United States - European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries, Volume II
Overview of 2018-2019 International Urban Freight Roundtables
Metro Plans | Policy | United States |
Texas Freight Mobility Plan
The Texas Freight Mobility Plan provides the state with a blueprint for facilitating continued economic growth through a comprehensive, multimodal strategy for addressing freight transportation needs and moving goods efficiently and safely throughout the State. The plan also meets all Federal requirements in the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act of 2015. The purposes of the freight plan are identifying multimodal challenges, policies, programs, investment strategies, and data needed to enhance freight mobility; to provide efficient, reliable and safe freight transportation; and to improve the State's economic competitiveness. The goals of the freight plan are to improve multimodal freight transportation safety; improve the contribution of the Texas freight transportation system to enhance economic competitiveness, productivity and development; to maintain and preserve freight infrastructure assets using cost-beneficial treatment; to reduce congestion and improve freight system efficiency and performance; to provide transportation choices and improve system connectivity for all freight modes; to manage environmental and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) resources responsibly and be accountable in decision-making; to understand and incorporate citizen feedback in decision-making processes and be transparent in all TxDOT communications; and to identify sustainable funding sources for all freight modes.
Project Types
Metropolitan Plans, Policy.
Period of Performance
May 2016 - November 2017.
Project Sites
Texas (Statewide), USA.
Caroline Mays
Director - Freight, Trade, and Connectivity
Texas Department of Transportation
(512) 936-0904
Topics Addressed
- Building/road design.
- Economic competitiveness.
- Energy consumption.
- Innovative finance.
- Land use interaction.
- Logistics/distribution.
- Mobility/congestion.
- Safety.
- Supply chains.
Expected Outcomes
By 2045, congestion and truck tonnage are projected to increase significantly on Texas interstates, particularly those located in the Texas Triangle (encompassing Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin, and Houston). The Texas Freight Mobility Plan provides an understanding of transportation needs and challenges that were identified by assessing existing conditions, projecting future needs based on forecasts of freight movement in 2045, and extensive stakeholder input. Outcomes include projects, policies, and programs to address congestion and freight mobility in urban areas, system operations, safety, asset preservation, rural connectivity, multimodal connectivity, international border crossings, public awareness/education, and funding.
Stakeholder Involvement
Extensive stakeholder involvement was led by the Texas Freight Advisory Committee, which approved the plan before approval by TxDOT Administration. Plan development was supplemented by 22 workshops held around the state along with several webinars, an online survey, and newsletters.