Positive Protection

Positive protection can help reduce the risk to workers and travelers with the use of devices that contain and redirect vehicles, reducing the risk of vehicle intrusion into the workspace. Some of the ways to provide positive protection are by the use of various types of barriers, shadow vehicles with energy-absorbing attenuators, and vehicle arresting systems.
- FHWA-Approved Crashworthy Work Zone Traffic Control Devices - FHWA policy calls for the use of crashworthy channelizers, signs, barricades, barriers, etc., in work zones on the national highway system.
- Work Zone Positive Protection Toolbox - Describes the various types of positive protection devices currently in use, as well as provides guidance on where and how each device is typically used.
- Work Zone Barrier Resource Charts (Concrete Barriers, Plastic Water-filled, Moveable Barriers, Steel) - The charts feature current safety systems that are eligible for reimbursement under the Federal-Aid Highway Program.
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