SHRP2 Reliability Products Listing

SHRP2 Reliability products can be broadly grouped into the four categories shown below. Each category contains a variety of products, research, tools, case studies, and other resources. Click any category to get started. To learn the impact of the SHRP2 products, view the testimonial flyer (HTML, PDF).



Tools and guides to help build your agency's capabilities.
show more Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)
show less Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)

Developed under SHRP2's L06, L34, and related products.

SHRP2 developed a Capability Maturity Model (CMM) to help agencies measure and improve their TSMO capabilities. CMMs help organizations measure their own TSMO capabilities against industry benchmarks and then develop action plans to improve in the areas in which they are weakest. Also see the SHRP2 fact sheet about this product's development.


  • Creating an Effective Program to Advance Transportation System Management and Operations Primer (HTML, PDF): An overview of the process for applying the CMM framework.
  • CMM Self-Assessment Tool: Online tool that uses self-evaluation and best practice experience to help users assess their current capabilities and identify key program, process, and institutional preconditions to achieve more effective TSMO.
  • TSMO Program-Specific CMM Frameworks: CMM frameworks that focus on capabilities and improvement actions for 6 specific TSMO program areas (Road Weather Management, Planned Special Events, Traffic Incident Management, Traffic Management, Arterial/Traffic Signal Management, and Work Zone Management), and resources to help agencies advance in each program.
  • Program-specific CMM Implementation Workshops: FHWA works with local or regional champions who are interested in hosting a workshop to inventory current capabilities within specific program areas. If interested in hosting a workshop, contact the appropriate lead:
  • Advancing TSMO: Making the Business Case for Institutional, Organizational, and Procedural Changes (HTML, PDF): How agencies can make the business case for institutional, organizational, and procedural changes to help implement TSMO. A webinar provides an overview of the guide.
  • Online Training for Making the Business Case for Institutional, Organizational, and Procedural changes for TSMO (FHWA-NHI-133128): One-hour modular web-based training building off the material in Advancing TSMO: Making the Business Case for Institutional, Organizational, and Procedural Changes. This course and the earlier guide help agencies advance their capabilities for TSMO.
  • Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management and Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer for Program Planning (HTML, PDF): The rationale for and key elements of successful TSMO program planning. It is designed as a practical resource to help State DOTs, MPOs, and local or regional operations organizations integrate and mainstream TSMO within their organizations.


  • Organizing for TSMO Case Studies: The following case studies profile best practices, challenges, needs, and next steps at agencies who have mature TSMO organizations:
    • Case Study 1: Business Processes – Optimizing Existing Planning and Implementation Processes with TSMO (HTML, PDF 831 KB)
    • Case Study 2: Systems and Technology – Utilizing ITS Architecture to Advance TSMO (HMTL, PDF 1.2 MB)
    • Case Study 3: Performance Measurement – Making Data-driven Transportation Decisions Using Performance Measure (HTML, PDF 1.1 MB)
    • Case Study 4: Culture – Changing the Culture Towards TSMO in State Departments of Transportation (HTML, PDF 1.9 MB)
    • Case Study 5: Organizing and Staffing – Organizing for TSMO (HTML, PDF 977 KB)
    • Case Study 6: Collaboration – Partnering for Traffic Incident Management (HTML, PDF 887 KB)
    • Case Study 7: Integrating the Capability Maturity Model in Agency Processes (HTML, PDF 539 KB)
    • Case Study 8: Training for TSMO (HTML, PDF 685 KB)
    • Case Study 9: State Department of Transportation Examples 1 of 2 (HTML, PDF 1.1 MB)
    • Case Study 10: State Department of Transportation Examples 2 of 2 (HTML, PDF 1.1 MB)
    • Case Study 11: Metropolitan Planning Organization Examples (HTML, PDF 608 KB)
    • Case Study 12: Border Crossings (HTML, PDF 2.2 MB)
  • Peer Exchange Report: Advancing Organizational Capabilities for TSMO, February 2018 (HTML, PDF): Summarizes the findings of a peer exchange that brought together transportation agencies to discuss challenges, best practices, and lessons learned related to advancing organizational capabilities for TSMO.
  • Program-Specific Whitepapers: Series of white papers that describe how the CMM can improve an organization's TSMO abilities. These papers are divided into the 6 sub-components of the CMM:
  • Public Roads Article: A New Approach to Improving Travel Times by Joe Gregory and Ben Irwin.
  • Webinar Recording: Advancing Transportation Programs Using Capability Maturity Frameworks.
  • State and MPO Implementation Assistance Projects: 27 States and MPOs were awarded Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) funding (Round 1) to deploy reliability solutions related to this product area.


