United States-European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries
Overview of Second Annual Urban Freight Roundtable at 2017 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
This compendium is comprised of 33 brief summaries describing urban freight initiatives that include research projects, freight plans, and pilot demonstrations, among other types of efforts. Each summary details how stakeholders are working together to implement strategies that lead to freight planning, project delivery, and mobility improvements, both in the U.S. and abroad. The summaries present the key challenges addressed by each initiative, the expected or realized outcomes, and stakeholder(s) involved in planning or implementing the initiative. Each summary also includes contact information. The reader is encouraged to reach out to the identified contacts with questions or requests for additional information. Through these connections, transportation professionals can begin building an urban freight community of practice that spans not only the nation, but also reaches across the globe.
These summaries can assist freight practitioners at all levels of government in working collaboratively with their private sector partners, the research/academic community, and other stakeholders to advance the state of urban freight mobility.
Freight practitioners may consider incorporating the strategies documented in this compendium in transportation planning, programming, and project delivery activities. For example, freight practitioners in State Departments of Transportation or Metropolitan Planning Organizations may wish to share these strategies as part of ongoing discussions with their freight advisory committees to identify mutually beneficial solutions to improve urban freight mobility. Practitioners could also use these strategies to engage agency leadership in decisionmaking around freight needs and solutions. Finally, practitioners could consider these strategies when developing key planning documents such as a statewide or regional freight plan.
Readers can use any of the following aids to identify urban freight initiatives of interest and learn more about them:
- Project Summary Table
The project summary table, Guide to Project Summaries Included in this Compendium, on the next page, helps readers easily identify projects of interest, categorized by type of effort, location (e.g., United States, Europe, other international), and general topic area(s) addressed.
- Tabs
Tabs, located at the top of each project summary page, indicate the project's type of effort and its location.
- Links
Most of the summaries in this compendium provide links to presentations, reports, and peer-reviewed journal articles where readers can find additional information about a project.
- Contact Information
The summaries include contact information to help the reader reach out directly to project leads to exchange information or ask questions about a specific project.