals. Driven in part by the Federal surface transportation authorization law, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act, and its successor, the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, transportation agencies must utilize performance- based planning and programming to enhance decision-making and increase accountability (see 23 USC Section 134(h)(2) and 23 USC Section 135(d)(2)). Since TSMO focuses on optimizing system performance, it is critical that a TSMO program utilize a performance-based approach to support continuous improvement. As noted earlier, performance management spans all three elements of TSMO program planning. In the programmatic phase, the transportation organization should develop monitoring and measurement approaches in relation to strategic (outcome-based) and programmatic (internal) objectives.
Performance management helps the organization to make informed decisions that correct the course or more effectively move the program toward its goals and objectives. At a programmatic level, performance measurement and response procedures provide a bridge between the strategic and tactical elements by supporting the agency's ability to evaluate and respond to performance outcomes effectively. In addition to supporting tactical decisions, performance measurement helps to support quality management and continuous improvement. Regular review and evaluation of program objectives provide a measure of program effectiveness and improvement. A large number of State and regional agencies have participated in the CMM workshops. A periodic review of the CMM dimensions will provide an ongoing assessment of the TSMO program, including areas for improvement and dimensions where advancements are being made. An important component of program management is to continually track and respond to these measures in a formal, structured approach designed to deliver continuous improvement. Questions for Consideration
Data ManagementData management ties into and is an important element of both asset management and performance measurement. In light of recently established national performance reporting and target setting requirements, data management is an increasingly important issue within State DOTs. Moreover, in the operations realm, the availability of data is expanding exponentially as crowd sourcing, vehicle- to-infrastructure communications, and the "Internet of Things" expands. Weather and roadway conditions, vehicle speeds, incident occurrence, and other real-time data are being extensively collected and made available throughout the system. How the data are gathered, analyzed, reported and stored can provide a tremendous resource to support TSMO activities. Big data analytics allows system managers to identify trends and relationships previously unconsidered to manage traffic and operations more efficiently. The management, duration, evaluation and analysis of data are critical to an effective TSMO program. In response, some transportation agencies have developed a data business plan, and TSMO can be an important component. A data business plan guides an agency in data management, and links business objectives, programs, and processes to data systems, services, and products. Questions for Consideration
Decision Support SystemsCurrent and emerging data sources provide inputs into automated, computer-based applications that support business and operational decision-making. Decision support systems (DSS) provide decision-making structures for everything from real-time traffic operations to capital investment strategies. Applications of DSS include freeway speed algorithms for traffic control operations, incident detection, winter maintenance routing and tracking, and adaptive signal control. DSS can also support project planning and design, service investments, and other programmatic decisions. Big data offers new sources of information, and big data analytics allows TSMO programs to identify previously undetected trends and relationships. DSS provides a decision framework to make informed decisions to support TSMO program goals and objectives. This allows program managers and decision-makers to consider the trade-offs of various actions or investments. Questions for Consideration
Research and DevelopmentTSMO is a rapidly evolving field that includes traditional and emerging technologies and applications. Ongoing research and development is essential for taking advantage of new technologies and maximizing an agency's return on investment. Identifying new and emerging technologies with TSMO applications provides opportunities to consider technology alternatives that address system issues more cost effectively than traditional construction solutions. Increasing data sources and types provide new insights into system challenges and trends that can refocus investments more effectively. Multimodal integration and information sharing offer new options for system users and system managers. To integrate new technologies into TMSO, focus on research, evaluation, and testing. Questions for Consideration