Questions about this product? Contact Joe Gregory and Jim Hunt.

show more Integrating Business Processes to Improve Travel Time Reliability
show less Integrating Business Processes to Improve Travel Time Reliability

Developed under SHRP2's L01/L34 and related products.
These products help agencies understand and develop business processes that are part of advancing TSMO and integrating it into the agency's way of doing business. FHWA summarizes these products in a fact sheet.


  • E-Tool for Self-Evaluation: Structured approach to help transportation agencies evaluate their own processes to improve TSMO. A final report describes the development and use of the tool.
  • TSMO Business Process Workshop: Helps agencies improve specific TSMO business processes, and gives them a model to improve other business processes on their own. Introduces the e-tool. Contact Tracy Scriba for additional information.
  • Improving Business Processes for More Effective Transportation Systems Management and Operations (HTML, PDF): Presents business processes across several TSMO areas, including traffic incident management, planned special events, road weather management, work zones, and freeway traffic management. Includes case studies, tools, and resources to help assess business processes, plan strategies for engaging the right stakeholders, and identify next steps.


  • Improving Business Processes for More Effective Transportation Systems Management and Operations (HTML, PDF): Provides case studies of business processes across several TSMO areas, traffic incident management, planned special events, road weather management, work zones, and freeway traffic management, that illustrate where agencies have made changes to their business processes, such as contracting, training, resource allocation, planning, and other business processes.
  • Pilot Tests: Chapter 4 of this document describes two pilot tests of the e-Tool—one by New Hampshire DOT (winter weather management) and one by the North Central Texas Council of Government (incident management).


  • Integrating Business Processes to Improve Travel Time Reliability: Guide and related technical report describe how agencies can change business processes to support improved TSMO practices.

Questions about this product? Contact Tracy Scriba.

show more Presentation Materials – Operations in the 21st Century: Meeting Customer Needs and Expectations
show less Presentation Materials – Operations in the 21st Century: Meeting Customer Needs and Expectations

Developed under SHRP2's L31 and related products.
These presentation materials are geared toward chief executive officers (CEOs) and senior managers of state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) about the value of mainstreaming transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) as a core mission, business practice, and investment priority in their organizations and regionally.


  • State DOT Presentation (HTML, PDF, .ppt)
  • MPO Focused Presentation (HTML, PDF, .ppt)
  • Presentation Guide: Helps presenters better understand and articulate the concepts presented in the State DOT and MPO-focused presentations listed above.


  • N/A


  • N/A

Questions about this product? Contact Joe Gregory.



Resources to implement travel time reliability concepts at your agency.

This product area includes a suite of tools, approaches, and guides to help agencies integrate travel time reliability into their data collection, analysis, and decision-making practices so they can identify ways to better manage and reduce the day-to-day variations in travel time that many travelers experience.


