Value Pricing Pilot Program Projects Report
April – June 2018
Projects Listing
Each project report includes the category and subcategory it falls under, a more detailed description of the project, an update of its current quarterly status, and a contact name for those seeking additional information about the project. A listing by categories is also available.
- CALIFORNIA: BART Travel Incentives Pilot Project
- CALIFORNIA: Car Share Innovations in the City of San Francisco
- CALIFORNIA: Contra Costa I-80 Real Time Ridesharing
- CALIFORNIA: Cordon/Area Charging in Los Angeles and Build-Out of Express Lanes in Southern California
- CALIFORNIA: Dynamic Ridesharing Pilot (SmartRide) with Pricing Incentives in Santa Barbara
- CALIFORNIA: goBerkeley Parking and Transportation Demand Management Pilot
- CALIFORNIA: I-680 SMART Carpool Lanes in Alameda County
- CALIFORNIA: Regional Parking Pricing Analysis Tools
- CALIFORNIA: Smart Parking Initiative in San Diego
- CALIFORNIA: San Francisco Parking Pricing and Regulation Study
- CALIFORNIA: SFMTA Residential Parking Management project
- CALIFORNIA: SFpark Parking Management Program in the City of San Francisco
- CALIFORNIA: SR 237/I-880 Express Connectors
- CALIFORNIA: SR 237/I-880 Extension Project
- CALIFORNIA: Treasure Island Mobility Management Study
- CALIFORNIA: Linking Shared Electric Bicycles and Carsharing
- CALIFORNIA: LA Express Park Performance Parking System Implementation in Westwood – VPPL 5006(776)
- COLORADO: HOT Lanes on I-25/US 36 in Denver
- CONNECTICUT: Feasibility on Pricing on Interstate 84 (Hartford)
- CONNECTICUT: Variable Pricing in I-95 Corridor from New York to New Haven
- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Multi-modal Dynamic Parking Pricing
- FLORIDA: Bus Toll Lane
- FLORIDA: Integrated Congestion Pricing Plan
- FLORIDA: Priced Managed Lanes in Miami-Fort Lauderdale Region
- FLORIDA: Regional Congestion Pricing Study in Orlando
- GEORGIA: Express Toll Lanes on I-75 in Atlanta
- GEORGIA: I-75 South HOT/Truck-Only Toll (TOT) Study in Atlanta
- ILLINOIS: Integrating and Financing Transit with Managed Lanes
- ILLINOIS: Peer-to-Peer Carsharing
- MARYLAND: Express Toll Lanes on Section 100 of the I-95/JFK Expressway in Baltimore
- MASSACHUSETTS: Kendall Square Employer Transportation Benefit Pricing Project
- MINNESOTA: FAST Miles in the Twin Cities
- MINNESOTA: HOT Lanes on I-394 in Minneapolis
- MINNESOTA: Interstate 35E MnPASS Managed Lanes Extension: Little Canada Road to County Road 96 Pre-Implementation Study
- MINNESOTA: Interstate 94 Managed Lanes
- MINNESOTA: Mileage-Based User Fee Regional Outreach Statewide
- MINNESOTA: Parking Pricing Demonstration in the Twin Cities Area
- MINNESOTA: Priced Dynamic Shoulder Lanes
- MINNESOTA: Trunk Highway 77 Managed Lanes
- MINNESOTA: Variabilization of Fixed Auto Costs
- NEVADA: Parking Pricing to Minimize Car Travel through the Most Congested Areas Around Lake Tahoe, NV
- NEW YORK: Drive Smart Mobile Technology Pilot Program
- NEW YORK: Parking Pricing in New York City
- NEW YORK: PARK Smart New York City
- NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte Region Managed Lanes Study
- OREGON: Mileage-Based Road User Fee Evaluation
- OREGON: Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing in the City of Portland
- TEXAS: Express Toll Lanes on I-30/Tom Landry in Dallas
- TEXAS: HOT Lanes on the Katy Freeway in Houston
- TEXAS: Influencing Travel Behavior, Sensitivity to Environmental Justice, and Use of Innovative Technology
- TEXAS: Real Time Carpooling Automated Tolling Discounts in Austin, TX
- VIRGINIA: Northern Virginia Real-time Ridesharing Pilot Project
- VIRGINIA: Regional Network of Value Priced Lanes
- VIRGINIA: The Public Acceptability of Road-Use Pricing
- VIRGINIA: Value Pricing for the Hampton Roads Region
- WASHINGTON: Express Lanes System Concept Study
- WASHINGTON: Express Toll Lanes Continuous Access Demonstration
- WASHINGTON: HOT Lanes on SR 167 in the Puget Sound Region
- WASHINGTON: Park and Ride Pricing in Multi-Family Developments
- WASHINGTON: Right Size Parking
- WASHINGTON: Tolling Strategies in the Seattle Area
- WASHINGTON: Variable Priced Tolls on SR 520 in Seattle
- VPPP Project Reports - A listing of completed project reports.
Angela Fogle
(202) 366-0076