Transportation Management Plan Effectiveness Framework and Pilot
Appendix B. Expected Strategy Effects on Mobility (M), Safety (S), Customer Satisfaction (CS), and Agency/Contractor Productivity and Efficiency (PE)
Table B-1. Potential Measures of Effectiveness: Temporary Traffic Control – Control Strategies.
Transportation Management Plan Strategies |
Costs |
M |
S |
CS |
PE |
Notes |
Strategic construction phasing |
$ |
Decisions that improve productivity and efficiency could have significant project cost implications. |
Full Roadway Closures |
$$ |
Impacts of full closures on mobility and safety measures throughout corridor may be positive or negative, and would need to be measured against other traffic-handling options available. Strategy would be expected to improve worker safety. |
Lane shifts or closures-Reduced lane widths but maintain number of lanes |
$ |
Effects evaluated relative to other traffic-handling options being considered. Lane width reductions can be particularly challenging for drivers of large trucks. |
Lane shifts or closures-Lane closures to provide worker safety |
$ |
1 |
Effects evaluated relative to a reduced work space traffic handling option. |
Lane shifts or closures-Reduced shoulder width to maintain number of lanes |
$ |
2 |
Effects evaluated relative to a reduced work space traffic handling option. |
Lane shifts or closures-Shoulder closures to provide worker safety |
$ |
1 |
Effects evaluated relative to a reduced work space traffic handling option. |
Lane shifts or closures-Lane shift to shoulder or median to maintain number of lanes |
$ |
2 |
Safety and PE effects evaluated relative to a reduced work space traffic handling option. Mobility effects evaluated against a lane closure option. |
One-lane, two-way operation |
$ |
Effects evaluated relative to a full road closure option. |
Two-way traffic on one side of divided facility (crossover) |
$$ |
1 |
Effects evaluated relative to part-width construction on each side of facility. |
Reversible lanes |
$$$ |
Effects evaluated relative to a reduced peak period lane configuration. |
Ramp closures/relocation |
$$ |
2 |
Ramp closures will be negatively perceived by travelers who normally use those ramps, and positively perceived by other travelers who experience smoother traffic flow on the freeway. |
Freeway-to-freeway interchange closures |
$$ |
2 |
Ability of travelers to adapt also depends on advance notice provided. |
Night work |
$$ |
2 |
Working at night can have negative worker and productivity/efficiency effects if not performed correctly. |
Weekend work |
$$ |
2 |
Effects evaluated relative to other times when work could be accomplished. |
Work hour restrictions for peak travel |
$ |
Effects on PE may be negative (work progress must be divided and scheduled appropriately). |
Pedestrian/bicycle accommodations |
$ |
Effect dependent on type of accommodation made in addition to the minimum requirements (Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA], Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices [MUTCD]). Mobility improvements would occur only if accommodations result in mode change or elimination of pedestrian/bike-vehicle conflicts that impede traffic. |
Business access improvements |
$$ |
Effect dependent on type of improvement made in addition to the minimum requirements (MUTCD, agency policies or standards). |
Off-site detours/use of alternate routes |
$$ |
Effects on safety depend on quality of detour/alternative route used. |

Significant positive effect expected

Slight positive effect expected

Effect could be positive or negative, depending on site conditions

Slight negative effect expected

Significant negative effect expected
1 Primarily affects worker safety
2 Primarily affects traffic safety (crashes)
Table B-2. Potential Benefit Measures of Effectiveness: Temporary Traffic Control – Project Coordination, Contracting, and Innovative Construction Strategies.
Transportation Management Plan (TMP) Strategies |
Costs |
M |
S |
CS |
PE |
Notes |
Project Coordination-Coordination with other projects |
$ |
Lane closure impacts can be measured for what occurs and extrapolated to additional closures avoided through coordination. |
Project Coordination-Utilities coordination |
$ |
Effects depend on how they affect duration of conditions impacting mobility and safety. |
Project Coordination-Right-of-way coordination |
$ |
Effects depend on how coordination affects duration of conditions impacting mobility and safety. |
Project Coordination-Coordination with other transportation infrastructure |
$ |
Effects depend on how coordination affects duration of conditions impacting mobility and safety |
Contracting Strategies-Design-build |
$$$ |
Effects on safety, mobility, and customer satisfaction depend on quality of other TMP strategies implemented. |
Contracting Strategies-A+B bidding |
$$ |
Contracting Strategies-Incentive/Disincentive |
$$ |
Contracting Strategies-Lane rental |
$$ |
Effects on PE may be negative if contractor is not able to efficiently fit tasks within allowable work windows. |
Innovative construction techniques (e.g., precast members, rapid cure materials) |
$$$$ |
Effects on PE may be negative if contractor is not able to efficiently fit tasks within allowable work windows.Effect is primarily upon project duration. Indirect effects on other measures may result from a shorter duration project. |