  • Traffic Analysis Toolbox Updates: Highlights updates made to FHWA’s Traffic Analysis Toolbox to incorporate travel time reliability and give practitioners guidance on key applications of travel time reliability analysis. Includes a presentation from the Atlanta Regional Commission on their efforts implementing reliability measures in their activity-based model.
  • Travel Time Reliability Quick Reference Guide and Video Series: Describes FHWA’s Travel Time Reliability Quick Reference Guide and Video Series. These resources provide practitioners with an understanding of travel time reliability and direct users to detailed resources for each stage of an analysis. Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) discusses their use of travel time reliability in MnDOT's Congestion Management Safety Plan.

Case Studies

State DOTs and MPOs pilot tested the suite of tools during development, and additional States and MPOs were awarded SHRP2 implementation assistance funds to try out and help incorporate the tools into their operations. The case studies discuss these agencies’ experiences with a cross-section of the SHRP2 Reliability Data and Analysis Tools products.

Analysis Resources

show more Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel-Time Reliability
show less Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel-Time Reliability

Developed under SHRP2's L02 and related products.
A guide that describes how to establish baseline data to estimate travel time reliability and identify areas for improvement. It covers methods to design, build, operate, and maintain monitoring systems. The guide addresses the technical, analytical, economic, and institutional implementation issues associated with establishing travel time monitoring programs.


  • Planning for Reliability: Advancing Reliability through Operations Workshop (HTML, PDF): Content from the Establishing Monitoring Programs SHRP2 reliability product has been integrated into this 1- to 2-day workshop. The workshop is customizable and aims to assist MPOs and their planning partners with adopting key elements of planning for operations into their metropolitan transportation plans and programs.


  • SHRP2 Tuesdays webinar recording: Describes concepts and procedures that public agencies can use to design systems to build, maintain, operate, and monitor travel-time reliability.
  • State and MPO Implementation Assistance Projects: 18 States and MPOs were awarded Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) funding (Rounds 4 and 7) to deploy reliability solutions related to this product area.


  • Guide to Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel Time Reliability: Provides agencies with methods to design and establish travel-time monitoring systems.
  • Data associated with the development of this product area can be found on the Repository and Open Sciences Access Portal (ROSAP). This link generates a search of the ROSAP database for resources related to the Guide to Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel Time Reliability; users can further refine this search (e.g., isolate only datasets or technical reports) related to the product by using the toggles on the left side of the screen in the "Narrow Results" box.

Questions about this product? Contact Jim Hunt.

show more Reliability in Simulation and Planning Models
show less Reliability in Simulation and Planning Models

Developed under SHRP2's L04 and related products.
Tools and frameworks designed to assist State DOTs, MPOs, and other transportation agencies in moving reliability analysis into their modeling business practices.


  • Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling Tools (PDF 2.5 MB): This report details pilot implementations of the Scenario Manager and Trajectory Processor and recommendations for incorporating reliability analysis in project planning.
  • Scenario Manager: Preprocessor that produces randomized input into simulation models.
  • Trajectory Processor: Post-processor that portrays the variability in travel-time and reliability performance metrics from origins to destinations and for segments and links.
  • Traffic Analysis Toolbox, Volume III – Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software, 2019 Update (HTML, PDF 3.8 MB): This 2019 update of the original 2004 volumes now includes reliability concepts, including a complete end-to-end case study using a large microsimulation model for a hypothetical work zone alternatives analysis.
  • Traffic Analysis Toolbox Video Series: This series of five videos explains the 2019 update to the Traffic Analysis Toolbox – Volume III guidelines.


  • SHRP2 Tuesdays webinar recording: Provides demonstrations of the travel time reliability micro- and meso-simulation modules and other model systems developed under SHRP2.
  • State and MPO Implementation Assistance Projects: 6 States and MPOs were awarded Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) funding (Round 7) to deploy reliability solutions related to this product.
  • Traffic Analysis Toolbox Updates (Webinar): Highlights updates made to FHWA's Traffic Analysis Toolbox to incorporate travel time reliability. The updates give practitioners guidance on key applications of travel time reliability analysis. For a real world example, the webinar features a presentation from the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) on its efforts implementing reliability measures in the ARC activity-based model using the SHRP2 L04 tool.


