ITS in Work Zones - A Case Study
Figure 5 outlines the 5 components within the concept of operations: roadway surveillance-CCTV, incident management, and three information components: roadway traveler information, personal information access-traveler information, and information services providers-traveler information. In the first component, roadway surveillance-CCTV, imagery of traffic conditions is collected. In the second component, incident management, the NMSHTD staff monitor traffic via imagery, detect incidents and initiate appropriate incident response, and disseminate traffic information. For the first information component, roadway traveler information, the DMS displays the appropriate message to motorists and the HAR transmits the appropriate message to motorists. For the personal information access-traveler information, the website is updated with NMSTD imagery and staff reports. For the final information component, information services providers-traveler information, the incident information is broadcast via fax, e-mail, and pager.