Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations
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Office of Operations  -  21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Truck Size and Weight

Pilot/Escort Vehicle Operators Training Materials

Pilot Car Escort Vehicle training publications including: Best Practices Guidelines; Best Practices for Law Enforcement; Study Guide; Training Manual; and Power point Slides, are now available. The material are located at

Federal interest in preserving highways goes back to the enactment of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, which authorized the Interstate and Defense Highway System. To preserve our Nation's infrastructure and to keep trucks and buses moving efficiently, states must ensure that commercial motor vehicles comply with federal size and weight standards. FHWA is responsible for certifying state compliance with Federal standards. This site provides a ready source of information on Federal standards and guidelines, state enforcement activities, reporting requirements, and contacts.

NEED INFORMATION ON OBTAINING AN OVERSIZE OR OVERWEIGHT LOAD MOVEMENT PERMIT? View Federal requirements and get a list of State permitting contacts.

For assistance with permitting questions in emergency situations, including Special Permits During Periods of National Emergencies, please contact Mike Latuszek at 573-616-0415.

Federal Regulations

View federal regulations, notices, and rulemakings on size and weight.

Reports to Congress

Pilot/Escort Vehicle Operators

Contact Mike Latuszek at for information regarding pilot/escort vehicle operator (P/EVO) training materials, laws and rules relevant to P/EVOs.

  • Best Practices Guidelines [HTML, PDF 613KB]
  • Best Practices Guidelines for Law Enforcement Escorts [HTML, PDF 613KB ]
  • Training Manual [HTML, PDF 2.4MB]
  • Student Study Guide [HTML, PDF 1.2MB]
  • Certification Course [HTML, PPT 5MB, PDF 3.9MB]


These Vehicle Size and Weight (VSW) Research Updates Briefs provide U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) VSW experts with recurring updates about VSW-related projects, research, and work efforts happening within USDOT and around the country.

Other Resources

States and FHWA Division Offices Contacts

Freight Management and Operations Staff Contacts

Mike Latuszek
Transportation Specialist, Truck Size and Weight Program

Paul Truban
Transportation Specialist, Vehicle Size and Weight Research Program

  Last modified: February 24, 2025  
Office of Operations