Questions about this product? Contact James Colyar

show more Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into the Transportation Planning and Programming Process
show less Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into the Transportation Planning and Programming Process

Developed under SHRP2's L05 and related products.
Describing a set of approaches that enable agencies to include reliability in their decisions about which transportation investments to select.


  • Guide to Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into the Transportation Planning and Programming Processes: Provides State DOTs and MPOs with procedural and technical approaches to integrate mobility and reliability performance measures and improvement strategies into transportation planning and programming processes.
  • Integrating Reliability into Transportation System Management (HTML, PDF): Guide to help State agencies and MPOs link travel time reliability into planning and operations processes. It develops and demonstrates a framework for connecting planning-level reliability goals and objectives to operational objectives and TSMO strategies and tactics.
  • PlanWorks: Concepts described in the guide have been included throughout the Collaborative Decision-Making Framework web-based tool on PlanWorks.
  • Planning for Reliability: Advancing Reliability through Operations Workshop (HTML, PDF): Equips planners and operators to integrate reliability and operations into transportation planning used a performance-based approach.


  • SHRP2 Tuesdays webinar recording: Provides information about how agencies can use reliability performance measurement to understand and communicate reliability and use reliability analysis tools to make program and project investment choices that address reliability of the transportation system.
  • State and MPO Implementation Assistance Projects: 18 States and MPOs were awarded Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) funding (Rounds 4 and 7) to deploy reliability solutions related to this product area.


  • Data associated with the development of this project can be found on the Repository and Open Sciences Access Portal (ROSAP). This link generates a search of the ROSAP database for resources related to the Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into the Transportation Planning and Programming Process products; users can further refine this search (e.g., isolate only datasets or technical reports) related to the product by using the toggles on the left side of the screen in the "Narrow Results" box.

Questions about this product? Contact Jim Hunt.

show more Design Guide for Addressing Non-Recurrent Congestion
show less Design Guide for Addressing Non-Recurrent Congestion

Developed under SHRP2's L07 and related products.
Tools that help agencies estimate the effectiveness and comparative economic benefits of design treatments at specific locations.



  • SHRP2 Tuesdays webinar recording: Describes how research on this product developed technical relationships between reliability improvement strategies and reliability performance metrics, and identified roadway design features that improve travel time reliability.
  • State and MPO Implementation Assistance Projects: 18 States and MPOs were awarded Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) funding (Rounds 4 and 7) to deploy reliability solutions related to this product area.


Questions about this product? Contact Jim Hunt.

show more Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)
show less Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)

Developed under SHRP2's L08 and related products.
This project added new procedures to the Highway Capacity Manual and Highway Capacity Software to incorporate travel time reliability. The new chapters demonstrate how to apply travel time reliability methods to the analysis of freeways and urban streets.



  • SHRP2 Tuesdays webinar recording: Introduces viewers to the analytical procedures and chapters about freeway facilities and urban streets to be included in the updated Highway Capacity Manual and Software.
  • State and MPO Implementation Assistance Projects: 18 States and MPOs were awarded Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) funding (Rounds 4 and 7) to deploy reliability solutions related to this product area.


  • Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the Highway Capacity Manual: Summary of the work conducted during the development of two proposed new chapters for the Highway Capacity Manual 2010 (HCM2010). These chapters demonstrated how to apply travel time reliability methods to the analysis of freeways and urban streets.
  • Data associated with the development of this project can be found on the Repository and Open Sciences Access Portal (ROSAP). This link generates a search of the ROSAP database for resources related to the Travel Time Reliability updates of the Highway Capacity Manual; users can further refine this search (e.g., isolate only datasets or technical reports) related to the product by using the toggles on the left side of the screen in the "Narrow Results" box.

