Night Work/Off Peak Work

High traffic volumes on many highways make it difficult to perform work zone operations in or near travel lanes during much of the day because of the disruption in traffic flow and the risk this introduces for the workers and the traveling public. As a result of these concerns, all kinds of highway work are increasingly scheduled for off-peak periods, particularly at night, to alleviate the problems associated with working in traffic.
Work Zone Traffic Control and Operations at Night
- Improving the Effectiveness of Nighttime Temporary Traffic Control Warning Devices - Developed by the Illinois Center for Transportation at the University of Illinois
- Volume 1: Evaluation of Lights on Nighttime Work Zone Channelization Devices (PDF 849KB) - Discusses the effectiveness of warning lights on nighttime work zone channelization devices, such as drums and barricades.
- Volume 2: Evaluation of Nighttime Mobile Warning Lights (PDF 833KB) - Discusses the effectiveness of warning lights on nighttime highway operations, including mobile lane closures, incident responses, and police activities.
- Working Safely at Night - Traffic Control Guidelines (PDF 12MB) - Presentation from American Road and Transportation Builders Association 2004 National Work Zone Conference.
Lighting and Visibility
Example Specifications for Nighttime Operations
- Nighttime Construction: Developing a Specification for Road Work at Night - Describes the specification developed by the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Public Works to address the special concerns of working at night.
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