Significant positive effect expected

Slight positive effect expected

Effect could be positive or negative, depending on site conditions

Slight negative effect expected

Significant negative effect expected
Table B-3. Potential Benefit Measures of Effectiveness: Public Information – Public Awareness Strategies.
Transportation Management Plan Strategies |
Costs |
M |
S |
CS |
PE |
Notes |
Brochures and mailers, press releases/media alerts, paid advertisements, public information center, public meetings/hearings, community task forces, work zone education and safety campaigns, work zone highway safety signs that identify work zone fatalities, visual media information for meetings and web |
$$ |
Ability to measure M, S, or PE effects at the project level does not exist. |
Telephone hotline, planned lane closure map, project website, coordination with media/schools/ businesses/emergency services, rideshare promotion information |
$$ |
Ability to measure M, S, or PE effects at the project level would be limited |

Significant positive effect expected

Slight positive effect expected

Effect could be positive or negative, depending on site conditions

Slight negative effect expected

Significant negative effect expected
Table B-4. Potential Benefit Measures of Effectiveness: Public Information – Motorist Information Strategies.
Transportation Management Plan Strategies |
Costs |
M |
S |
CS |
PE |
Notes |
Traffic radio |
$ |
1 |
Ability to estimate what would happen if radio not used is limited. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Changeable message signs |
$$ |
1 |
2 |
Ability to estimate what would happen if signs are not used is limited. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Dynamic speed message signs |
$ |
2 |
Effects depend on need to warn of excessive speeds. |
Highway advisory radio |
$$ |
1 |
Ability to estimate what would happen if radio not used is limited. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Highway information network (web-based) |
$ |
1 |
Ability to estimate what would happen if network not used is limited. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
511 traveler information system |
$$ |
1 |
Ability to estimate what would happen if system not used is limited. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Freight travel information |
$ |
Customer satisfaction and mobility effects mostly limited to freight drivers. |
Transportation management center |
$$$$ |
PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |

Significant positive effect expected

Slight positive effect expected

Effect could be positive or negative, depending on site conditions

Slight negative effect expected

Significant negative effect expected
1 Effect primarily upon delays, queues, and travel time reliability; effect on throughput is limited
2 Typically evaluated using safety surrogates such as changes in speed or driver opinion.
Table B-5. Potential Benefit Measures of Effectiveness: Traffic Operations – Demand Management Strategies.
Transportation Management Plan Strategies |
Costs |
M |
S |
CS |
PE |
Notes |
Transit service improvements (e.g., increased capacity), transit incentives, and new or enhanced shuttle services |
$$$$ |
1 |
2 |
Mobility effects dependent on ability to shift mode choice. Reduction in vehicle demand could yield reduction in crashes. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Ridesharing/carpool incentives, park-and-ride promotions, high-occupancy vehicle lane (new or enhanced) |
$$$ |
1 |
2 |
Mobility effects dependent on ability to shift mode choice. Reduction in vehicle demand could yield reduction in crashes. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Toll/congestion pricing (including high-occupancy toll [HOT] lanes) |
$$$$ |
2 |
Mobility effects dependent on ability to shift departure time, route, and mode choice. Reduction in vehicle demand could yield reduction in crashes, but could also increase on other routes. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Ramp metering |
$$$ |
2 |
Reduction in vehicle demand could yield reduction in crashes, but could also increase those on other routes if diversion occurs. Customer satisfaction would be positive for main lane drivers, but negative for ramp users. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Parking supply management |
$$$ |
1 |
2 |
Mobility effects dependent on ability to shift mode choice. Reduction in vehicle demand could yield reduction in crashes. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Alternate work hours |
$ |
1 |
Mobility effects dependent on ability to shift departure times. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Telecommuting |
$ |
1 |
2 |
Mobility and safety effects dependent on ability to reduce total trips made. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |

Significant positive effect expected

Slight positive effect expected

Effect could be positive or negative, depending on site conditions

Slight negative effect expected

Significant negative effect expected
1 Effect primarily upon delays, queues, and travel time reliability; effect on throughput is limited
2 Primarily affects traffic safety (crashes) by reducing number of vehicle-miles of exposure
Table B-6. Potential Benefit MOEs: Traffic Operations – Corridor/Network Management Strategies.
Transportation Management Plan Strategies |
Costs |
M |
S |
CS |
PE |
Notes |
Signal timing/coordination improvements |
$$ |
PE effects would exist if mobility improvements due to reduced volumes assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Temporary traffic signals |
$$ |
Mobility and safety effects dependent upon whether comparison is to a non-controlled or flagger/officer controlled condition. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements due to reduced volumes assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Street/intersection improvements |
$$ |
Ability to estimate what would have occurred without the improvement is limited. |
Bus turnouts |
$$$ |
Turn restrictions |
$ |
CS effects may be positive or negative depending on user group considered (through drivers versus turning traffic drivers). |
Parking restrictions |
$ |
CS effects may be positive or negative depending on user group considered (through drivers versus parking drivers). |
Truck/heavy vehicle restrictions |
$ |
CS effects may be positive or negative depending on user group considered (passenger vehicle drivers versus truck drivers). |
Separate truck lanes |
$$$$ |
CS effects may be positive or negative depending on user group considered (passenger vehicle drivers versus truck drivers). |
Reversible lanes |
$$$ |
Safety effects depend on whether positive effects from improving peak direction capacity are offset or exceeded by negative effects of capacity loss in off-peak direction. |
Dynamic lane closure system |
$$ |
Mobility and safety effects dependent upon operating condition at lane closure prior to change (extent to which queue jumping occurs). |
Ramp metering |
$$ |
Effects on CS could be positive (for main lane drivers) or negative (for entering drivers). Reduction in vehicle demand could yield reduction in crashes, but could also increase those on other routes if diversion occurs. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements due to reduced volumes assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Temporary suspension of ramp metering |
$ |
Safety and CS effects may be positive or negative (positive if suspension reduces queue spillback to upstream intersections, negative if ramp platoons create additional turbulence at the ramp merge point). |
Ramp closures |
$$ |
PE effects depend on whether work activities have to occur on ramp, or if operating condition improve materials and equipment delivery. |
Railroad crossing controls |
$ |
Effects limited to conditions where work zone increases potential for vehicles to stop on tracks. |
Coordination with adjacent construction sites |
$ |
Lane closure impacts can be measured for what occurs and extrapolated to additional closures avoided through coordination. |

Significant positive effect expected

Slight positive effect expected

Effect could be positive or negative, depending on site conditions

Slight negative effect expected

Significant negative effect expected
Table B-7. Potential Benefit MOEs: Traffic Operations – Work Zone Safety Management Strategies.
Transportation Management Plan Strategies |
M |
S |
CS |
PE |
Notes |
Speed limit reductions/variable speed limits |
Relationship between speed limits and safety is not well defined (ability to predict what would occur if not implemented is limited). |
Variable speed limits |
Hypothesized to have potential effects on crash reductions, and possibly throughput. |
Temporary traffic signals |
Mobility benefits dependent upon whether comparison is to a non-controlled or flagger/officer controlled condition. Safety effects for travelers could be positive or negative depending on how signal operates relative to a non-controlled or flagger/officer controlled intersection. PE effects would exist because flaggers can be used for other work duties. |
Temporary traffic barrier |
Slight improvements in PE may occur because workers feel more protected while working. |
Moveable traffic barrier |
Effects would be computed relative to a long-term barrier lane closure (for mobility and safety effects), or to use of no barrier (for safety effects only). |
Crash cushions |
Generally required by state standards. |
Temporary rumble strips |
Intrusion alarms |
False alarms have limited the effectiveness of this strategy in past assessments. Potential exists to possibly improve worker safety. |
Warning lights |
Effect on safety will typically be measureable through safety surrogates. |
Automated flagger assistance devices |
PE effects would occur if the number of flaggers used can be reduced. |
Project on-site safety training |
Safety awards/incentives |

Significant positive effect expected

Slight positive effect expected

Effect could be positive or negative, depending on site conditions

Slight negative effect expected

Significant negative effect expected
Table B-8. Potential Benefit MOEs: Traffic Operations – Traffic/Incident Management and Enforcement Strategies.
Transportation Management Plan Strategies |
Costs |
M |
S |
CS |
PE |
Notes |
ITS for traffic monitoring/ management |
$$$ |
Effects dependent on how frequently events occur that trigger system responses, and how components affect response time or route diversion, e.g. PE effects would exist if mobility improvements assist materials and equipment delivery. |
Helicopter for aerial surveillance |
$$$ |
Not often used due to high costs |
Unmanned drones for aerial surveillance |
$ |
Currently experimental. |
Reference location signs |
$ |
Effects dependent on how much strategy improves response time. |
Tow/freeway service patrol |
$$ |
Effects dependent on how much strategy improves response time. |
Total station units, photogrammetry |
$ |
Effects dependent on how much strategy improves response time. |
Coordination with media |
$ |
Effects dependent on how much actions and strategies improve motorist information system dissemination. |
Preplanned local detour routes, contractor support for incident management, incident/emergency management coordinator, incident response plan |
$$ |
Effects dependent on how much actions and strategies improve response (implementation of detours) time or motorist information dissemination, e.g. |
Dedicated (paid) police enforcement |
$$ |
Effects on M, CS, PE may be positive if presence leads to more consistent speeds and cooperative driving behavior around work zone, or negative if enforcement efforts are too aggressive. |
Automated enforcement |
$$ |
Limited applicability to due legislative changes required. |
Increased penalties for work zone violations |
$ |
Primarily programmatic effect across region. Effect on CS depends on whether or not driver has received a citation. |

Significant positive effect expected

Slight positive effect expected

Effect could be positive or negative, depending on site conditions

Slight negative effect expected

Significant negative effect expected
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