Questions about this product? Contact James Colyar

show more Tools for Assessing Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation
show less Tools for Assessing Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation

Developed under SHRP2's C11 and related products.
This product offers a suite of spreadsheet-based analysis tools that provide a range of economic impact expectations for proposed highway projects. Developed under the SHRP2 Capacity Focus Area, one of the spreadsheets specifically looks at impacts of reliability improvements.


  • EconWorks: Website that incorporates the suite of spreadsheet-based analysis tools throughout its listed resources.


  • SHRP2 Tuesdays webinar recording: Introduces viewers to the economic impact analysis tools.
  • State and MPO Implementation Assistance Projects: 18 States and MPOs were awarded Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) funding (Rounds 4 and 7) to deploy reliability solutions related to this project area.
  • Travel Time Reliability Quick Reference Guide and Video Series (Webinar): Describes FHWA's Travel Time Reliability Quick Reference Guide and Video Series. These two resources provide practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of travel time reliability and direct users to detailed resources for each stage of an analysis. For a real world example, the webinar features the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) discussing their use of the SHRP2 C11 tool to incorporate travel time reliability in MnDOT's Congestion Management Safety Plan.


  • Final report: Provides information on the development of a large database of case studies integrated into the website.
  • Data associated with the development of this project can be found on the Repository and Open Sciences Access Portal (ROSAP). This link generates a search of the ROSAP database for resources related to the Tools for Assessing Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation; users can further refine this search (e.g., isolate only datasets or technical reports) related to the product by using the toggles on the left side of the screen in the "Narrow Results" box.

Questions about this product? Contact Tracy Scriba

show more WISE: Work Zone Impacts and Strategies Estimator Software
show less WISE: Work Zone Impacts and Strategies Estimator Software

Developed under SHRP2's R11 and related products.
WISE is a decision support system for planners and engineers that evaluates the traffic impacts of work zones and various scheduling options and mitigation strategies. The original tool has been further refined by a set of State DOTs and MPOs—see TOOLS, GUIDES, AND WORKSHOPS/TRAINING section below for descriptions of each updated version.


  • WISE Demonstration Workshop: Presentations on the refined WISE tools developed by 2 State DOTs and 2 MPOs during their SHRP2 projects.
  • Four agencies refined the WISE Tool through SHRP2 Implementation Assistance Program:
    • Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG): Rebuilt the original WISE platform for TransCAD, updated the user interface, enabled the software to analyze multiple projects simultaneously, and added project construction cost estimations. AMBAG's updated WISE platform and script source code is available by emailing the MPO's contractor:
    • MetroPlan Orlando: Altered the original WISE tool to become a TransCAD add-in. The updated tool analyzes multiple projects simultaneously, sees increased algorithm processing speeds, and has a more user-friendly user interface. Produces an output table listing every schedule evaluated and its associated construction delay; schedules are by quarter rather than month-to-month, and uses four time periods instead of two, which may be more applicable for MPO travel models. Updated platform and script source code is available by emailing the MPO's contractor:
    • Maryland DOT: Modified the original WISE tool to integrate into the Maryland Integrated Travel Analysis Modeling System (MITAMS). DTALite and Dynasty versions of the package are also available, which include updated user interfaces and enhanced user demand behavior inputs to consider schedule and travel modes. Codes and models are publicly available by contacting Lei Zang,
    • Tennessee DOT: Modified the original WISE tool in collaboration with University of Memphis. This version enhanced the importing format of WISE, strengthened the capability to analyze larger work zones and networks, improved the sequencing algorithm to analyze larger numbers of projects simultaneously, and developed an enhanced user interface. This tool uses NEXTA and DynusT. More information about this tool can be obtained by contacting


  • WISE Demonstration Workshop: Held in 2017 to share 4 State and MPO experiences piloting and improving the WISE software through SHRP2 funding.
  • Webinar Recording: WISE Pilot Site Efforts
  • State and MPO Implementation Assistance Projects: 4 States and MPOs were awarded Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) funding (Round 6) to deploy reliability solutions related to this project area.


Questions about this product? Contact Tracy Scriba.



More resources to implement reliability concepts into your agency.
show more Training of Traffic Incident Responders (TIM Training)
show less Training of Traffic Incident Responders (TIM Training)

Developed under SHRP2's L12/L32 and related products.
This training program and related work products train responders in best practices in Traffic Incident Management (TIM). Learners who complete the course earn a TIM Training Certificate of Completion from the National Highway Institute. Originally hosted by FHWA, in person trainings are now offered on a state-by-state basis. Those areas located in a state which does not currently host a TIM training program can work with FHWA to identify nearby states offering train-the-trainer courses to help them get started. See product lead contact info below for more information.


  • Communications Toolkit: Brochures, presentations, customizable templates, and training support materials to help you spread the word about TIM training.
  • National TIM Responder Web-based Training: Online training offered by NHI that supplements the in-person experience by providing immediate training, as well as refresher training after someone attends an in-person event.


  • 2018 Traffic Incident Management Capability Maturity Self-Assessment National Analysis Report (HTML, PDF): Presents a summary of the 2018 Traffic Incident Management Capability Maturity Self Assessments completed by transportation personnel from 98 locations across the country.
  • Evaluation of National TIM Responder Training Program: Provides State and local agencies, decision-makers, and other users an overview of student learning and application of material, and the impact of the multidisciplinary, multiagency SHRP2 TIM training curriculum on operations and safety.
    • Summary of Evaluation Results (HTML, PDF)
    • Full Evaluation Report (HTML, PDF)
  • Public Roads Article: Living in the Line of Duty by Dennis L. Rubin and Kimberly C. Vásconez
  • Public Roads Article: Successfully Managing Traffic Incidents Is No Accident by Kimberly C. Vásconez.
  • Public Roads Article: Training Millions of Responders by Kimberly C. Vásconez.


Questions about this product? Contact Jim Austrich.

show more Communicating Traveler Information on Travel Time Reliability
show less Communicating Traveler Information on Travel Time Reliability

Developed under SHRP2's L14 and related products.
Materials to help agencies convey travel time reliability information to travelers so that such information can be understood and used in a way that influences their travel choices.


  • Disseminating Traveler Information on Travel Time Reliability: Provides advice for public agencies seeking to implement travel time reliability traveler information into their operations by providing use cases and other resources.
  • Implementation Workshops: Helps agencies implement travel time reliability into their traveler information programs. Contact Ralph Volpe for additional information.



Questions about this product? Contact Ralph Volpe.



Programs and resources to connect you to a broader peer network.
show more Reliability Data Archive
show less Reliability Data Archive

Developed under SHRP2's L13/L13A and related products.
The Reliability Data Archive was originally designed as a clearinghouse for datasets associated with the development of SHRP2 Reliability products. The data and products from the original archive have since been moved to the following sites.

The hyperlinks below can be used to search for resources related to SHRP2 Reliability products by entering a product's name (e.g., "Design Guide for Addressing Non-Recurrent Congestion") or its associated SHRP2 product number (e.g., "L07" – these numbers are listed under each product listed on this page):

Questions about this product? Contact Tracy Scriba.

show more Framework for Improving Travel-Time Reliability
show less Framework for Improving Travel-Time Reliability

Developed under SHRP2's L17 and related products.
The products developed under this effort provide practitioners access to a range of well-organized, cutting-edge resources and expertise about transportation systems management and operations and reliability. Ultimately, this effort helped produce the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE) comprehensive, web-based resource that provides key TSMO information and helps agencies capitalize on this growing area of practice.