Promoting and Embedding a Transportation Systems Management and Operations Culture throughout Agency and Partner Business PracticesWhether a TSMO program is developed by a single agency, multiple agencies, or across a region, communication and collaboration between and among partners and stakeholders is essential to the program's success. Within a State DOT there are numerous subunits with responsibility for various aspects of TSMO planning and deployment. Similarly, in a region where multiple jurisdictions need to coordinate activities to deliver a systems approach to transportation management and operations, communication and collaboration become a critical programmatic component of effective TSMO. Caltrans Organizational Integration for Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)Caltrans has focused its efforts to develop a TSMO program on organizational integration. Caltrans has had many of the pieces needed to effectively advance TSMO; for instance, corridors that are managed in an integrated manner, policy, and an intelligent transportation systems architecture, but it has needed better institutional integration. Caltrans has focused on getting planners, operations staff and their partners to work better together; one way to do that has been conducting regional operations forums. In California, the regions have most of the funding and programming authority, and Caltrans Districts work with metropolitan planning organizations and other regional partners to advance priorities. Internal Collaboration: Incorporating Transportation Systems Management and Operations into Other Processes and Procedures Used Throughout the AgencyBeyond the organizational units with lead responsibility for TSMO activities, embedding TSMO as a key priority within an agency will typically require integration of TSMO into other agency functions, plans, and programs to support optimized system performance. These functions may include:
For TSMO to permeate an agency, TSMO considerations need to be brought into processes and procedures used throughout the agency, such as other types of transportation planning studies. Specifically, TSMO should be incorporated into statewide and metropolitan transportation planning, safety planning, and asset management, as well as project development and design. This integration will often involve the inclusion of TSMO considerations into guides and process manuals used throughout these processes. Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Integration of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Evaluations into its Project Development ProcessAs part of making a culture change to focus on improved traffic operations and on continual process improvements, CDOT developed an operations evaluation process to be conducted as an essential element of the project development process for new infrastructure projects. The purpose of this effort is to avoid past instances when CDOT completed improvements to the roadway (e.g., paving, striping, widening) and then, after a brief period of time, returned to the same location to make additional improvements. By considering safety, operations, and intelligent transportation systems elements throughout the design process and in an institutionalized manner, CDOT attempts to optimize its limited resources to make the right decisions for transportation improvements and build public trust. The agency's TSMO evaluation consists of three parts: 1) a safety analysis, 2) an operations analysis, and 3) an ITS analysis in the project development process. The project manager will coordinate with the regional traffic representatives for the completion of these safety and operational reviews along with a systems engineering analysis for any proposed ITS elements during the project. Questions for Consideration
Collaboration with External PartnersRecognizing the critical role of different partners in operating a multimodal transportation system, TSMO program planning should address collaboration among statewide/regional partners and coordination across multiple disciplines (e.g., maintenance, law enforcement, emergency response). In particular, given the dominant impact of incidents on delay and reliability— and in light of the key legal and traditional role of law enforcement, a DOT's effectiveness in TSMO is dependent in significant part on the level and type of cooperation that can be developed with law enforcement for traffic incident management. Similarly, coordination with local governments responsible for traffic signal operations, transit agencies, and new transportation service providers (such as transportation network companies) are critical to the effective implementation of strategies supporting integrated corridor management and active transportation demand management, among others. Interaction with external stakeholders, expanding coordination and collaboration to enhance existing relationships, and building new partnerships will enhance program effectiveness and sustainability. Structured interaction between stakeholders expands coordination and collaboration to enhance existing informal relationships, builds new partnerships, and formalizes a program within and across agencies. Oregon Department of Transportation (DOT) Transportation System Planning GuideJurisdictions throughout Oregon are required to prepare and adopt regional or local transportation plans that serve as the transportation element for their comprehensive plans. To support integration of transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) and other concepts, Oregon DOT developed Transportation System Planning Guidelines, which include best planning practices that provide examples of strategies that communities can use to strengthen their plans. See: Questions for Consideration
Communications, Marketing, and Outreach with System UsersCommunicating with system users is an important part of developing a TSMO program and builds support for a program that is not as visible to daily transportation users as a major construction project might be. The TSMO program, in collaboration with agency public information personnel, should reach out to customers to identify their needs and expectations and to communicate TSMO goals, objectives, activities, and outcomes. Questions for Consideration
6 Federal Highway Administration, Freeway Management and Operations Handbook, FHWA-OP-04-003 (Washington, DC: 2003 [revised 2006]). Available at: [ Return to note 6. ] |
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |