Fact Sheet 2 - Customer-Driven Construction in Illinois
Innovation During Reconstruction Project Improves Customer Mobility
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) recently completed an innovative
reconstruction project using methods that reduced construction time
and minimized motorist delays. Typically, Illinois interstate projects
are limited to 8 kilometers (5 miles) of construction per project. With
29 kilometers (18 miles) of heavily traveled interstate needing rehabilitation
and safety upgrades, IDOT combined multiple projects into one continuous
segment and considered the effect of construction on its customers.
The combined project strategy limited construction-related delays to
one summer instead of several. Through brochures and real-time information
signs, motorists were advised of delays and alternate routes. These
efforts greatly reduced the effect on businesses, local communities,
and the 35,000-plus motorists using this stretch of I-57 each day.
Quality/Innovation Award to IDOT for Meeting the Customer’s Needs
According to the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Dan Mathis, “IDOT’s efforts in planning, designing, and constructing exceeded all previous large projects in reducing delays and inconvenience while improving safety.” As a result, IDOT District 9 and Resident Engineer Travis Emery received the FHWA Illinois Division first annual “Quality/Innovation Award,” presented during the 86th Annual Transportation and Highway Engineering Conference held at the University of Illinois on February 22-23, 2000.
Advances in Construction Management, Materials, and Contractor Cooperation
Huge by IDOT standards, the project scope and length involved over 136,000 metric tons (150,000 U.S. tons) of Superpave bituminous hot-mix and the seismic retrofitting and overlay of four bridges. Accelerated work schedules, a lane rental incentive/disincentive, and use of a real-time information network resulted in improved safety and reduced motorist delays. IDOT, in conjunction with contractors E.T. Simonds and Southern Illinois Asphalt, completed construction of this major truck route in the short time frame of just 4 months, more than 2 months ahead of schedule.
Strategies to Improve Customer Service
said, “This unique project serves as a prototype of innovation
in reducing impacts to motorists and local communities.” The 1999
showcase project incorporated several new ideas and features not previously
used in Illinois on resurfacing projects. The project innovations included:
- Publication and circulation of a “Traveler’s Guide Brochure”
- Providing “real-time” information to motorists through
use of portable changeable message boards
- Weekly informal partnering meetings held between IDOT and all contractors
- Moving lane closures/tapers more often to reduce the length of lane
- Contractor-sponsored road reports
- Coordinated planning and use of lane closures by multiple contractors
to minimize lane closures and construction time
- Lane rental specification (incentive/disincentive of $14,000 per
lane closure per day)
- Free-flow placement of traffic control devices
- Utilization of fast-setting patch mixes to reduce construction time.
Mathis said the I-57 project was an all around success. IDOT’s
contract incentives and innovative operations reduced the total project
time from an estimated 3 to 4 construction seasons to just 4 months.
The public benefited from the greatly reduced delay times and IDOT’s
commitment to minimize the impact of highway construction to motorists
and the local community.
To Learn more, contact:
Travis Emery
IDOT Resident Engineer
Illinois Department of Transportation,
State Transportation Building
P.O. Box 100
Carbondale, IL 62903
Phone: 618-549-2171/618-453-3008
Fax: 503-986-5847
Email: emeryjt@nt.dot.state.il.us
Daniel Mathis
FHWA Assistant Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
3250 Executive Park Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
Phone: 217-492-4641
Email: daniel.mathis@fhwa.dot.gov
To share your Best Practices, contact:
Phillip Ditzler
Federal Highway Administration
400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: 202-366-0855
Email: Phillip.Ditzler@fhwa.dot.gov
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Publication No. FHWA-OP-00-023