  • Mainstreaming TSMO through Policies and Processes: Reviews how policies and processes can be used to mainstream TSMO in an agency, integrate TSMO across divisions, and make TSMO meaningful and useful to staff throughout an organization. Examples from several transportation agencies illustrate a range of applications and experiences. (webinar recording and slides)
  • Using Operations Data to Support Mainstreaming TSMO: Explores how the use of operations data for decision making in an agency can advance and integrate TSMO, leading to mainstreaming. Examples from several transportation agencies illustrate a range of applications of operations data to support decision making, from real time to long range investments. (webinar recording and slides)
  • Travel Time Reliability Reference Guide: Describes key elements for including travel time reliability evaluation within traffic analysis approaches. The guide is part of an effort by FHWA to update the FHWA Traffic Analysis Toolbox to reflect and incorporate travel time reliability concepts.
  • Integrating Travel Time Reliability into Transportation System Management Final Technical Memorandum (HTML, PDF): Describes a methodology supported by SHRP2 reliability data and analysis tools to address the gaps between planning and operations.
  • Deployment Guidance for TSMO Strategies: Provides guidance to practitioners for short-term deployment planning, including a set of recommendations for a formalized and structured approach. Both technical and institutional issues are addressed.
  • Business Case Primer: Communicating the Value of TSMO: Tips for developing compelling and effective messaging about why TSMO is an important part of any DOT's mission.
  • Guidebook: Placing a Value on Travel Time Reliability: Quantifying the benefits of improving travel time reliability to compare TSMO improvements against capacity and safety improvements and help agencies determine which investments are most cost-effective.
  • Guidebook for Standard Reporting and Evaluation Procedure for TSMO Strategies (HTML, PDF): Step-by-step procedures for designing and conducting empirically based (i.e., observational) before-and-after studies for operations strategies.
  • Concept of Reliability Materials : Outreach material dedicated to communicating the importance of travel time reliability and TSMO to a non-technical audience.
  • TSMO Outreach Kit: Brochure, talking points, testimonials, and FAQs to help build support for TSMO. Effective ongoing communication about TSMO can help operations champions and staff gain leadership support and increase buy-in and collaboration with other units and programs within the DOT and with external partners.


  • TSMO Benefits At A Glance (HTML, PDF 328 KB): Infographic showing five State DOT examples of benefits they have experienced from implementing TSMO strategies.
  • Mainstreaming TSMO: Examples of Integrating TSMO Across a Transportation Agency (HTML, PDF): Infographic showing ways that a transportation agency can integrate TSMO in units throughout its organization to advance and mainstream TSMO.
  • CEO Briefing Book on Effective Operations Improvement Strategies (HTML, PDF): Project success stories from the implementation of operational improvements for a range of state and regional contexts across the United States.
  • Best Practices for TSMO Program and Budget Development (HTML, PDF): Case studies of best practices for TSMO program and budget development from successful operations and management programs at State DOTs.
  • TSMO - Harnessing the Value of Transportation System Performance (PPTX 5.2 MB, PDF 1.6 MB): This presentation provides State-level examples of the measurable benefits of transportation operations strategies. The slides can be used by States or regions to highlight effective operations in their own presentations and outreach.


Questions about this product? Contact Tracy Scriba.

show more Regional Operations Forums (ROFs)
show less Regional Operations Forums (ROFs)

Developed under SHRP2's L36 and related products.
This total-immersion forum is designed to develop TSMO champions. It offers transportation agency leaders and practitioners the opportunity to learn about leading approaches related to operations and reliability and how to take advantage of the many advances being made in operations. The curriculum is designed to help those with TSMO expertise as well as participants whose expertise is outside the TSMO field.


  • Recorded presentations and sample course materials from the pilot deliveries of the ROF can be found here.
  • A Train-the-Trainer Program is periodically offered by ITS Heartland to help States develop their own TSMO training champions who can then organize and lead ROFs within their States.
  • Washington State DOT/CITE Courses: Free web-based TSMO training developed by Washington State DOT and the University of Maryland’s Consortium for Innovative Transportation Education (CITE) program, with support from SHRP2 implementation assistance. Topics covered include TSMO 101, Assessing Agency Capabilities through a CMM, Communicating the Value of TSMO, Integrating TSMO into Your Agency, Managing a Corridor,  Performance Management, and Transportation Demand Management.


