United States-European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries
Research | Other International |
This project will evaluate the economic and environmental (i.e., air emissions) impacts of off-hour deliveries using a continuous approximation model. Parameters come from primary data of GPS traces from two large retail chains (grocery, pharmacy) and a food/beverage manufacturer. Cost data come from actual market values. Using sensitivity analysis, the researchers will explore different distances from distribution centers to delivery regions inside the metropolitan area, delivery densities, and drop sizes. Preliminary results were presented at the Volvo Research and Educational Foundation's 2016 Conference on Urban Freight. This project was partially funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology.
2016 - 2018
São Paulo, Brazil
Hugo Yoshizaki
Associate Professor
University of São Paulo
55 (11) 5525-8745
Better understanding of the trade-offs between regular and off-hour deliveries for different stakeholders in the same supply chain.
Private shippers and carriers.
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |