United States - European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries, Volume II
Overview of 2018-2019 International Urban Freight Roundtables
Metro Plans | Policy | United States |
Smart Truck Management Plan
This is NYCDOT's comprehensive blueprint to improve the efficiency of truck deliveries across the five boroughs and to reduce the environmental and community impacts of trucking. This project is a key initiative of the agency's 2016 Strategic Plan (See Freight Initiatives: https://www.nycdotplan.nyc/freight-movement).
Source: New York City DOT.
Project Types
Metropolitan Plans, Policy.
Period of Performance
Winter 2016 - Spring 2019.
Project Site
New York City, New York, USA.
Diniece Mendes
Director, Office of Freight Mobility
New York City Department of Transportation
New York, New York
(212) 839-7704
Topics Addressed
- Air quality/environment.
- Curbside delivery.
- Economic competitiveness.
- Land use interactions.
- Livability/quality of life.
- Logistics/distribution.
- Mobility/congestion.
- Off-hours delivery.
- Safety.
Expected Outcomes
The plan will provide recommendations on updates to truck routes, reforms to truck rules, strategies to improve compliance, and a specific truck freight plan for each of the five boroughs. It is scheduled for release in Spring 2019 and is currently in the process of incorporating stakeholder feedback.
Stakeholder Involvement
NYCDOT convened a freight advisory group in December 2016 that brought together the trucking industry, businesses, researchers, advocacy groups, and government agencies. The purpose of the group was to examine curb management, sustainability, compliance, enforcement, and land use policies related to truck freight. DOT also solicited input from the communities most directly impacted by truck traffic through a series of 11 community open houses.