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The checklist on implementation activities presents steps aimed at strategizing traffic management plan deployment and conducting necessary testing and training activities. A transition phase between planning and operations, implementation activities improve the efficiency of traffic management plan deployment and increase traffic management team preparedness. The figure below summarizes the types of assessments made for each of the five steps in the implementation activities checklist:
![Image names the five steps in this checklist and the associated assessments for each.](images/fig4.jpg)
Step 1. Develop an Implementation Plan
![Screenshot of Implementation Activities checklist, step 1.](images/cl4s1.jpg)
Step 2. Conduct a Stakeholder Simulation Exercise(s)
![Screenshot of Implementation Activities checklist, step 2.](images/cl4s2.jpg)
Step 3. Establish Interagency Communication Service and Compatibility
![Screenshot of Implementation Activities checklist, step 3.](images/cl4s3.jpg)
Step 4. Test Equipment Resources
![Screenshot of Implementation Activities checklist, step 4.](images/cl4s4.jpg)
Step 5. Recruit and Train Volunteers
![Screenshot of Implementation Activities checklist, step 5.](images/cl4s5.jpg)
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