  • ITS Heartland: Website provides information about how they deployed the ROF in their five-State region. Includes recordings of a series of webinar modules on key TSMO topics. ITS Heartland’s ROF program is described in a case study and received a TSMO award.
  • Washington State DOT: Website provides free access to web-based courses developed from their ROF implementation effort, supported by SHRP2’s implementation assistance. Washington State DOT’s efforts won a TSMO award, and are the subject of a case study.
  • Tennessee DOT: Case study provides background on how Tennessee DOT deployed the ROF with their own staff and neighboring States, supported by SHRP2’s implementation assistance program.


Questions about this product? Contact Tracy Scriba.



show more The research products listed in this section were developed under SHRP2 and used in the development of the implementation products listed in the above sections.
show less The research products listed in this section were developed under SHRP2 and used in the development of the implementation products listed in the above sections.

Analytical Procedures for Determining the Impacts of Reliability Mitigation Strategies
Developed under SHRP2's L01 and related products.
This report explores predictive relationships between highway improvements and travel time reliability. For example, how can the effect of an improvement on reliability be predicted; and alternatively, how can reliability be characterized as a function of highway, traffic, and operating conditions? The report presents two models that can be used to estimate or predict travel time reliability. The models have broad applicability to planning, programming, and systems management and operations.

Modeling Approach to Performance Measurement for Reliability/ Feasibility of Using In-Vehicle Video Data to Explore How to Modify Driver Behavior that Causes Non-Recurring Congestion
Developed under SHRP2's L10 and related products.
This report provides technical guidance on the features, technologies, and supplementary data sets that researchers and practitioners should consider when designing instrumented in-vehicle data collection studies. It includes a new modeling approach for travel time reliability performance measurement.

Evaluating Alternative Operations Strategies to Improve Travel Time Reliability
Developed under SHRP2's L11 and related products.
This research aimed to identify and evaluate strategies and tactics for satisfying the travel time reliability requirements of users of the roadway network those engaged in both freight and person transport in urban and rural areas. These strategies needed to serve the near and more distant future and incorporate current and innovative approaches, both low-tech and high-tech. Read the final report here.

Origin-to-Destination Reliability Information on Google Maps
Developed under SHRP2's L15A and related products.
The IDEA product: Forecasting and Delivery of Highway Travel Time Reliability Information looks to assess the feasibility of employing predictive algorithms driven by historical and real-time traffic data to provide pre-trip, time-dependent travel time information based on origin, destination, and departure time. Read the final report here.

Proximity Information Resources for Special Events
Developed under SHRP2's L15B and related products.
IDEA product: Proximity Information Resources for Special Events describes development of a mobile application (PRISM) to assist in management and communications during large events. A video is available that showcases a demonstration of the Proximity Information System for Mobility (PRISM) at the Sakura Matsuri 2012 Festival in Washington, D.C. Read the final report here.

Validation of Urban Freeway Models
Developed under SHRP2's L33 and related products.
This report describes the effort to validate two urban freeway prediction models developed under SHRP2 Project L03: (1) a simple one that just uses data on the mean travel time and (2) a more complex model that requires data on demand in relationship to capacity, lane hours lost due to incidents or work zones, and rain above a threshold.

Local Methods for Modeling, Economic Evaluation, Justification, and Use of Travel-Time Reliability in Transportation Decision Making
Developed under SHRP2's L35 and related products.
This report provides a step-by-step process used to develop, justify, apply, and assess the use of the value of travel time reliability in project evaluation and decision processes. The proof of concept addresses how an agency can include a value of travel time reliability in a benefit–cost analysis when making congestion reduction–related project investment decisions. This research was featured in a SHRP2 Tuesdays webinar.